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Latest News from China - June 23, 2005

July 15, 2005


  1. [Fuyu County, Jilin Province] Ms. Kang Shuqin Arrested
  2. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Mr. Lu Yongchang's Family of Four Simultaneously Sentenced to Prison
  3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yang Xiulan and Other Practitioners Illegally Held in Custody
  4. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Xinnian and Ms. Qiu Chunhua Arrested and Persecuted
  5. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Liu Yuwei Held in Custody for Over Two Weeks
  6. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhao Jinhua and another Practitioner Arrested after Being Followed by the Police
  7. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Seven Practitioners Arrested in Xiangfang District
  8. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Changjun from Xiuyan County Arrested
  9. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Luan Xiuyuan and Ms. Zhao Chunling Arrested
  10. [Xinji City, Hebei Province] Ms. Bian Xiujuan Arrested
  11. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Zhongyou Sent to Brainwashing Center after His Forced Labor Term Ended
  12. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Yanling Arrested and Sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
  13. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Lan Yunfang from Wanghua District Taken to Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center
  14. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Ji Yingping Suffers Lung Damage and Throws Up Blood after Being Tortured in Jiamusi Detention Center
  15. [Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zou Guoyan Illegally Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison
  16. [Haicheng, Liaoning Province] Mr. Qu Yongsheng in Critical Condition While on Hunger Strike
  17. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. He Xin and Her Young Son Forcibly Taken into Custody by Members of the 610 Office
  18. [Tianjin] Ms. Ma Jie Illegally Held in Hongqiao Police Department
  19. [Henan Province] Zhongyuan Oil Field's 610 Office Sentences Ms. Jiang Zhaofang and Ms. Zheng Xiaoli to Forced Labor
  20. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Persecution of Mr. Liu Wenshu's Family in Tumu Village, Tumu Township, Huailai County
  21. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wan Hongxia and Her Husband Mr. Zhou Zhenxiang Arrested; Their Home Searched
  22. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Gao Fengqin Arrested
  23. [Henan Province] Mr. Ma Gang from Nanyang Oil Fields Illegally Sentenced to Eighteen Months of Forced Labor
  24. [Heilongjiang Province] On Hunger Strike: Mr. Gong Guidong and Other Practitioner Detainees in Mudanjiang Prison

1. [Fuyu County, Jilin Province] Ms. Kang Shuqin Arrested

On June 6, 2005, six officers from the Zhenjiao Police Station in Fuyu County, Jilin Province broke into 60-year-old Ms. Kang Shuqin's home. The officers searched her home without presenting any legal documents. When they found Falun Dafa books and exercise cassettes, an officer with the last name Guo struck Ms. Kang's head and face with the books. When Ms. Kang felt dizzy and could not stand steadily, her 13-year-old granddaughter stepped in front of her to protect her. The officers violently pushed the girl away. They then took Ms. Kang and her non-practitioner husband Mr. Yang Wancheng to the police station, leaving the granddaughter alone at home.

Mr. Yang was released after hours of custody. Ms. Kang was sent to a detention center, where she was beaten, threatened and otherwise tortured. She felt dizzy, weak in all her four limbs and could not stop vomiting. The police denied her any treatment, and only when she passed out on June 11 did they send her to the hospital. The doctors said that Ms. Kang's life was in danger and they were angered by the police brutality. Ms. Kang remains hospitalized and in critical condition.

Telephone number of the Zhenjiao Police Station in Fuyu County: 86-438-5874039
Zhang Shaoxing, director of the police station

2. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Mr. Lu Yongchang's Family of Four Simultaneously Sentenced to Prison

Mr. Lu Yongchang, 69, lives at the No. 4 Commune in Dayuan Village, Qingyang Township, Jiutai City, Jilin Province. All four members of his family are Falun Dafa practitioners. His wife Ms. Song Xiuqin is 67 years old, their son Mr. Lu Xianjie is 42 years old, and their daughter Ms. Lu Guixia is 32. The local police has constantly harassed them in the past few years.

