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Words from the Heart of a New Practitioner: Falun Gong Brings to Me the Hope for a New Life

July 11, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a new practitioner and started learning Falun Gong less than 2 months ago. I am 36 this year. Since I experienced a miracle that exceeded the expectations of everyone, my fellow practitioners wanted me to share it with others in writing.

On April 5 of this year, before work my family and I were sitting down to have breakfast, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach. My family called an ambulance and immediately sent me to the hospital. Before I was even thoroughly checked out, the doctor treated my case as a stomach problem. They gave me an injection, some medicine and did acupuncture for the whole day, but without success. Then they used six injections of painkillers but still could not relieve my pain. They could find no way to resolve the problem and transferred me to another hospital.

After doctors and experts had coordinated a diagnosis of my case and after a B-type ultrasonic examination, it turned out that it was heart disease. The results frightened my whole family. My family has had a history of heart disease. My mother suffers from heart disease, and in recent years my younger and older sisters both lost their lives to it. They were both about 30 years old.

The doctor told me that there was no existing treatment that could guarantee to cure my disease. It was said that a hospital in Beijing may be able to treat it with surgery, but the surgery would cost over 200,000 yuan and it could not be guaranteed that it would be successful. My whole family was shocked to hear this and at a loss about what to do. At this point, my parents-in-law mentioned Falun Gong to me. They had been practicing Falun Gong for many years. Because I did not want to follow their advice to practice in the past, they did not bring up how it could help my health. Now since my case was so severe, they brought it up to me. Everyone agreed that the critical point was my attitude. I struggled with this in my mind until I realized that Falun Gong was my only hope. After making up my mind, I returned home from the hospital.

Upon getting back home, I first listened to Teacher's lecture tape at Guangzhou twice. Gradually I could feel that my stomach did not ache as severely as before and I wanted to eat something. Two days later, I could get out of bed. I then read the book Zhuan Falun twice, in addition to listening to the lecture tape. The Teacher talked about "attaining naturally without pursuit" (Lecture at the First Conference in North America, March 29-30, 1998, New York). I just listened to the tape and read the book over and over, without thoughts of gaining something. I felt my body recovering. My mother-in-law then taught me the exercises, and I practiced them both in the morning and evening. When I did the fifth exercise, I felt something spinning continuously on top of my head and near my stomach. Weeks went by, and I could feel that there was nothing wrong with my body anymore. Health had returned to me. I even joined my family in remodeling the house. Now I feel like I have become a true practitioner.

Due to my limited time of studying the teachings of Falun Gong, my experience sharing above may have wrong understandings, which I hope fellow practitioners will point out to me.

June 23, 2005