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California: Redwood City Parade Spectators Witness Beauty of Falun Gong Cultivation (Photos)

July 12, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 4, northern California practitioners participated in Redwood City's annual Independence Day parade. Practitioners' grand procession, graceful dance and peaceful exercise demonstration received warm applause and acclaim. Touched by the practitioners' performance, many spectators couldn't help but follow the practitioners' movements.

The Falun Gong procession
The Falun Gong procession

The Redwood parade is the largest Independence Day parade in northern California, attracting about 300,000 spectators every year. Along the parade route, there were four parade introduction booths, each with a host who knew Falun Gong well because practitioners have participated in this event for five consecutive years and have received parade awards in the past.

Exercise demonstration
Fan Dance

When practitioners passed one introduction booth, the host said: "Now you see the Falun Gong group, which is so peaceful. We need meditation to calm down and release stress. I am so jealous of them. They also remind us how precious our freedom is, because this peaceful group, which lives by the principles 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,' is being persecuted in China. To learn Falun Gong, please visit www.falundafa.org."

Dance troupe
Waist drum

When practitioners reached the last booth, the host said: "Here comes the Falun Gong group. Their costumes and dance are so beautiful and elegant, a perfect match for the spirit of the day. They apparently have made extensive preparations for this parade, and they are still so energetic. This year Redwood City is pleased to present this 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance' group, and we will welcome you back next year. Thank you."

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Spectators following the practitioners' movements as the procession passes by

The practitioners then started to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises in front of this last stage. All of a sudden, the noisy site became very quiet, and people gave their full attention to the graceful exercises. Several spectators exclaimed, "It is so beautiful!" Some started to copy the movements. A lady named Mary copied the movements and taught her son. She told a practitioner that practicing Falun Gong made her feel very comfortable.

The host started to do the Falun Gong movements, as well.
Spectators greeted practitioners with warm applause