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Latest News from China - April 20, 2005

June 20, 2005


  1. [Yuzhou City, Henan Province] Police Arrest Ms. Li Hairong and Ms. Xia Chunmei and Ransack Their Home
  2. [Hubei Province] Xiangfan City Police Arrest Ms. Wang Ping
  3. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Xie Kunxiang Unlawfully Put on Trial in Haizhu District Court
  4. [Hebei Province] Liu Yuqing and Mr. Zhang Guoqiang Arrested
  5. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Dong Shu'e from Luquan City Arrested
  6. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Mr. Wu Liansheng and Mr. Mei Xinhua Arrested
  7. [Jiangxi Province] Ms. Liang Hongying Persecuted in Jiangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp
  8. [Henan Province] Mr. Wang Biao and Others Persecuted in Xuchang Detention Center
  9. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Zhang Yong Secretly Sent to Changsha City, Henan Province
  10. [Qingyuan City, Liaoning Province] Li Shui from Cangshi Town Arrested
  11. [Jilin Province] Several Practitioners from Shulan Arrested
  12. [Longjing, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Ms. Wang Yan
  13. [Yanji City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhu Xiyu Arrested Again by the Police

1. [Yuzhou City, Henan Province] Police Arrest Ms. Li Hairong and Ms. Xia Chunmei and Ransack Their Home

At 1:00 p.m. on April 17, 2005, several officers from the Yuzhou City Police Department in Henan Province broke into Ms. Li Meirong's home. They ransacked her house and confiscated a tape recorder in addition to other items. The officers arrested Li, and then went to the home of her non-practitioner daughter and conducted another unlawful search.

On the evening of April 17, officers from the Yuzhou City Police Department broke into the home of Ms. Xia Chunmei. They ransacked her house and arrested her. The officers then ransacked the house of Ms. Xia's daughter.

2. [Hubei Province] Xiangfan City Police Arrest Ms. Wang Ping

On the morning of April 18, 2005, Ms. Wang Ping was forcibly taken to the Wuhan City Brainwashing Center in Hubei Province by officers from the Xiangcheng District 610 Office in Xiangfan City, the Xiangcheng District State Security Squad, and the Panggong Police Station in Xiangcheng District. Officials from the Xuemei Company (also known as Xiangfan City No. 3 Textile Company) also took part in the arrest.

Telephone number of Pan Jiashun, director of the 610 Office: 86-710-3606610

3. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Xie Kunxiang Unlawfully Put on Trial in Haizhu District Court

At noon on August 3, 2004, Ms. Xi Kunxiang was turned in to the police while distributing truth clarifying materials. She was arrested and taken to the Haizhu District Detention Center. At 3 p.m. on January 24, 2005, she was put on trial in the Haizhu District Court.

4. [Hebei Province] Liu Yuqing and Mr. Zhang Guoqiang Arrested

In January 2005, Liu Yeqing and Mr. Zhang Guoqiang from Nanpi County were arrested by officers from the Chengguan Police Station in Nanpi County.

5. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Dong Shu'e from Luquan City Arrested

Ms. Dong Shu'e, 58, lives on No. 3 Street in Huolu Town, Luquan City. On the morning of April 17, 2005, she was arrested while putting up truth clarifying banners that read "Falun Dafa Is Great" and "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance Is Good." She is being held at the Huolu Town government office.

Relevant telephone numbers:

Office of the Huolu Town government: 86-311-2012243
Village Committee of No. 3 Street in Huolu Town: 86-311-2012393
610 Office of the Luquan City Party Committee: 86-311-2015962
Luquan City Police Department: 86-311-2102077

6. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Mr. Wu Liansheng and Mr. Mei Xinhua Arrested

On April 18, 2005, Mr. Wu Liansheng, an employee of Shuili Company in Xianning City, was arrested by the police while walking down the street. The police demanded 3,000 yuan from his employer and sent him to the provincial brainwashing center on the same day.

Also on April 18, 2005, Mr. Mei Xinhua, an employee of the Xian'an District Construction Department in Xianning City, was arrested and sent to the provincial brainwashing center on the same day.

7. [Jiangxi Province] Ms. Liang Hongying Persecuted in Jiangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Liang Hongying, 55, is an employee of the Jiangnan Material Plant. She suffers from high blood pressure as a result of torture received in the Jiangxi Provincial Women's Forced Labor Camp. The labor camp authorities, however, have refused to release her.

8. [Henan Province] Mr. Wang Biao and Others Persecuted in Xuchang Detention Center

Mr. Wang Biao, in his thirties, is an official at the Xuchang City Petroleum Company. At the end of March 2005, informants turned him in to the police while he was clarifying the truth in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. The Zhengzhou police arrested him and sent him to Xuchang City, Henan Province a week later. He is now being held in the Xuchang Detention Center.

Mr. Zhang Peisheng from Xuchang City was put on trial around April 8.

Mr. Yan Xinliang from Leihe City was sentenced to forced labor again. He is now serving a three-year term in the Xuchang City Forced Labor Camp.

9. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Zhang Yong Secretly Sent to Changsha City, Henan Province

On March 22, 2005, Mr. Zhang Yong from Guangzhou City was arrested by officers from the local Hunan State Security Department, the Guangdong Province Police Department, and the Wuxianqiao Police Station in Guangzhou City. He was initially taken to the Yiyang City No. 2 Detention Center. The authorities failed to find any evidence to bring charges and secretly transferred him to a facility in Changsha City, Hunan Province.

Tang, section head of the Hunan State Security Department: 86-737-4390577

10. [Qingyuan City, Liaoning Province] Li Shui from Cangshi Town Arrested

At around 2:00 p.m. on March 31, 2005, Li Shui was doing house chores in the backyard when a group of police officers broke in. The officers ransacked Li's home. Li's son condemned the officers for their actions and was brutally beaten. Practitioner Li is being held at an undisclosed location.

11. [Jilin Province] Several Practitioners from Shulan Arrested

Recently, Mr. Sun Changyou, Ms. Wang Fengzhen, and Mr. Qi Yunsheng from the Tuchengzi Commune were arrested in Shulan, Jilin Province.

12. [Longjing, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Ms. Wang Yan

Ms. Wang Yang from Chaoyangchuan Town in Lingjing City, Jilin Province was recently arrested by officers from the local police station while clarifying the truth in the neighborhood. It was reported that her child was with her when she was arrested.

13. [Yanji City, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhu Xiyu Arrested Again by the Police

On April 13, 2005, Ms. Zhu Xiyu from Yanji City, Jilin Province was arrested again by the police. Ms. Zhu was recently released on medical parole from the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in early 2005 when her life was in imminent danger. She was brutally tortured in that labor camp.

April 20, 2005