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Italy: Press Conference About Organ Harvesting in China Held in Italian Parliament Press Room

Dec. 27, 2006

(Clearwisdom.net) On November 22, 2006, Italy's Ansa News Agency reported that Mr. Della Vedova, Italian MEP, invited Canada's former Secretary of State (Asia Pacific) and Member of Parliament David Kilgour to give a presentation in the press room of the Italian Parliament. Kilgour discussed the report he drafted with human rights lawyer David Matas after their independent investigation into allegations that the Chinese communist regime harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Vedova called on the Italian Foreign Minister to pay attention to the CCP's bestial trade in organs harvested from living Falun Gong practitioners.

It is essential to develop economic relations with China, but the Italian government should also bluntly bring up human right issues to the Chinese government without fear.

The report on the independent investigation has been publicized in twenty five countries. According to the report, organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China is a fact.

The report also pointed out that across China, Falun Gong practitioners are the victims of organ harvesting while still alive. In China, it is suspected that a widespread policy of forcibly removing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners is carried out in various places.

Among those who attended the press conference was the spokesperson of the Free Reformist Coalition Mr. Taradash.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200612/37177.html