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San Diego: Anti-torture Exhibit Allows More People to Learn about the Persecution of Falun Gong (Photos)

July 28, 2005 |   By practitioners in San Diego, USA

(Clearwisdom.net) Balboa Park is in the city of San Diego in Southern California, USA. It attracts thousands of tourists from around the world on a daily basis. Falun Dafa practitioners in San Diego have often held various activities here since 2001 to tell the tourists about Falun Gong and the persecution.

A practitioner clarifies the truth to passersby
People are eager to learn about Falun Gong

Beginning early this year, for about six months, practitioners in San Diego went to Balboa Park almost every weekend to hold anti-torture exhibits on the lawn. Falun Dafa practitioners' perseverance in the face of the communist regime's brutality greatly touches people's hearts. More and more people have learned about the persecution and have begun spreading the news to more people.

A passerby tells his friends about the persecution
Passersby learn to practice the exercises
People read about the persecution

Sometimes, visitors point at our photo display boards and say to their friends, "This is an exhibit about Falun Gong. In China, a horrible persecution is happening." One young visitor requested truth clarification materials from practitioners three times. She said that she wanted all her friends to learn about the persecution.

Visitors sign the petition to oppose the persecution
Signing the petition to oppose the persecution
People are reluctant to leave

Many predestined people learned about Falun Gong through the anti-torture exhibit. They are deeply attracted by the beauty and wonderfulness of Falun Dafa and begin to learn the practice. A practice site near the anti-torture exhibit has received new practitioners continuously. One day, seven westerners came to learn. Most of them had seen the anti-torture exhibit at least once.

Several visitors accompanied us when we began setting up the anti-torture exhibit. They followed practitioners to do the exercises for several hours until the exhibit was over at dusk, and they were still reluctant to leave.

Upon seeing so many predestined people learn the truth about Falun Gong through the anti-torture exhibit, and even begin to practice, the practitioners were greatly encouraged.