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Nine-Year-Old Practitioner: "All Uncles and Aunties Who Practice Falun Gong Are Good People!"

July 13, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Xiaoxiao is a 9-year-old girl who is in grade 2 of elementary school. She is smart, lively and lovely, and her teachers and classmates all like her. She often tells other students, "All those grandpas, grandmas, uncles and aunts who practice Falun Gong are good people!" [These are affectionate terms used for acquaintances of various ages, and do not signify family relationships.]

Beginning in 1999, Xiaoxiao could often see things that other people could not see. On the lunar calendar date July 14, 2000, Xiaoxiao went to her grandma's home with her mother. At that time, her mother wasn't yet practicing Falun Dafa. On their way, Xiaoxiao suddenly pointed at a spot beside the road and asked her mother, "Mom, look, what a long beard that old grandpa in white clothes has. What does he carry?" After hearing what Xiaoxiao said, her mother looked around and didn't see anything, and she thought it was just the child's imagination. So she didn't pay any attention to it and continued walking ahead. After a while, Xiaoxiao said again, "Mom, look how many eyes there are on that big tree, and they are staring at us." Xiaoxiao kept talking like this on the way. Her mother said to herself, "Children usually won't tell lies. Maybe what she said is true."

In 2003, Xiaoxiao's mother was unwell. She learned from the lady living next door that Falun Gong is very good and has miraculous effects in curing diseases and improving health. Xiaoxiao's mother respectfully asked to borrow a copy of Zhuan Falun to read. One day, Xiaoxiao told her mother, "Mom, let me teach you to do the exercises!" Then Xiaoxiao double-crossed her legs to show her mother the fifth exercise. Her mother looked at her movements, felt puzzled and asked, "From whom did you learn the practice? Are your movements correct?" Xiaoxiao said, "I could not tell you about this. It should be all right as long as you learn how to do it." Her mother took Xiaoxiao to her neighbor's home and the neighbor asked Xiaoxiao to repeat the exercises again. Seeing Xiaoxiao finishing the exercises slowly without any mistakes, the lady said happily, "Right, right, it is indeed like that." Thereafter, Xiaoxiao and her mother started on the path to cultivate Falun Dafa.

One day in March 2005, Xiaoxiao's mother took Xiaoxiao to deliver Dafa truth-clarifying materials, and when they returned, it was already past 11:00 p.m. Mother asked, "Xiaoxiao, it is so late now. Do you feel afraid?" Xiaoxiao looked up at the sky and said, "What should I feel afraid of? Look, Master Li is sitting on a lotus flower and watching us beside the moon!"