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"Rescue Falun Gong Children" Benefit Concert Opens in New York (Photos)

July 13, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) Minghui correspondent Cai Ju reports from New York: On the evening of July 9, 2005, at the Tribeca Performing Arts Center in downtown Manhattan, the audience was moved by the performances on the stage, and occasionally, weeping could be heard. During the intermission, many people's eyes were red from crying.

Artists who cultivate Falun Gong wished to reenact in an artistic manner the tribulation endured by children amidst the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Some well-known artists learned about this magnanimous act, and warm-heartedly wanted to participate to offer their abilities for rescuing the innocent children.

The entire performance took the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and their children as the main theme, while the large-scale dancing manifesting the Great Tang Dynasty culture performed as interlude. That, along with well-known western artists' wonderful performances, made the evening's performance exciting and appealing, exhibiting intense artistic power.

Dance performed by Tian Jiao Art Center: Childhood

The ballet entitled "My Childhood" was written, directed and performed by Falun Gong practitioners. It reenacted an episode in which malevolent police officers broke into a practitioner's home and arrested her. A little girl returned home from school, and cried and shouted, "Mom," but the police officers forcefully pushed her down on the ground. When the little girl woke up, she found that her home was sealed, and she was left alone helpless. During the night, the little girl dreamed of being reunited with her mother, and they lived a happy life while cultivating and improving together. The leading character is Cayla Gao, a 9-year-old third grader in New York. Cayla Gao has practiced dancing since early childhood. Her performance on the stage was pure and touching, and received high praise.

Famous soprano Jiang Min sings a song, entitled "The Homeless Little Girl"

The audience was deeply touched, and tears streamed down their faces. The audience gave warm applause during the whole performance.

Renowned singer Mr. Guan Guimin

Renowned artist Mr. Guan Guimin offered two songs in the charity concert. They were, "At the Unforgettable Moment" and "Sit by My Side." The songs expressed the joy of cultivating Falun Gong and the hope of appealing for people to join together to stop the persecution.

Before the intermission, an eight-minute film entitled, "Rescue the Orphans" was shown, using real cases to reveal the cruel facts of the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and practitioners' children--children who have lost their parents' care, lost their right to go to school, and suffered both physically and mentally. It strongly called for all kind-hearted people to contribute generously for rescuing these children.

Famous pop song singer Tom Foti

Famous pop song singer Tom Foti, who is active on the east coast of the US, had learned about the Chinese orphans at the anti-torture exhibit reenacted by Falun Gong practitioners at 42nd Street. This popular musician was deeply touched, and especially created the song entitled, "Amnesty" dedicated to Falun Gong practitioners who are being illegally detained in China. He also performed this song at this charity concert.

Prior to the concert, "Global Organization to Rescue Persecuted Falun Gong Practitioners" held a reception, expressing their appreciation to friends and groups for their support. Ms. Rosling and Ms. Hanna, who are active in business circle, and Mr. David, the artistic Director of New York's Symphony Orchestra, attended the reception. The guests stated that an important window through which people can understand a society and a political power is to look at how that political power treats its people, in particular its attitude toward women, children and the younger generation, and the extent to which they pay attention to education. The ordeal that Falun Gong practitioners--especially the women--have suffered due to the Chinese Communist Party's persecution in the past six years, and the bitter experiences of hundreds of children who have been left behind as orphans and who have lost their right to go to school--their experiences clearly tell how innocent people are suffering the most brutal and barbaric persecution in the human history. The guests all agreed that people should not keep silent any more.