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Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Acts Overcome Evil Propaganda

July 11, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) On the morning of May 5, 2005, at the crossroad of the east section of Ziyou Road and the Neihuan Road in Kaifeng City, Henan Province, the Kaifeng City Science and Technology Association was displaying slanderous propaganda against Falun Gong under the guise of delivering science and technology to the community. After seeing this, a Dafa practitioner immediately sent forth righteous thoughts and started to clarify the truth to the crowd surrounding the exhibit.

Many spectators, who understood the truth about Dafa, spoke up one after another. Some said, "Falun Gong always tells people to be good and kind according to the book I read." Some pointed to the display charts and said, "Same old stuff! Nobody believes that any more." One middle-aged man said, "People were forced to sign a petition against Falun Gong at their work units. They took pictures of them signing petitions to fool people." One senior citizen commented, "They even blame murders on Falun Gong practitioners in foreign countries, and brainwash the silent majority of us here. By the way, who has ever seen Falun Gong practitioners kill others or set fire to themselves as portrayed here?" One young man mentioned, "I heard that police killed more than two thousand Falun Gong practitioners. Why not show that in the display charts?" Some said, "Falun Gong is very effective. In my neighborhood there are two people who have recovered from terminal illnesses completely by practicing Falun Gong. We have not seen anybody die from practicing Falun Gong." One appearing to be an official commented, "They don't worry about corruption or workers being laid off, but they do all of this stuff."

Meanwhile, there were some spectators poisoned by the evil propaganda or by the Communist Party culture. They still had doubts and said something bad about Falun Gong. The practitioner focused her energy and sent one strong thought asking Teacher to disintegrate all dark minions and to eliminate all factors of the CCP evil specter and its plot to poison people.

Soon after, suddenly a strong wind knocked down many of the display charts. Those who were in charge of the show tried very hard to hold up the display frames. As the practitioner kept sending forth her righteous thoughts, a stronger wind came and knocked down even more stands. The charts rolled up and scattered all over the ground. The hired workers hastily ended up the display, and thus the practitioner's righteous thoughts and actions made this evil propaganda come to an end quickly.

Related News: Kaifeng Daily Newspaper Avoids the Important and Dwells on the Trivial

On its front page of May 26, 2005, the Kaifeng Daily Newspaper published a report with some pictures as follows: "How to Improve People Skills and How to Utilize the Family's Electronic Equipment. The City Science & Technology Association Gave Answers to People in the Community Yesterday."

More than 90% of the display charts in the show were to slander Falun Gong and to incite hatred towards Falun Gong. The CCP is using various pretenses to block factual information and to deceive the international community, while secretly intensifying the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who believe in Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance. Under the banner of establishing harmony and stability in China, the CCP tries to fool the international community and to cover up its crime in persecuting an upright belief.

Persons Involved:

Kaifeng City Science & Technology Association, Chairman Lei: Telephone 86-378-5953232 (Office)

Kaifeng City Science & Technology Association, Popularization Department Director Luan Min: 86-378-5953244 (Office), 86-378-2889537 (Home), 86-13592108031 (Cell)