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We Cannot Wait or Depend on Other People to Save Sentient Beings

July 12, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) A recent experience made me realize that Teacher creates opportunities for us if we truly have pure hearts for saving sentient beings. One day a former colleague of mine whom I had not seen for a long time called me and wanted to see me. I thought this would be a terrific opportunity to clarify the truth to her. On my way to meet her, I kept sending forth righteous thoughts.

As soon as we saw each other, she started to talk about how she was successful in doing direct sales. Seeing that I was not moved by the potential success from direct sales, she began to talk about how wealthy people enjoy their social status and happy lives, attempting to persuade me to join her. I tried several times to divert the conversation, but just couldn't make her stop. I was a bit frustrated. I thought I did not have that much time to listen to her, so I interrupted her and said, "I definitely cannot do direct sales. I have other plans."

Just when I was trying to figure out how to divert the topic to quitting the Communist Party, she said happily, "I am doing this for your sake. I am saving you!" I immediately realized Teacher was giving me an opportunity. I hurriedly said, "Speaking of saving me, I thought of one thing that I must tell you. You want to save me and I want to save you too."

Then I began to clarify the truth to her. In the end, she happily quit the Communist Party and also understood the truth about Dafa.

From this encounter I also realized that we cannot wait or depend on other people to save sentient beings. It is our responsibility and we can't afford to miss any opportunities to save people.

One time I went to the home of a client. She was home alone. While we were chatting, I told her about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. She agreed to quit the evil party. Before I left, I gave her some truth-clarification materials to read. I said to her, "Could you talk to your daughter and husband and ask them to quit the Communist Party?"

Several days later I went to her home again to do some business. Her daughter and a colleague happened to be in the living room. I asked my client whether she had told her daughter about quitting the Communist Party, and she said she hadn't gotten a chance to do so. I then offered to talk to her daughter about it, but she said it's wasn't necessary and that she would tell her daughter later. I then left.

On my way home I felt very upset. Her daughter did not visit her very often and I did not even have the chance to see her daughter once a year. Besides, her colleague was also there. How could I miss the opportunity to save them? I had relied on my client to save other people. I looked inside myself and found that I was afraid that her daughter and her colleague wouldn't understand. Teacher said in "Teaching the Fa at the 2005 Manhattan International Fa Conference,"

"You are the ones who are truly saving sentient beings on a broad scale, and you are the ones who truly have such a great mission. That is why the state you manifest is completely different from that in the cultivation of the past. And for precisely these reasons, it is even more important that you not neglect your own cultivation or use these things to make excuses for your shortcomings. So I hope you will do well on the path ahead."

Later I found a chance to go to my client's home again to talk to her daughter, and she happily agreed to quit the Communist Party. Both my client and her daughter also said that they would talk to their husbands, asking them to quit too. On my way home, I felt very happy.