On June 8, 2004, they were arrested. On February 2, 2005, all four family members were sentenced by the criminal court of the Jiutai City Court to prison, with the following terms:

Mr. Lu Xianjie, 5 years in prison; Ms. Lu Guixia, 4 years; Ms. Song Xiuqin, 3.5 years; Mr. Lu Yongchang, 1 year.

3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Yang Xiulan and Other Practitioners Illegally Held in Custody

On May 22, 2005, police received reports and searched Ms. Yang Xiulan's home. Her niece Ms. Zhang Ying was coming to her home for a visit and was arrested by the police upon stepping in. Ms. Yang and Ms. Zhang were taken to the Fengyutan Police Station for torture. Ms. Zhang went on a hunger strike and on the afternoon of May 24, she was sent to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center for continued persecution.

In addition, at 7:00 p.m. on May 22, police went to Mr. Zhang Xudong's home. They forcibly took him to the Fengyutan Police Station. The officers handcuffed him and deprived him of food. Mr. Zhang was sent to the Shenhe District Detention Center at noon on May 24. No further information about him is available.

Also on May 22, Ms. Yang Xiulan's friend Ms. Zhu Jiahuan was on her way to visit Ms. Yang when she was taken into custody by the police. Ms. Zhu was taken to the Fengyutan Police Station. On the afternoon of May 24, Ms. Zhu was transferred to a facility in Sujiatun.

4. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Xinnian and Ms. Qiu Chunhua Arrested and Persecuted

Ms. Zhang Xinnian, 51, lives in Tieji Village. On June 1, 2005, residential police officers Hu Runxian and Yang Chenyi from the Heping Township Police Station in Hongshan District, Wuhan City arrested her in the Tieji Farm Market. Ms. Zhang was sent to the Erzhigou Women's Detention Center on the same day. Five days later, she was transferred to the provincial brainwashing center.

At around 6:30 p.m. on June 1, 2005, Ms. Qiu Chunhua, in her fifties, was taken to the Yangyuan Brainwashing Center by six officers who broke into her home on Yangyuan Street, Wuchang District, Wuhan City.

5. [Yiyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Liu Yuwei Held in Custody for Over Two Weeks

Ms. Liu Yuwei, in her forties, lives in the Ziyang District of Yiyang City, Hunan Province. Ms. Liu started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. After July 20, 1999, she was taken into custody several times for clarifying the truth and appealing to higher authorities. In March 2001, she was sentenced to one year of forced labor and sent to the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp. She refused to be "transformed" and as a result she was not released until December 2001.

In March 2004, she was forced to divorce her husband. She was then forced to become homeless as she continued to clarify the truth. On June 8, 2005, she was arrested while clarifying the truth in Changsha City, Hunan Province.

Relevant telephone numbers:

Country code: 86, area code: 737
Officers on duty at office of the bureau chief of the Yiyang City Police Department: 4296001
State Security Division (directly responsible for the persecution): 4296361
Ziyang District Police Department in Yiyang City: 4326810
State Security Division of the Ziyang District Police Department: 4293148

6. [Cangzhou City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhao Jinhua and another Practitioner Arrested after Being Followed by the Police

At around 11:00 p.m. on June 20, 2005, Mr. Zhao Jinhua and Wang Zheng (alias) were followed by the police while distributing truth-clarifying materials. They were subsequently arrested and have been held in the Jindao Police Station in the Development Zone in Cangzhou City.

At around 11:00 a.m. on June 21, the police went to search Mr. Zhao's home, confiscating some Falun Dafa books, over 100 copies of Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and a printer. His wife Ms. Zhang (also a practitioner) has been taken into custody. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Telephone number of the Jindao Police Station in the Development Zone in Cangzhou City: 86-317-3094110

7. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Seven Practitioners Arrested in Xiangfang District

In mid-June 2005, seven practitioners were arrested in the Xiangfang District of Harbin City, including Ms. Guo Xiuhua.

8. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Changjun from Xiuyan County Arrested

Mr. Sun Changjun from Xiuyan County, Anshan City was arrested at his home at noon on June 21, 2005.

9. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Luan Xiuyuan and Ms. Zhao Chunling Arrested

Ms. Luan Xiuyuan and Ms. Zhao Chunling from Jiamusi City were arrested by officers from the Nangang Police Station while clarifying the truth on the evening of June 15, 2005. The officers searched their homes the same night. Ms. Luan and Ms. Zhao were sent to a detention center after spending the night at the police station.

Office of the Director of the Nangang Police Station in Jiamusi City: 86-454-8780655

10. [Xinji City, Hebei Province] Ms. Bian Xiujuan Arrested

Around May 28, 2005, Ms. Bian Xiujuan, 42, from Beiying Village, Xinji City, Hebei Province, was arrested by the Mazhuang Township authorities. She remains in custody.

Relevant telephone numbers:

Country code: 86, area code 311
Mazhuang Township Government: 83366987
Mazhuang Township Police Station: 83366999
Office of the Mazhuang Township Government: 83366403
Party Secretary's office of the Mazhuang Township Government: 83366588
Commissioner's office of the Mazhuang Township Government: 83366202
Hou Zhibu, of the Mazhuang Township Government: 86-13832104313 (cell)

11. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Zhongyou Sent to Brainwashing Center after His Forced Labor Term Ended

Mr. Yang Zhongyou from Shenyang City was sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor for practicing Falun Gong. He was held in the Shenxin Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City. When his family went to bring him home, labor camp authorities told them that he had been taken away by officials from Shenyang, who sent him directly to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center.

12. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Wang Yanling Arrested and Sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Wang Yanling is from Hongtoushan Mine in Qingyuan County, Fushun City. She was arrested in April 2005, sentenced to forced labor and taken to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City.

13. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Lan Yunfang from Wanghua District Taken to Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center

At around 11:00 a.m. on June 15, 2005, four officers arrested Ms. Lan Yunfang at her home in Fushun City. Her relatives learned the same night that she had been taken to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center.

14. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Ji Yingping Suffers Lung Damage and Throws Up Blood after Being Tortured in Jiamusi Detention Center

On May 20, 2005, Ms. Ji Yingping went to visit a fellow practitioner. In the stairwell she was accosted and forcibly taken into custody by officers who were staked out outside the practitioner's home. Ms. Ji has been held in the Jiamusi Detention Center. The authorities have rejected numerous requests from her family for a visit. It has been reported that Ms. Ji's lungs were damaged and that she was vomiting blood.

15. [Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zou Guoyan Illegally Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison

Mr. Zou Guoyan, 50, lives in Yuejin Township, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. He was arrested during a Fa-conference in July 2001. His whereabouts remained unknown for four years. It wasn't until June 17, 2005 that practitioners in the village and Shuangcheng City learned that Mr. Zou had been sentenced to nine years in prison. He is being held in the Daqing Prison.

16. [Haicheng, Liaoning Province] Mr. Qu Yongsheng in Critical Condition While on Hunger Strike

Mr. Qu Yongsheng (also known as Qu Dazhong) is from Haicheng, Liaoning Province. On October 20, 2004, he was arrested by the police in Yingkou and was subsequently sent to the Weining Forced Labor Camp in Benxi City. In early June of 2005, police transferred him to the Fushun Forced Labor Camp.

Mr. Qu has been on a hunger strike. He is in critical condition.

Telephone number of the Administration Section of the Fushun Forced Labor Camp: 86-413-4657559

17. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. He Xin and Her Young Son Forcibly Taken into Custody by Members of the 610 Office

In the night of June 21, 2005, Ms. He Xin from Shenyang City took her young son Li Zhengyi and went to Wafangdian in Liaoning City. She was to visit her husband, who was illegally sentenced to prison for practicing Falun Gong. Members of the 610 Office forcibly took her and her son into custody.

