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Georgia, USA: Practitioners Take Part in the Largest Independence Day Parade in the Southeast (Photos)

July 10, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) The largest annual Independence Day parade in the Southeast was held in Atlanta on July 4, and Falun Dafa practitioners were once again invited to participate.

Practitioners' procession

The parade has become an important event in Atlanta, attracting tens of thousands of people every year. According to the introduction by the hosting organizations, this is one of the largest Independence Day parades in the U.S., and it is broadcast live. Last year, when Dafa practitioners were invited to participate for the first time, they deeply impressed the organizers and spectators with their entry. After that parade, the organizers sent a "thank you" letter to the practitioners commending their outstanding performance. Not surprisingly, the practitioners were invited back this year.

Waist drum troupe

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises on the float

Flag troupe

The theme of the 45th annual Independence Day parade was, "Celebrating Freedom." Similar to the past, the parade route was more than one mile long, and nearly 100 groups participated. Each float was decorated with mainly red, blue and white colors. Looking from afar, the parade formed a joyful sea of red, white and blue flags.

Though it is extremely hot in Georgia in July, this did not intimidate either the participants or the spectators.

The most outstanding Asian group this year was still Falun Gong. Practitioners from other states drove as much as 8 hours to join the parade. As soon as they arrived, they joined the practice sessions of the waist drum and dance troupes.

The practitioners' procession was led by two "Celestial Maidens" holding delicate flower baskets. Then came the "Falun Dafa" banner, followed by the flag troupe, waist drum troupe, Tang Dynasty Dance troupe, and the float. Some practitioners demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises on the float.

The founding principles of America are democracy and freedom, and the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4. While taking part in this holiday celebration of freedom, practitioners' drumbeats also reminded the public that tens of thousands of practitioners are still being detained in China and they can't enjoy the basic human rights and freedom which are taken for granted by Americans.

The parade lasted about 2 hours, and the practitioners' procession received warm applause continuously along the parade route.