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Latest News from China - May 7, 2005

July 10, 2005


  1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Lirong and His Wife Ms. Ma Yuping Arrested
  2. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] The Police Arrest Ms. Cui Hongyan at Her Home
  3. [Yanshi, Henan Province] Ms. Zhu Xianzhi Arrested and Tortured; Her 80-Year-Old Mother Abused When Asking for Her Release
  4. [Haicheng, Liaoning Province] Three Police Officers Arrest Practitioner Mr. Lu
  5. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] The Police Arrest 70-year-old Ms. Wu Zhenying at Her Home
  6. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Peisheng Sentenced to Prison Again; She Is Appealing Her Case
  7. [Yuzhou City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Weihong and Three Other Practitioners Remain in Detention Centers
  8. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] The Police Arrest Ms. Feng Xiying Again and Extort Money from Her Family
  9. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] After the Police Arrested Ms. Zhang Jing, She Went on a Hunger Strike
  10. [Beijing] The Police Harass Practitioners in the Fangshan Area
  11. [Laishui, Hebei Province] Mr. Xin Tingchao Arrested; His Wife Forced to Become Homeless
  12. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Officers from Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Arrest Ms. Chen Yaru
  13. [Linzhou City, Henan Province] Mr. Su Yongsheng Arrested; His Whereabouts Unknown
  14. [Yichang City, Hubei Province] The Police Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners

1. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Lirong and His Wife Ms. Ma Yuping Arrested

On March 1, 2005, Ms. Zhang Lirong went to a fellow practitioner's home to pick up a receipt of water usage. Officers broke into the house and arrested him. The officers also arrested Sui Hua, Zheng Shoujun and Zheng's spouse, who is not a practitioner. In the police station, the officers forcibly held down Zhang and Zheng and injected them with an unknown drug. As a result, Zhang and Zheng both developed symptoms of illness.

Mr. Zhang Lirong was sentenced to three years of forced labor and held in solitary confinement in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Ma Yuping is being held in the Shenxin Forced Labor Camp. Their 10-year-old child currently lives with Ms. Ma's mother. Sui Hua is being held in the Shenyang City Detention Center.

Address of the Hebei Police Station in Heping District, Shenyang City: No. 19 Hebei Street, Heping District, Postal Code: 110005
Telephone number: 86-24-23318323

Cheng Guanxin, director of the police station

2. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] The Police Arrest Ms. Cui Hongyan at Her Home

At 7:30 a.m. on May 5, 2005, the police suddenly came to Ms. Cui Hongyan's home. They arrested Ms. Cui and tried to confiscate her personal computer. Ms. Cui's son tried to stop the officers, who in turn tried to arrest him. Ms. Cui's family members resisted and the police only took Ms. Cui away with them.

3. [Yanshi, Henan Province] Ms. Zhu Xianzhi Arrested and Tortured; Her 80-Year-Old Mother Abused When Asking for Her Release

Ms. Zhu Xianzhi was sentenced to seven years for practicing Falun Gong. She disputed the sentence and went on a hunger strike. Tubes were inserted into her body for force-feeding, which caused complications in her lungs. She is being held in Huaxia Hotel in Yanshi.

When Ms. Zhu's family learned about her condition, they went to see the authorities. In the temporary office of the Political Security Section and the 610 Office, Zhang Qinghua, head of the 610 Office, was enraged whenever Ms. Zhu's family raised the issue of her lung problem compared with her healthy conditions prior to her arrest. Zhang pushed Ms. Zhu's 80-year-old mother, teenage son, niece and husband out into the corridor, and tried to scare them away with threats but this was of no avail.

Around 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. a dozen or so people came out of various offices. A man and a woman dragged Ms. Zhu's 80-year-old mother downstairs and threw her onto the lawn. Then they called a taxi, dragged the elderly lady into it and it sped away.

4. [Haicheng, Liaoning Province] Three Police Officers Arrest Practitioner Mr. Lu

Elderly practitioner Mr. Lu from Haicheng was working at odd jobs in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. Three police officers arrested him at work on May 5, 2005.

5. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] The Police Arrest 70-year-old Ms. Wu Zhenying at Her Home

On the morning of April 29, 2005, officers and members of the 610 Office in Xiaguan District, Nanjing City arrested Ms. Wu Zhenying at her home for practicing Falun Gong. Ms. Wu is 70 years old and her whereabouts are unknown. The police searched Ms. Wu's home and demanded that her husband, who is a non-practitioner, sign the warrant, but he refused.

6. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Peisheng Sentenced to Prison Again; She Is Appealing Her Case

After being held for seven months in the Xuchang City Detention Center for her belief in Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance, Ms. Zhang Peisheng from Xuchang City was recently tried in the Xuchang Court. She was sentenced to five and a half years (prior to this, in October 2001, she was sentenced to three years). Ms. Zhang has filed an appeal. Officers in the detention center put her in shackles.

7. [Yuzhou City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Weihong and Three Other Practitioners Remain in Detention Centers

Since the Chinese lunar New Year's Day in 2005 (February 9, 2005), Zhang Guanlin and Xia Yuxiao ordered officers of the Yuzhou City 610 Office to stake out and follow practitioners and tap into their phone lines in order to escalate the persecution. Many people have been arrested and their homes searched. Four practitioners remain in the detention centers: Mr. Wang Hongwei, Ms. Bao Aizhi and Ms. Li Meirong are being held in the Yuzhou City Detention Center; Ms. Xia Chunmei is being held in the Xiang County Detention Center.

8. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] The Police Arrest Ms. Feng Xiying Again and Extort Money from Her Family

On April 30, 2005, officers from the Liuying Police Station in the Qiaoxi District of Shijiazhuang City broke into Ms. Feng Xiying's home. The officers took her to the Hebei Provincial Brainwashing Center and ransacked her home. They demanded 15,000 yuan from her husband, threatening to go to his work unit to secure payment if he refused.

In 2001, the police had previously arrested Ms. Feng. The authorities were planning to sentence her to three years in prison. Ms. Feng firmly resisted. After her husband paid over 10,000 yuan, they released her. In 2005, the police arrested Ms. Feng again, this time demanding 15,000 yuan for her release.

Relevant telephone numbers:

Country code: 86, area code: 311
Ms. Feng Xiying's home: 3657007
The Liuying Police Station: 3601914
Officials on duty at the Hebei Provincial Legal Education Center (brainwashing center): 7762641
The Office of the brainwashing center: 7792624 extensions 8012 and 8015; 7712624 ext. 8016
Yuan Shuqian, Guo Suoshan, Li Aiguo, Han, Liang, directors of the brainwashing center

9. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] After the Police Arrested Ms. Zhang Jing, She Went on a Hunger Strike

In mid-April, officers from the Rehe Road Police Station arrested Ms. Zhang Jing, 60, from Qingdao. She was subsequently sent to a brainwashing center located at No. 34 Mingxia Road in Qingdao. Her family has been denied any visits. It has been reported that Ms. Zhang went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and is very weak physically.

10. [Beijing] The Police Harass Practitioners in the Fangshan Area

Ms. Jiang Shufen, Ms. Zhao Shuqin, Ms. Zhang Chunhua, Mr. Cui Zhenyao and Ms. Cui Hongxia are practitioners from Dongguadi Village in Chengguan Town, Fangshan District, Beijing. On April 22, officers from the Fangshan Police Department searched the five practitioners' homes. Ms. Jiang Shufen was arrested. Ms. Zhao Shuqin has been forced to become homeless to avoid arrest.

11. [Laishui, Hebei Province] Mr. Xin Tingchao Arrested; His Wife Forced to Become Homeless

Ms. Wang Shuqin and her husband Mr. Xin Tingchao returned to their home in Dongnanzu Village in Laishui after work at 6:30 p.m. on April 7, 2005. Ms. Wang went out again on an errand. She was only a few yards away from her home when two vehicles stopped in front of her door. Eight officers led by Wang Fucai, director of the 610 Office, and Dai Chunjie, of the Political Security Group of the police department, broke into her home. They searched her home without any legal document, confiscating a CD burner and blank CDs worth over 2,000 yuan. Mr. Xin Tingchao was forcibly taken to the detention center.

It has been reported that Mr. Xin was beaten beyond recognition and passed out twice during the interrogations. His family has been denied any visits. The authorities lied to his family, saying that he had not been abused at all, and that if Ms. Wang Shuqi turned herself in, her husband would be released. Ms. Wang has since been forced to become homeless in order to avoid arrest. Now no one is there to care for their two daughters or tends their fields.

Xing Meng, Party secretary of the Dongnanzu Farm Group: 86-312-4510106

12. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Officers from Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Arrest Ms. Chen Yaru

Ms. Chen Yaru lives in the family quarters of the Harbin City Geographic Survey Bureau. On April 27, 2005, the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp arrested her.

Ms. Chen, in her forties, was arrested and sentenced to one year of forced labor after the persecution began on July 20, 1999. On April 27, 2005, when she learned that the labor camp authorities coerced practitioners' family members to curse and step on Teacher's portrait, Ms. Chen was determined that Teacher's portrait should not be placed there. When she arrived at the labor camp, officers asked her what she wanted. She replied, "I'm here to take back our Teacher's portraits." She was immediately taken into custody.

13. [Linzhou City, Henan Province] Mr. Su Yongsheng Arrested; His Whereabouts Unknown

Mr. Su Yongshen is from Dongjie Village in Chengjia Tonwship, Linzhou City, Henan Province. On April 29, 2005, the police arrested him at his younger sister's home. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

14. [Yichang City, Hubei Province] The Police Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners

In late April 2005, the Pinghu Police Department in Gezhouba arrested Mr. Zhang Huajun and Mr. Zhang Jian from Yichang City, Hubei Province. They were sent to the No. 1 Detention Center. Mr. Zhang Jian was not admitted, as he failed to pass the physical examination.

Relevant telephone numbers:

Country code: 86, area code: 717
Mei Yuanchao, chief of the police department: 6728616 (home)
Liu Zhengnan, political head of the police department: 6728776 (home), 86-13607205759 (cell)
Wen Huizhong, deputy chief of the police department: 6713509 (office)
He Jianqiang: head of the State Security Division: 6712813 (office)
Zhou Xiangdong, head of the State Security Division: 86-13307205755 (cell)

May 6, 2005