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Latest News from China - May 13, 2005

July 13, 2005


  1. Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Hou Yuhua Facing Trial
  2. Xinjiang] Ms. Li Xinren Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
  3. Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. He Chunlan and Others Arrested
  4. Beijing] The Persecution of Ms. Li Yan, a Teacher at the Anhuibeili Public Elementary School
  5. Changchun City, Jilin Province] Five Practitioners Arrested
  6. Heilongjiang Province] The Persecution of Inmates Who Started Practicing Falun Dafa in the Provincial Women's Prison
  7. Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Facts of Persecution against a Falun Gong Practitioner
  8. Shanghai] The Persecution of Ms. Yang Juying, a Retired Worker from the No. 7 Textile Machinery Factory
  9. Bin County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Xu Qingling Arrested
  10. Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Lishan, Teacher at the Physics Department of Hebei Normal University, and Others Are Persecuted
  11. Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Wenjie Arrested
  12. Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Hua Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
  13. Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Liu Jiaode Arrested
  14. Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Sun Yanhui from Yanan Township Arrested
  15. Nanning City, Guangxi] Ms. Mou Linfeng Arrested and Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
  16. Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Officers from the 610 Office Arrest Liu Qianli
  17. Chongqing] Ms. Yang Juying from the Luwan District Arrested

1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Hou Yuhua Facing Trial

Ms. Hou Yuhua from Dalian was arrested. She is scheduled for trial on May 16, 2005.

2. [Xinjiang] Ms. Li Xinren Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

On March 26, Ms. Li Xinren from Xinjiang was sentenced to three years of forced labor. She was taken to the Changji Forced Labor Camp in Wujiaqu, Xinjiang. Her family's phone number is: 86-992-6687692

3. [Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. He Chunlan and Others Arrested

On April 20, 2005, Ms. He Chunlan, Ms. Lu Jinlan, Ms. Yang Liying, Ms. Luo Ruizhi and Mr. Zhan Zhiqing, all from the Weihe Electric Plant in Xianyang, were arrested at their homes. When the police broke into Ms. He's home, she was sitting in meditation. As the officers forcibly took her away, her glasses fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The whereabouts of these five practitioners are unknown.

4. [Beijing] The Persecution of Ms. Li Yan, a Teacher at the Anhuibeili Public Elementary School

Ms. Li Yan, 31, is a teacher at the Anhuibeili Public Elementary School in the Chaoyang Disrict of Beijing. At the end of April 2005, she told the students about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and why it was necessary to withdraw from the Young Pioneers. Some student's parents turned her in to the school principal. Principal Liu ordered her to be detained in the school. Ms. Li called her home on May 1. No one has heard from her since then and her whereabouts are unknown.

Telephone number of the Anhuibeili Public Elementary School in Chaoyang District, Beijing: 86-10-64944659

5. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

It has been verified that on May 10, 2005, five practitioners from Changchun City were arrested. They are Ms. Shan Lixin, Shan Yimin, Ms. Xin Xiuli, Ms. Jin Xiaoli and Ms. Zhao Shuyu. They were taken to the Changchun No. 3 Detention Center. Their homes were searched, and personal computers, printers and other equipment were confiscated.

It was reported that police arrested them while they were dining in a restaurant. The police found Falun Dafa documents they carried when searching them.

6. [Heilongjiang Province] The Persecution of Inmates Who Started Practicing Falun Dafa in the Provincial Women's Prison

Ms. Tang Yajun, 58, in the No. 8 Division, remains in custody although her term has ended. The reason is that she recently started practicing Falun Dafa.

Ms. Sun Min, 38, is no longer treated as a normal inmate. She is forced to engage in labor because she started practicing Falun Dafa while in prison.

Ms. Lu Yingchun, 39, who started practicing Falun Dafa while in prison, was placed in solitary confinement after refusing to give blood.

Ms. Wang Juyan has been in solitary confinement since the Spring Festival season (early February 2005).

7. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Facts of Persecution against a Falun Gong Practitioner

In the winter of 1999, a Falun Gong practitioner in Pingdu City went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, was held in custody by the Pingdu "610 Office" for twelve days, and was fined 10,000 yuan. In addition, 10,000 yuan was deducted from the practitioner's salary.

