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The Power of a Young Disciple's Righteous Thoughts

July 13, 2005


I am a young disciple from Liaoning Province. I am nine years old and go to elementary school. Ever since I started to practice Falun Dafa with my Mom, I have had an unshakable belief in Master and in Dafa. I got rid of many bad habits and became very healthy.

After I read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Mom told me, "On Monday at your school's flag ceremony, you should send righteous thoughts." Out of fear, I still raised my right hand at the flag ceremony. On my way back home, a bee stung the middle finger of my right hand, which was very painful. I realized immediately that I should not have raised my right hand to salute the flag at the ceremony. Before going to school the next day, I sent righteous thoughts so that the flag would not be raised. It turned out that the public address system broke down. From then on, I kept sending righteous thoughts every day in order to get rid of the flag. I could see that the flag post started to shake and I maintained my righteous thoughts. Finally, one day, the blood-red flag flew away. Two students were sent to run after it, but they had a hard time catching it. Eventually, it touched the ground about 500 meters away. When the two students drew near, it took off again. The students spent a lot of energy trying to get hold of the flag. When they returned to school, the flagpole was still there but the string was broken. The flag could not be raised any longer.