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Idaho, USA: Practitioners Participate in the American Hero's July 4 Parade (Photos)

July 10, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioners from Idaho, Montana and Washington participated in the annual American Hero's July 4 parade in Coeur d'Alene. Practitioners have taken part in this annual parade for five consecutive years.

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Falun Dafa practitioners' procession
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The float

It was a beautiful, cloudless day, perfect for a parade. Huge crowds lined the streets of the lakeside city for this year's American Hero's July 4th parade. The parade route was more than a mile long.

Practitioners decorated a float with two giant lotus flowers. Two practitioners sat in the centers of the flowers, demonstrating the sitting meditation. Another practitioner demonstrated the standing exercises on the float as well. The float and the truck were decorated with many hand-made paper lotus flowers of various sizes. Right behind the float, a giant "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" banner was hoisted high by three practitioners in yellow exercise suits.

Many spectators followed along with the practitioners' exercise demonstration, while some proudly waved paper lotus flowers, which they had just received before the parade, to greet the practitioners. Upon seeing the banner with "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," some shouted loudly, "Thank you for the message!"