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Story from China: 80-Year-Old Woman and Her Family Experience Miracles After She Began Reciting "Falun Dafa is Good"

July 12, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) The elderly Mrs Wang Suqing, who lives at the Goumenzi Village in Goumenzi Township, Lingyuan City of Liaoning Province, is 80 years old this year. Due to a number of illnesses, she practiced Falun Gong exercises for a few days in order to gain better health. However, due to the persecution of Falun Gong, she was too afraid to continue and stopped practicing.

In the summer of 2004, Wang Suqing's illness continued. By winter, she fell ill again. Her son is a Falun Gong practitioner and when he was looking after her, he told her to silently recite "Falun Dafa is good" and at the same time gave her a card which says "Falun Dafa is good" on it. The elderly woman carefully placed the card in the pocket of her jumper and followed her son's instructions. After a few days she told her son, "Every time I recite 'Falun Dafa is good', I don't feel that uncomfortable anymore." Mrs. Wang thought to herself: "Now I definitely believe in Falun Gong."

The tumour in Mrs Wang's stomach had been there for many years. At night when going to the bathroom, she excreted a lot of things. Afterwards, she felt the tumour had disappeared and her stomach felt extremely comfortable. She excitedly told her son and daughter about her miraculous experience. She also told all her friends about the miracle of Falun Gong.

On the same day, her daughter was washing her clothes. When she was washing her mother's jumper, she found that whenever she tried to push the jumper down, it always floated up again. She tried a few times but the jumper would not sink into the water. She felt it was very strange. At this time, a card with "Falun Dafa is good" slid out from the section of the jumper that was not sinking into the water. She picked it up and saw that there was no water on the card at all. She shouted, "It's a miracle! This time I really believe it. Falun Gong is truly good! When I go home, I will tell my mother-in-law and her family to learn Falun Gong as well."

As Mrs. Wang's illness gets better and better each day, the miracles of Falun Gong continued to appear. Twenty years ago, Mrs. Wang incurred a deep bruise on her skull and it had remained there. However, after she began practicing, one day, she accidentally bumped her head into a door. When she touched her head, not only did she not feel any pain, she also surprisingly discovered that the deep bruise was gone as well! She tells whoever she meets about this story. Her son also said happily, "You should continue to recite 'Falun Dafa is good' from the depth of your heart."

Mrs. Wang said solemnly, "I will remember this."