18. [Tianjin] Ms. Ma Jie Illegally Held in Hongqiao Police Department

On June 16, 2005, Ms. Ma Jie was arrested on her way to the Tianjin Business Institute to clarify the truth. She is being held in the Hongqiao Police Department in Tianjin.

19. [Henan Province] Zhongyuan Oil Field's 610 Office Sentences Ms. Jiang Zhaofang and Ms. Zheng Xiaoli to Forced Labor

Since January 2005, the Zhongyuan Oil Field's 610 Office has ordered the continuous arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. They held two brainwashing sessions and illegally sentenced eight people to prison or forced labor. Recently, after being held in custody for over a month, Ms. Jiang Zhaofang and Ms. Zheng Xiaoli were sentenced to two years and eighteen months of forced labor, respectively.

20. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Persecution of Mr. Liu Wenshu's Family in Tumu Village, Tumu Township, Huailai County

Except for his eldest son, all five of the immediate family members of Mr. Liu Wenshu are Falun Dafa practitioners. Since July 20, 1999, his home has been searched many times. They have remained homeless for over six months before being eventually arrested. The details of the persecution of his family are as follows:

Mr. Liu Wenshu, 63, was taken to the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Center in March 2004, where he was deprived of sleep. He remains in the brainwashing center.

Mr. Liu's wife Wenxiu, 61, was taken to the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Center in March 2004. She wrote a State of Guarantee against her will. She had to leave town and stay with her eldest daughter, who worked on odd jobs out of town.

Mr. Liu Zhaohui, their second son, 31, has been sentenced to seven years in prison. He is being held in the Jidong Prison in Tangshan City.

Ms. Liu Zhaohong, their second daughter, has been sentenced to five years in prison and held in the Shijiazhuang Prison.

Ms. Liu Zhaoxia, their eldest daughter, 39, was held in the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province. She was released after being "transformed." Unable to withstand the pressure, her husband divorced her. She had to leave town and work on odd jobs to support her parents and younger brother. She is bearing an extreme financial burden.

Telephone number of the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Center: 86-313-3686038

21. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wan Hongxia and Her Husband Mr. Zhou Zhenxiang Arrested; Their Home Searched

Ms. Wan Hongxia and her husband Mr. Zhou Zhenxiang live in the family quarters of Qianfeng Machinery Plant. Half a dozen Langfang police officers led by Yan Zhen of the No. 1 Division broke into their home on June 17, 2005. The officers took possession of a taxi, which was the only source of income and was bought by them with borrowed money. Their underage daughter has been left unattended at home. Ms. Wan and Mr. Zhou's whereabouts are unknown.

22. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Gao Fengqin Arrested

Ms. Gao Fengqin from Harbin City was arrested on June 9, 2005. Officers from the Dongli District Police Department arrested her at work under the pretense of taking her to a meeting. They also searched her home.

Ms. Gao's work unit: Harbin Professional Technology Institute
Zhang Libin, director of the institute
Lan Hai, head of the Security Division
Wang Hong, deputy head of the Security Division
Yu Min, head of the institute's propaganda team

23. [Henan Province] Mr. Ma Gang from Nanyang Oil Fields Illegally Sentenced to Eighteen Months of Forced Labor

Mr. Ma Gang from Nanyang Oil Fields was arrested by the police in May 2005 for distributing Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and Clearwisdom Weekly (Chinese edition). Mr. Ma has been sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor and taken to the Xuchang Forced Labor Camp.

24. [Heilongjiang Province] On Hunger Strike: Mr. Gong Guidong and Other Practitioner Detainees in Mudanjiang Prison

Mr. Gong Guidong from Hegang City and Mr. Li Guohua (or possibly Li Baohua) from Jixi City have been on hunger strikes in the Mudanjiang Prison in Heilongjiang Province since May 9, 2005. Their lives are in imminent danger. We request that Falun Dafa practitioners who learn about this strengthen them with righteous thoughts.