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Latest News from China - June 27, 2005

July 11, 2005


  1. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Chen Tortured to Death
  2. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Chen Yanli Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
  3. [Beijing] Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Chang Shuxian
  4. [Chongqing] Practitioner Wang Rongwu Sentenced to Three-and-a-half Years in Prison
  5. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner An Dasheng Arrested at Home by Police
  6. [Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Kang Yansu, Shang Wenling and Xia Shige Arrested
  7. [Hubei Province] Long-Term Solitary Confinement/Detention for Practitioner Zheng Dejun at the Shayang Forced Labor Camp
  8. [Tianjin] Police Arrest and Send Practitioner Ms. Li Shuxian to Forced Labor
  9. [Tianjin] Practitioners Zhang Hanping and Yang Suyun Sentenced to Three-and-a-half Years and Three Years in Prison, Respectively
  10. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhu Guotai Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor for Writing Falun Dafa Truth Clarification Phrases
  11. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Yang Zhongyou Sent to the Fushun Brainwashing Class by Authorities from the 610 Office After His Forced Labor Camp Term Expired
  12. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Several Practitioners Arrested by Persecutors from the 610 Office
  13. [Meichuan Town, Hubei Province] Gao Xiaogui Sent Directly to a Brainwashing Class After Three Years of Forced Labor
  14. [Guangdong Province] Nian Jingsheng Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Dafa
  15. [Bin County, Heilongjiang Province] Xu Qingling Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor and Sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp
  16. [Datong City, Shanxi Province] Four Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labor for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Dafa
  17. [Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Sun Yanhui Subjected to Torture
  18. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Zhang Zhagen in Critical Condition
  19. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Persecution of Practitioners at the Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp
  20. [Li County, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Zhu Yanfang for Posting Falun Dafa Truth-Clarifying Material
  21. [Beijing] Personnel from the Xicheng District State Security Team Arrest Practitioner Liu Guilan at Home
  22. [Huangshi City, Hubei Province] Yang Jianzhong Arrested

1. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Chen Tortured to Death

On the mornings of June 9 and June 16, 2005, Chenghua District Court in Chengdu City held a trial of Falun Dafa practitioners Xiong Yuhua, Deng Subi and Chen. Chen was tortured to death after the trial, and Xiong Yuhua was carried into the courtroom. After the trial concluded Xiong Yuhua spoke, but police dragged her out when she had spoken only a few words. The people in the courtroom condemned the police.

2. [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Chen Yanli Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

Practitioner Ms. Chen Liyan, 35, lived in Lutun Town, Yingkou City, Liaoning Province. She was held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for three years for her belief in Falun Gong. During this period she was shocked with electric batons, detained in solitary confinement and forced to do long-term labor, among other forms of torture. She lost her eyesight and hearing from beatings. Ms. Chen was released after three years.

On October 21, 2004, Chen Liyan and her husband Qu Dazhong were arrested from their home for the second time. The police confiscated the couple's computer, printer and other things worth a total of around 10,000 yuan. Chen Liyan is currently being held at the Yingkou City Detention Center after the Yingkou City Intermediate Court sentenced her to seven years in prison.

Persons responsible at Yingkou City Intermediate Court:
Du Linkui: 86-417-2991999 (office), 86-417-2837897
Wang Ancheng: 86-417-2991990 (office), 86-417-2811525
Zhang Yunbo: 86-417-2991998 (office), 86-417-2813779
Che Keyi: 86-417-2991997 (office), 86-417-2813780
Qian Jiajin: 86-417-2991996 (office), 86-417-2813779
Zhang Zitang: 86-417-2991991 (office), 86-417-2830632

3. [Beijing] Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Chang Shuxian

Practitioner Ms. Chang Shuxian, 50, lived at Huangsi Street in Xicheng District, Beijing. She previously worked at several places - the Haizhou District Court in Fuxin City, Haizhou District People's Congress, Fuxin City Procuratorate, and the Beijing Shanshui Travel Agency. Ms. Chang previously suffered from migraine headaches and problems with her vertebrae, all of which disappeared after she started practicing Dafa. Since 2000 police arrested her four times for clarifying the truth about Dafa. She was arrested before the "Two Party Meetings" and was detained from one month to ten months each time. The most recent abduction took place in March 2005, when police officers from the Xicheng District in Beijing took her away and deprived her of her personal freedom. They forced her to study Dafa-slandering materials and to "reform." Then they transferred her to the Xicheng District Detention Center in Beijing where she has been held since.

