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Practitioner An Senbiao Suffers Kidney Failure in Forced Labor Camp - His Wife's Appeal Letter

July 12, 2005


Appeal Letter

Appellant: Li Rong (An Senbiao's wife)

Address: Ranghulu District, Daqing City

Appellant Li Rong proposed an appeal for An Senbiao, who was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp.


1) Revoke the sentence given to An Senbiao and release him, declaring him not guilty.

2) Compensate him financially for his economic and emotional losses.

3) Investigate those responsible and prosecute in accordance with the law.

The Facts:

Mr. An Senbiao, 38 years old, is a staff member of Daqing 2nd Oil-Extracting Factory. When he went to the former Shengli local police station (now it belongs to Daqing City Public Security Babaixiang Sub-Bureau) to clarify the truth on January 24, 2005, he was arrested by the police there. Policeman Liu Yanqing, with another officer, the Experimental Brigade Party Secretary of the 2ndOil-Extracting factory E Jintai, and Squad Secretary Wang Xizhong, took An Senbiao's house key from his person. Then they illegally ransacked his home.

An Senbiao was first imprisoned in the Daqing City Longfeng Detention Center. Wearing foot shackles, he was held in a small cell to be persecuted for more than a month. He was moved to the 2nd brigade of the Daqing Labor Camp at the beginning of March. An Senbiao started a hunger strike to protest his illegal imprisonment. He was punitively force fed twice a day, which seriously damaged him physically. On March 15, An Senbiao and two other Dafa disciples were sent to the Suihua Forced Labor Camp, where their mistreatment was intensified.

In the process of An Senbiao's arrest, imprisonment and persecution, related departments and personnel violated the Code No.238 of China's Criminal Law: illegally detained innocent citizens; No.243: lodged false accusations and charges against innocent citizens; No.245: illegally searched citizens and ransacked their homes; No.251: illegally deprived citizens of the rights of belief; No.397: abused the power of duty; No.399: perverted the law to serve self interest. They must bear the legal consequences.

An Senbiao has been on a hunger strike for half a year, protesting abuse since his arrest. He was once in coma. Now he is emaciated. He is unable to move even a little bit while lying on a bed, and he has experienced kidney failure. They cannot inject fluid into him, and he may die at any time. Meanwhile, the Suihua Forced Labor Camp would rather wait for him to die than release him.

Judges and public prosecutors of conscience, please uphold justice, and accept my appeal according to the law. Withdraw An Senbiao's sentence of imprisonment in labor camp, immediately release him with a verdict of not guilty, provide legal economical and spiritual compensation; investigate according to the law the responsibilities of the units and people in former Shengli local police station, Longfeng detention center, Daqing forced labor camp, Suihua labor camp, and so on.

Heilongjiang Provincial People's Procuratorate (Public Prosecutors' Office)
Heilongjiang Provincial People's Court
Heilongjiang Provincial Forced Labor Camp Administrative Bureau
Daqing City People's Procuratorate
Daqing City People's Court
Daqing City Rang District People's Court
Daqing City Longfeng Detention Center
Daqing City Forced Labor Camp

Appellant: Li Rong

June 23, 2005