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A Story from China: Working as One Body to Rescue a Fellow Practitioner

July 15, 2005

(Clearwisdom.net) In a county in central China, Dafa practitioners worked as one body, sent forth righteous thoughts as a group for two days, and successfully rescued a fellow practitioner from a forced labor camp. This story was widespread in the area, and it showed the power of Dafa when we work together.

Practitioners decided to send forth righteous thoughts as a group in close proximity of a local labor camp and at a planned time. When the day came, more than 20 practitioners went to the labor camp to send forth righteous thoughts.

The first day, family members of the imprisoned practitioner did not cooperate well with practitioners. They feared that the imprisoned practitioner's sentence might be extended. As a result, the labor camp guards interrupted our activity. That night, all practitioners calmly studied the Fa together as a group and shared experiences. We concluded:

The Fa-rectification process eliminated most of the evil factors, so there are only a few left. The fact that a local practitioner is still being persecuted indicates that we still have omissions as one body. We need to let go of our ordinary people's notions, completely melt into the Fa, truly fulfill our responsibilities as Dafa disciples, and form a pure and righteous energy field.

It is understandable that the fellow practitioner's family members were afraid, but we were still the root cause. We were not firm enough in forming a positive energy field to help these family members. This world and the Three Realms were made for the Fa-rectification. We, as Dafa disciples assisting Teacher rectifying the Fa, should not be moved by people's notions. We must have strong righteous thoughts.

No matter how everyday people view us, we must do what we should do as Dafa disciples. The imprisoned practitioner is also Teacher's disciple, he is our fellow practitioner, he was chosen to be a Dafa disciple in ancient history, and he is a higher- level life to be assimilated with "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." We should do what Teacher told us to do, "Whoever sees it will come to give a hand and help this person out unconditionally." (Lecture One, Zhuan Falun )

The next day, more than 20 practitioners went back to the labor camp and sent forth righteous thoughts the entire day.

On the third day, the sending forth of righteous thoughts continued. Within about one hour, the imprisoned practitioner was released.

Fellow practitioners looked at each other in tears; we all experienced the power of Dafa and the boundless benevolence of Teacher.