Location of detention: Xicheng District Detention Center in Qiliqu Township, Changping District in Beijing

4. [Chongqing] Practitioner Wang Rongwu Sentenced to Three-and-a-half Years in Prison

Recently, the Dadukou District Court in Chongqing secretly tried Dafa practitioner Wang Rongwu and sentenced him to three-and-a-half years in prison.

5. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner An Dasheng Arrested at Home by Police

At around 6:00 a.m. on June 23, 2005, Ding Hongqiang, Chengguan Police Station chief in Zaoqiang County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province led a group of officers to break into the home of practitioner An Dasheng who is currently being held at the Zaoqiang Detention Center.

Related work units:
Chengguan Detention Center in Zaoqiang County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province: 86-318-8223037
Zaoqiang Detention Center: 86-318-8224038

6. [Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Kang Yansu, Shang Wenling and Xia Shige Arrested

Practitioner Kang Yansu did not return home from work on June 20, 2005. We have learned she was arrested and taken to the No. 1 Detention Center in Hengshui City.

Practitioner Shang Wenling was arrested on the afternoon of June 23, 2005, and practitioner Xia Shige was arrested the evening of June 23, 2005. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

7. [Hubei Province] Long-Term Solitary Confinement/Detention for Practitioner Zheng Dejun at the Shayang Forced Labor Camp

According to practitioners released from the Shayang Forced Labor Camp, practitioner Zheng Dejun is currently being held at Division 9 at the Shayang Forced Labor Camp. He has been detained in solitary confinement for several months and is in critical condition because he refused to "reform."

8. [Tianjin] Police Arrest and Send Practitioner Ms. Li Shuxian to Forced Labor

Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Shuxian from Bozhuang Village, Dakoutun Town, Baodi District, Tianjin went to a market in Dakoutun Town to buy socks. Several plainclothes police officers from the Dakoutun Police Station took out an arrest warrant and took Li Shuxian to the Baodi Detention Center. Baodi District Police Department enforcers sentenced her to one year of forced labor and sent her to the Dagang District Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin. She passed out in the vehicle on the way, and authorities from the detention center sent her to a nearby hospital. Her blood pressure was 225, and she was given an injection to deal with the emergency. She was prescribed three bottles of IV fluids before she was hustled off to the Dagang District Forced Labor Camp. The labor camp, however, refused to accept her because she failed the physical exam. She was returned to the Baodi Detention Center where her physical condition continued to decline. She was released on medical parole after a period of time.

Right now, authorities from the Dakoutun Police Station are forcing her to report to them once a month. They also pressured her family to monitor her and not let her leave home.

Dakoutun Police Station in the Baodi District, Tianjin: 86-22-29689415, 86-22-29686111

9. [Tianjin] Practitioners Zhang Hanping and Yang Suyun Sentenced to Three-and-a-half Years and Three Years in Prison, Respectively

In 2004, Dafa practitioners Zhang Hanping and Yang Suyun from the Wuqing District clarified the truth in the Baodi District. They were arrested and sent to a detention center. Officials from the Baodi District Police Department sentenced Zhang Hanping to three-and-a-half years in prison and Yang Suyun to three years in prison. They are currently being held at the Lingzhuangzi Women's Prison in the Nankai District, Tianjin.

Related work units:
Baodi District Police Department in Tianjin City: 86-22-29241720
Head office: 86-22-29241532

10. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhu Guotai Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor for Writing Falun Dafa Truth Clarification Phrases

Practitioners Zhu Guotai and Yue Yanxiang from East Caozhuangzi Village, Yangguanlin Town, the Fengrun District, Hebei Province were arrested while writing truth clarification phrases in Shaliuhe Town. Six officers from the Shaliuhe Patrol Police Division beat and kicked the two practitioners until blood gushed from their noses and mouths. Yue Yanxiang could not open his eyes after the beating. The police sent the two practitioners to Shaliuhe Police Department and locked them in a small room for one night. They interrogated the practitioners the next morning, when Yue Yanxiang had a heart attack. They demanded 2,000 yuan from his family. His family didn't have the money so they paid 220 yuan before taking Yue Yanxiang home. Zhu Guotai was sent to the Fengrun District Detention Center and was later transferred to the Tangshan Forced Labor Camp where the authorities illegally sentenced him to three years of forced labor.

11. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Yang Zhongyou Sent to the Fushun Brainwashing Class by Authorities from the 610 Office After His Forced Labor Camp Term Expired

On November 26, 2003, Dafa practitioner Yang Zhongyou from the Dadong District, Shenyang City was arrested by police officers from the Huanggu District who illegally sentenced him to forced labor. He was first held at the Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp and was then transferred to the Shenxin Forced Labor Camp. His term expired on June 1, 2005. It was learned that authorities from the Dadong District 610 Office sent him to a brainwashing class in Fushun City.

12. [Deyang City, Sichuan Province] Several Practitioners Arrested by Persecutors from the 610 Office

In the morning of June 16, 2005 three practitioners, including Zhang Wei and Zhao Jie were arrested by officers from the Deyang City 610 Office. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

On June 18, 2005 persecutors from the 610 Office broke into the home of practitioner Ms. Wang Aiyun and ransacked it. They took a computer, a printer and 6,000 yuan in cash, and then arrested Wang Aiyun and her husband Luo. Their current whereabouts are unknown.

13. [Meichuan Town, Hubei Province] Gao Xiaogui Sent Directly to a Brainwashing Class After Three Years of Forced Labor

Practitioner Mr. Gao Xiaogui, 31, is from Gaosifangyuan in Meichuan Town, Hubei Province. At the end of 2001, a group of local villagers led by local railway system police officers arrested several practitioners, including Mr. Gao. The incident happened when the practitioners were hanging banners on the cross-railway-bridge at Nanning City, Guangxi Autonomous Region. Gao was taken to the Nanning City No. 1 Forced Labor Camp for three years of forced labor. Because he did not give up Falun Gong practice, his detention term was extended to 2005.

His family asked for his release many times. On June 2, the labor camp authorities ordered his family to process the release documents. However, when Gao's family arrived at the forced labor camp, Meichuan Town Police Station chief He Fang, the head of local Women's Association and secretary Zhang had already forcibly transferred Gao into the Wuhan City Brainwashing Class that same night.

Meichuan Town Police Station: 86-13886404355

14. [Guangdong Province] Nian Jingsheng Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Dafa

Practitioner Nian Jingsheng from Bin County, Heilongjiang Province was working in Guangdong Province. In October 2004, personnel from the National Security Team from the Pengjiang Branch Police Department, Jiangnan City, Guangdong Province arrested him when he was clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa and sentenced him to one year of forced labor. Detailed information of his whereabouts is not available.

15. [Bin County, Heilongjiang Province] Xu Qingling Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor and Sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp

On May 9, 2005, personnel from the Binzhou County Shengli Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Xu Qingling from Bin County, Heilongjiang Province, and sentenced her to one year of forced labor. On June 2, 2005 she was sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp.

16. [Datong City, Shanxi Province] Four Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labor for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Dafa

On April 30, 2005, Ms. Zhai Huiru and Ms. Ma Cuiying were arrested when they were distributing truth-clarifying materials at Xiaodong Village in the southern suburb of Datong City, Shanxi Province. They were sentenced to one year of forced labor.

On June 8, 2005, An Erhu, the local security team chief and Zheng Ruiping arrested practitioners Ms. Liu Xiuqing and Ms. Fan Guizhi when they were clarifying the truth. The two practitioners are being held at the Datong City No. 1 Detention Center.

Individuals personally responsible for the persecution:
Cui Guotong, 86-13383423800 (cell)
Heads of the Local Public Security Team: An Erhu, Zheng Ruiping

17. [Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Sun Yanhui Subjected to Torture

On May 12, 2005, officers Zhang Sidong and others from the Fuyuan County Police Department arrested 50-year-old practitioner Mr. Su Yanhui from Yanan Township in Fuyuan County. Sun has been subjected to torture at the detention center even though he is in poor health. His family was ordered to pay 70,000 yuan for his release. Because his family refused to pay, Zhang Sidong reduced the extortion amount to 40,000 yuan. At present, Su Yanhui is still being held at the Fuyuan County Detention Center.

