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Summary of Other Articles and News - June 5, 2005

June 20, 2005


Facts of the Persecution

1. Practitioner Mr. Xu Chongdong Secretly Sentenced to a Four Year Term of Imprisonment by the Police of Wulian County, Shandong Province

Officers of the Wulian County Public Security Office arrested Mr. Xu Chongdong on January 19, 2005 because he practices Falun Gong. Police officer Qin Shushuang, along with others, tied Mr. Xu to a big tree in the courtyard of their building and left him there to suffer cold and hunger for three days and nights.

In their attempts to force Mr. Xu to abandon his belief in Falun Dafa, they brutally beat him and tortured him with electric shocks. Because he refused to give in, they illegally confined Mr. Xu in the Wulian Detention Center.

At the end of May this year, his family members learned that Mr. Xu had been secretly sentenced to a four-year term without proper legal procedures. When his family visited him at the detention center, Mr. Xu was very thin because of the persecution he was enduring.

Mr. Xu Chongdong is a 35-year-old resident of Jietou Village, Wulaian County, Shandong Province. After he began practicing Falun Dafa he benefited greatly, both physically and emotionally. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Xu went to Beijing to ask the government to restore the good name of Master Li. For this act of validating Dafa he was illegally arrested and detained. On the eve of the Chinese New Year in 2000, Mr. Xu was sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp for three years of persecution.


2. Practitioner Mr. Wang Linkai, a Public School Teacher, Is Kidnapped by Officers of the Dalian 610 Office

Officers from the local 610 Office arrested practitioner Mr. Wang Linkai of Wafangdian, Dalian City, Liaoning Province at his workplace on May 31, 2005. It's said that he was forced to enter a brainwashing center.

From February 2001 to February 2002, Mr. Wang Linkai was illegally detained at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp. During that time, he suffered many tortures. He was shocked with electric batons, beaten with plastic clubs, and was subjected to many other tortures. In the camp, he was infected with scabies and became so thin and frail that he wasn't able to resume a normal work schedule for eight months after he was released. Officers from the local police station continually harassed him, and conducted several illegal searches of his home. During October 2004 and February 2005, Mr. Wang had to leave his home to avoid persecution, leaving his 75-year-old mother and his newborn baby with his wife, who had to care for them both without the proper means.


3. Two Female Practitioners From Zhucheng City, Shandong Province Unlawfully Arrested and Subjected to Extortion

On the night of April 14, 2005, officers from the Shunwang Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Meng Qingying, 57, at her home. They struck her repeatedly, beating her until she became paralyzed. Notwithstanding her physical condition, she was placed in a detention center. On April 21, 2005, after some immoral policemen extorted 3000 yuan from her daughter, Ms. Meng was released. On May 14, officers from the Zhucheng Politics & Protection Brigade arrested and took Ms. Meng to the Jinan Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Meng's husband, Mr. Zang Zhengwang, had been sent to Changle Forced Labor Camp for three years due of his firm belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Mr. Zang was released in the fall of 2003.

Ms. Xu Guixi, another practitioner from Zhucheng City, was arrested simply because she wrote, "Falun Dafa is good" on a poster. The 610 Office of the local public security bureau sent her to be confined in a detention center. Her family members had to bribe local officials with treats and gifts in order to secure her release. The process took ten days, and they still had to pay a fine of 6000 yuan.
