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Disposing of Slanderous Pictures with Wisdom, Practitioners Clean Up a Senior Center and Promote Falun Dafa

July 10, 2005

(Clearwidsom.net) Dafa practitioners in Hebei Province clarified the truth to the people in a certain village. During the course of explaining the truth to people, the practitioners not only successfully disposed of the slanderous propaganda pictures on exhibition in the village's senior citizen center, but they also improved the look of this senior citizen center as well.

When two practitioners heard about the slanderous pictures, which were being displayed in a village senior citizen center, they decided to go dispose of these harmful pictures. They came to the center and found the slanderous cartoon pictures all over the walls. While the rest of the practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts, one practitioner clarified the truth to the senior center security guard, "All of the pictures on the walls are slanderous to Dafa and are poisoning people. They all should be disposed of." The guard said, "We all know that these pictures are not good, but it is not under our control. You should talk to the director."

The practitioners then went to the director's house and said, "We are Dafa practitioners and we are all good people practicing Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. All of the slanderous cartoons in the senior center are lies and should be destroyed." After hearing this, the director got upset and said, "You practice your Falun Gong and don't worry about the pictures. I have to keep these pictures up, because my superiors will come here to inspect them." The practitioners were all constantly sending forth righteous thoughts. The practitioner then responded, "People nowadays all know that Dafa is good. Nobody will appreciate these vicious pictures. They should be disposed of. We will buy paint to repaint the center and buy some traditional Chinese landscape paintings to hang up on the walls so that the seniors can have a comfortable and pleasant place to spend time." The director then nodded his head and said, "Go ahead and remove those pictures, but do not tell people it is with my consent."

Practitioners from other villages also came over to help. They removed all of the slanderous pictures and burned them. They then painted the walls and cleaned the floor. One practitioner even brought his own extra-large landscape painting from his home to hang in the center. After everything was done and the practitioners retuned the keys to the center, people working in the center said, "Falun Gong is really good." Some villagers wanted to learn Falun Dafa and other villagers requested truth-clarifying materials and DVDs of Dafa songs.

Through this event, we have realized that, as long as we do whatever our Teacher tells us, there is nothing we can't accomplish. As Master said,

"Validate the Fa with rationality, clarify the truth with wisdom, spread the Fa and save people with mercy." ("Rationality" in Essentials for Further Advancement II)

June 29, 2005