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San Diego, California: Rancho Bernardo Residents Welcome Falun Gong Group (Photos)

July 10, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of July 4, right after the Coronado Island Parade, San Diego Falun Dafa practitioners participated in a community parade in Rancho Bernardo. Though it was the second parade for the practitioners on the same day, everyone was very energetic and in high spirits.

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Practitioners demonstrate Falun Gong exercises on a float

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Many spectators receive Falun Gong fliers

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Practitioners perform the Fan Dance

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Practitioners' waist drum troupe

During the parade, many spectators waved to greet the practitioners' dance and waist drum troupes, and a lot of people also took pictures. There were also people who followed along with the practitioners' exercises demonstration. Upon seeing such a unique procession, many people started to read the Falun Gong fliers which they had just received. After the parade, some greeted the practitioners and said that they enjoyed the Falun Gong procession very much.

It is worth mentioning that some Chinese people along the parade route requested Falun Gong materials and thanked the practitioners for the information.