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Ms. Jiang Meilan from Hunan Province Has Been Persecuted to the Brink of Death in Zhuzhou City's Baimacheng Forced Labor Camp

July 11, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jiang Meilan, about 60 years old, is from Xintian County in the Yongzhou area of Hunan Province. She was illegally detained at the Zhuzhou City Baimacheng Forced Labor Camp between 2001 and 2003. She suffered various kinds of physical and mental torture because she did not give up her belief. On March 24, 2005, she was abducted by police from Zixing, Chenzhou City. She was sentenced to one year of forced labor and was once again sent to Baimacheng Forced Labor Camp.

Ms. Jiang Meilan has been on a hunger strike ever since she was abducted in March, more than three months. She has received injections and been force-fed in the Baimacheng Forced Labor Camp. She is now very weak and cannot walk by herself. She can only walk with the assistance of two inmates, who have been assigned as monitors. On June 8, Ms. Jiang's family members went to the forced labor camp and asked them to release her. The police refused the request and said, "Unless she starts to eat, she will not be released until she dies." Two people from Xintian County's 610 Office and the national security office told the labor camp staff that they cannot release her until she dies. Right now, Ms. Jiang Meilan is on the verge of death. She is currently undergoing emergency treatment in Zhuzhou City People's Hospital. Her situation is critical.

Practitioners from Hunan Province who know of her situation, please send forth strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil persecuting Jiang Meilan so that she can be released unconditionally. If conditions permit, please go to Zhuzhou City to send forth righteous thoughts.

Baimacheng Forced Labor Camp contact information:
Baimacheng Forced Labor Camp, Baifeng Distinct, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province
Office: 86-733-8634800
Main switchboard: 86-733-8640841. Ask to be transferred to Ding, team leader of Team 71; to Zheng, team leader of Team 72; or to the administration section of Team 73.
Administration Section: 86-733-864-0841

June 30, 2005