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Eleven Practitioners Recently Arrested by 610 Office in Changyi City, Shandong Province

June 20, 2005


On May 19, 2005, between 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Shandong Province Changyi City 610 Office "Anti-cult Squad" Chief, Chen Xiaodong, personally ordered the Changyi City Police Department Criminal Police Squad, and Zhangling Town Police Station Chief Ma Fusheng (Male, in his 40's), to launch a massive arrest of practitioners in Zhangling Town. Chen and Ma each led more then six police officers on raids of Falun Dafa practitioners' homes. They confiscated personal property and imprisoned eleven practitioners at the Changyi City Detention Center.

Ms. Cao Shulan is 40 years old, and her daughter is 18. They live in Niujibei Village, Zhangling Town, Changyi City. Ms. Cao and her daughter both work in a spinning mill in Caoge Village. Around 10 a.m. on May 19, village officials led three police vehicles to the mill to arrest Ms. Cao. Four police officers beat Ms. Cao and tried to force her into their car. Ms. Cao shouted out, "Falun Dafa is good!" Ms. Cao's 18-year-old daughter tried to save her, but a police officer grabbed her daughter by the throat and threw her to the ground. Another police officer videotaped the scene. Someone immediately informed Ms. Cao's family at home of her arrest.

The police arrived at Niujibei Village to search Ms. Cao's home ten minutes later. Ms. Cao's 70-year-old mother-in-law stopped them at the door. She sternly told them, "You brutes! You even beat a child. Get out of my house!" The police left shamefully, and then went to the home of Mr. Fang Xide, the oldest son of Ms. Cao's mother-in-law. Since no one was home, the police broke in and seized a photo of Teacher Li. Someone videotaped the search.

Mr. Fang Xide, 40 years old, lives in Niujibei Village. He was visiting Mr. Cao Jinqi when the police busted in and arrested him.

Mr. Cao Jinqin, 40 years old, lives in Dongmawan Village, Zhangling Town. Several police vehicles arrived at his home around 1 p.m. Mr. Cao, his wife, Mr. Fang Xide and a female practitioner from Gaomi County, Shangdong Province, were taken away in a police car.

Mr. Zhou Weitain, over 50 years old, lives in Dongxiapo Village, Zhangling Town. The police arrested him and searched his home unlawfully around noon.

Ms. Gao Xiuhua, 40 years old, lives in Yinjia Village, Zhangling Town. She was at home when three police vehicles pulled up. Four police officers forcefully carried her into a car, knocking off one of her shoes as she was pushed in.

Mr. Li Shulia, over 50 years old, lives in Shangtuan Village, Zhangling Town. The police attempted to arrest him at 4 p.m. They didn't take him away, because they had beaten him so badly that they broke his leg.

Mr. Zhao Guirong is over 50 years old. A group of police arrested him around 1 p.m.

Mr. Xie Shirong is over 50 years old. Three police vehicles arrived at his home around noon. The police forced him and his wife into a police car and took them away.

Mr. Zhang Zhonggui, about 60 years old, lives in Zhangjiapu Village, Zhangling Town. He was taken to the Changyi Detention Center by several police on the afternoon of May 20, 2005.

Here is some information about the police who participated in the arrests:

Chen Xiaodong, male, 41 years old, is the Chief of the Shandong Province Changyi City 610 Office's "Anti-Cult Squad." He has actively participated in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners. For several years, he has personally arrested many practitioners in the local towns and townships. Clearwisdom.net has carried reports of his activities many times. He does not feel any remorse and has become even worse. His signature has sent more than one hundred practitioners to court and/or into labor camps. Chen personally arrested five practitioners from Shibu Town and sent them to labor camps in April.

The telephone number of the Zhangling Town Police Station is: 86-536-7772005.