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A High School Student Stands Up for Falun Dafa in Class

July 10, 2005


A High School Student Stands Up for Falun Dafa

During a political science lecture held in one of the best high schools in the Northeastern Provinces of China, the topic of discussion was democracy. During the lesson, the teacher began writing sentences on the blackboard, including sentences defaming Dafa. The moment the teacher was finished writing, a student named Xiaoyuan asked the teacher, "You should not have any right to speak if you have not experienced it. How do you know that Falun Gong is a [slanderous term omitted]? Have you practiced it before?" The teacher replied, "It is determined by its nature." Xiaoyuan said, "Its nature? What nature? Do you mean Truth, Compassion, Forbearance?" The teacher said, "The party leader says that it is a [slanderous term omitted]." Xiaoyuan continued, "So you believe in whatever Jiang Zemin says? Do you know how he left his position as Chairman? He is a wanted criminal in many countries!" Then, another student named Xiaozhang stood up to support Xiaoyuan, "People from more than 40 [the actual number is 70] countries are practicing it, why is it that only China has banned it?" A classmate of theirs responded, "Don't they burn themselves and self-immolate? They even cut open their stomachs to find the Falun!" Xiaozhang explained, "Would you do it if anyone asked you to drink gasoline, pour it on yourself and light yourself on fire? The whole Tiananmen Square Self-immolation was a hoax!" Xiaoyuan also said, "Cutting yourself up to find the Falun? Aren't those people mentally insane? Look around you; are there any Falun Gong practitioners who are like that? Can you think for yourself?" At this moment, a great commotion was stirred up in the class, and many students began shouting and criticizing Jiang Zemin, and also saying that Falun Dafa is indeed good. Faced with an uncontrollable situation, the teacher tried to stop it, "Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore!" Xiaoyuan replied, however, "No! Let's not switch the topic, we haven't finished our discussion!" The terrified teacher immediately cleaned off the defaming words from the blackboard and switched to another topic.

Before this incident happened in the classroom, Xiaoyuan was not a practitioner. Due to problems with other student residents in the school, Xiaoyuan had been forced to move to another place to stay. He found himself in the home of a Dafa practitioner who clarified the truth to him. At first, Xiaoyuan refused to listen, saying that this matter did not concern him. Nevertheless, he began accepting the truth gradually and even withdrew from the Communist Youth League. The classroom incident took place after Xiaoyuan's withdrawal from the Youth League.

A Woman Who Witnessed the Power of Dafa is Not Fooled by Lies

One day in 2004, I saw sister Yi, a girl who used to sew clothing near my home a few years ago, sitting in front of a supermarket mending shoes. I walked up to say hi. Yi replied, "I haven't seen you for years, but you seem to have become a lot younger in all that time!" I explained, "That's because I practice Falun Gong." She was numb with shock for a moment, and replied, "Ah, to tell the truth, I believe that Falun Gong is good! My son used to be very disobedient, hyperactive and made a lot of trouble. His grades were terrible and was often ranked bottom third or so in class. I was very anxious and terribly worried. Then, when he was in the fourth grade, his teacher who was a Falun Gong practitioner taught the practice to all willing students. My son went, and thereafter, he totally changed! His health improved, he became obedient, and his grades made it to the top of his class. I think I should really thank Falun Gong. Then, after that, for some reason the government banned it and did not let the people practice it anymore." I clarified the truth to her and several other cobblers beside her listened as well. Finally, she said, "No matter what it [the government] says, I believe that Falun Gong is good."

People Know that Dafa Practitioners are Good

One afternoon, on my way back home from work, I met an acquaintance selling fruit in the market. He pointed to a man some distance away and told me, "That gentleman is definitely a Falun Gong practitioner like you! Yesterday, I charged him a few pennies short for the fruit he bought, and he came down to the market today especially to return the money! Moreover, he has a very good attitude and never tries to haggle when buying fruit."

June 23, 2005