From the spring of 2001 to the fall of 2003, the practitioner was sentenced to forced labor, expelled from the Party, and suspended from work. The Pingdu 610 Office and Police Department searched the practitioner's home twice and confiscated a personal computer, a motorcycle, and 4,500 yuan in cash. After release, nine months worth of salary was deducted from the practitioner's pay.

8. [Shanghai] The Persecution of Ms. Yang Juying, a Retired Worker from the No. 7 Textile Machinery Factory

Ms. Yang Juying, 60, lives at No. 254 Danshui Road in Shanghai. She is a retired worker from the No. 7 Textile Machinery Factory. At around 4:00 p.m. on March 30, 2005, the local residential police talked her into going to the police station where they placed her under arrested because she continues to practice Falun Dafa and clarify the truth. Her home was subsequently ransacked.

9. [Bin County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Xu Qingling Arrested

May 9, 2005, several officers from Bin County, Heilongjiang Province broke into Ms. Xu Qingling's home. They found a large number of Falun Gong documents and arrested Ms. Xu at her workplace. Ms. Xu Qingling is being held in the local detention center.

10. [Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Lishan, a Teacher at the Physics Department of Hebei Normal University, and Others Are Persecuted

Ms. Zhang Lishan is a teacher in the Physics Department of Hebei Normal University. On April 22, 2005, she went to the Electromechanical Institute to distribute truth clarifying materials. She was arrested. The police searched her home and confiscated a personal computer and other items. On April 28, the university expelled her and sent to a brainwashing center. Her husband Mr. Zhang Hongjie, who worked at the provincial government, was also arrested, expelled from the Party and fired.

In addition, Ms. Deng Meizhen of the Public Administrations Institute has been under surveillance since November 2004 because of e-mail communications. On April 4, 2005, she was expelled from the Party and dismissed from her position. This decision will be re-evaluated in a year, at which time it may become final.

11. [Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhang Wenjie Arrested

On the morning of May 8, 2005, the police arrested Mr. Zhang Wenjie, who is in his thirties.

12. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Hua Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

On April 16, 2005, Ms. Wang Hua from Weifang City was sentenced to two years of forced labor. She was sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province.

13. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Liu Jiaode Arrested

On April 25, 2005, officers from the Dunzitang Police Station arrested Ms. Liu Jiaode from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. They also searched her home. Ms. Liu is being held in the Nanchang City No. 1 Detention Center.

Ye Jian, the officer involved in the case: 86-791-6777445 ext. 11

14. [Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Sun Yanhui from Yanan Township Arrested

On the afternoon of May 11, 2005, Ms. Sun Yanhui from Yanan Township in Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province was arrested at her home. Her whereabouts are unknown.

15. [Nanning City, Guangxi] Ms. Mou Linfeng Arrested and Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

On April 7, 2005, Tan Weiliang, Party secretary of the Lijian Electric Supplying Office in the Overseas Investment Distric in Wuming County, Nanning City, Guangxi, led officers to Ms. Mou Linfeng's home. They arrested her and searched her home. On May 5, the Wuming County 610 Office and the Justice Bureau sentenced her to one year of forced labor. She has been sent to the Guangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Tan Weiliang's cellular number: 86-13347502308

16. [Jizhou City, Hebei Province] Officers from the 610 Office Arrest Liu Qianli

At 2:00 p.m. on May 11, 2005, about ten officers from the Jizhou City 610 Office and the police department arrested Liu Qianli at the street-front store that Liu ran. When a crowd gathered, Liu clarified the truth to the public and the police, pointing out the unconstitutional act and telling them that good will be rewarded, and evil will be met with retribution.

17. [Chongqing] Ms. Yang Juying from the Luwan District Arrested

Ms. Yang Juying, 60, lives at No. 254 Danshui Road in Luwan District. At around 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2005, a local residential police officer talked her into going to the police station, where she was arrested. The officers later searched her home. Her whereabouts are unknown. Despite her family's many attempts to get information about her, the police claim that they do not know where she is.