Phone numbers of responsible persons (Country code: 86. Area code: 454. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers):
Zhang Sidong, the Political & Security Section chief of the County Police Department, 2135110-5972 (office), 2131008 (home)
Zhang Shuyi, Political & Security Section, 2135110-5972 (office), 2133089, 13945494193 (cell)
Chai Jinlin, Political & Security Section, 2132432
Guo Jishan, Political & Security Section, 2133402
Bu Yanqing, Secretary of the Political and Judicial Committee (610 Office) of the County, 2132859 (office), 2131861, 13349545333 (cell)
Detention Center, 2132428

18. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Zhang Zhagen in Critical Condition

Police arrested practitioner Mr. Zhang Zhagen when he was clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa. His life is in peril. He is receiving emergency medical treatment at the Kaifeng City No. 1 Hospital.

19. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Persecution of Practitioners at the Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp

On April 27, 2005 practitioner Mr. Zhou Xinjiang shouted, "Falun Dafa is great." Afterwards, officer He at the No. 1 Division of Xinkaipu Detention Center and about six on-duty police officers beat him. Zhou has been held in a solitary cell, which is also his restroom.

Policemen often beat practitioner Zhou Xinjiang when he was on the newcomer team. Zhou went on a hunger strike to protest and was subjected to a torture called "wrapping up dumplings" by the "personal cangues" under the orders of officer Zhou from the new-comer team, officer He of the No. 1 Division, and Division head Hu. The "wrapping up dumplings" torture involves putting a raincoat-like cloth on the detainee who is tied to a metal bed with many belts, and with a helmet on his/her head. Then detainee is force-fed with a tube.

A practitioner's detention term is extended by a month if he shouts, "Falun Dafa is good." Before Zhou Xinjiang was put into the solitary compartment, they gagged him with a towel even when he went to restroom.

The police officer urged the "personal cangues" to beat practitioners, promising the cangues a 20-day reduction of their detention terms when they did so. The steadfast practitioners were often beaten for this reason.

Those who suffered these tortures included practitioners Wang Yeqing, Xie Huijun, and Lu Hai. Police often forced practitioners to stand facing a wall for several days. They tortured practitioners with the method "wrapping up dumplings," extending practitioners' detention terms and locking practitioners up in a "tight administration" room for a long time. If the practitioners who just came into the newcomer team refused to give up the practice or write the three statements they would be punished by being forced to stand still until 2:00 a.m., and then get up at 5:30 a.m. as usual.

The head of the No. 2 Team declared that practitioners who were found doing the exercises and shouting slogans would have their hands and feet broken, and whoever committed the crime would not be held responsible. A practitioner in the No. 3 Division was beaten to the point of sustaining a foot fracture.

20. [Li County, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Zhu Yanfang for Posting Falun Dafa Truth-Clarifying Material

On June 12, 2005 Wang Jieying, Linbao Police Station chief, led the police to arrest practitioner Ms. Zhu Yanfang from Wangxinzhuang Village, Linbao Township, Li County, Hebei Province because she posted Falun Dafa truth-clarifying phrases. They put her into the Gaoyang Detention Center.

Related phone numbers:
Wang Jieying, Linbao Police Station chief: 86-13503380651 (cell)
LinbuaoPolice Station: 86-312-6520379

21. [Beijing] Personnel from the Xicheng District State Security Team Arrest Practitioner Liu Guilan at Home

Practitioner Ms. Liu Guilan from Beijing, who is in her 60s, lives at Xiaomachangxili in the Xuanwu District. On May 30, 2005, personnel from the Xicheng State Security Team arrested Liu. At around 10:00 p.m. they broke into Liu Guilan's home, forcibly took her away and ransacked her home. Liu's spouse was sick in bed at the time. Now Liu Guilan is being held at the Xicheng Detention Center at Shahe in Beijing.

22. [Huangshi City, Hubei Province] Yang Jianzhong Arrested

At around 8:00 p.m. on June 24, 2005 police arrested practitioner Mr. Yang Jianzhong from Huangshi City, Hebei Province. According to his family, the arrest happened because police found a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party at his home. Those police officers stated they were from the Chenjiawan Police Station. However, when Yang's family went to the station and requested Yang's release, the on-duty personnel said they had no knowledge of the arrest.