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Radio France Internationale: Chen Yonglin's Defection to Australia is due to his Opposition to China's Persecution of Falun Gong

June 15, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 8, 2005, Radio France Internationale reported that Mr. Qin Jing, Chairman of the Alliance for Chinese Democracy in Australia, was interviewed by a reporter about the political asylum application made to the Australian Government by Chen Yonglin, First Secretary of the Chinese Consulate-General in Sydney.

When interviewed, Mr. Qin Jing said that there were two reasons for Chen Yonglin's defection. The first one was that he was against China's high-pressure policy towards dissidents, which was a political matter. The other was that he was against China's brutal persecution of the Falun Gong group, which has been consistently extended to foreign countries.

When talking about the defection to Australia of another Chinese security official, Hao Fengjun, Mr. Qin pointed out that this case was different from Chen Yonglin's defection because the "6-10 Office" that Hao Fengjun used to work for was established exclusively for the suppression of Falun Gong in 1999.

Mr. Qin Jing added that in his opinion, these cases signaled that many people within the Chinese government are not happy about the Chinese Communist regime's systems. Therefore, they defect from China as soon as an opportunity arises. This phenomenon indicated that China's authoritarian rule is unpopular among its people.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200506/27093.html