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Practitioner Ms. Luo Siying from Shenyang, Liaoning Province Is Arrested Before Daughter's Wedding

Dec. 3, 2006

(Clearwisdom.net) On October 24, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luo Siying, 56 years old, from the Dadong District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, was illegally arrested from her home by the police from the Heping District National Security Team. She is now imprisoned in the Shenyang Jail.

Ms. Luo was an accountant at the Shenyang Chinese Medicine Factory and is now retired. She began to practice Falun Gong in 1996. On the first day that she practiced Falun Gong her body felt healthier. From this experience she knew that this cultivation practice was effective. Studying the principles of Falun Dafa and cultivating her heart and mind, she became more kindhearted and selfless. At her company, she completed her tasks carefully and conscientiously, fulfilled her duties, worked hard, and was not upset by criticism. Ms. Luo followed Falun Dafa's principles. When she had a disagreement with others, she looked within for her own problems. When meeting with conflict she looked for her own shortcomings, considered others more, and became a person who always thought about others. Ms. Luo's outlook on life was greatly improved and at the same time she obtained a healthy body. Her longstanding bout with hepatitis B disappeared without treatment.

Last October, another practitioner was arrested. The police searched her belongings and obtained Ms. Luo's telephone number. On the evening of October 24, five officers from the Heping District National Security Team went to Ms. Luo's home. At that time, Ms. Luo's husband was repairing a door, and the door was open. These five people rushed into the room. They showed Ms. Luo their IDs, and then they began to search the place. They arrested Ms. Luo and confiscated Dafa books, pictures of Master, a computer, an MP3 player, leaflets, and other personal belongings.

Ms. Luo had a happy family. Her husband works at the Educational Department and is an honest person. Her daughter, Linlin, graduated from a university and works as a technician in a big company. She is a good daughter. This family has now been broken up, and their happiness is only a memory.

The 28th of October was Linlin's marriage celebration day. When the relatives and friends came to attend the wedding ceremony found out that Ms. Luo had been arrested just before her daughter was to be married, they were shocked. They expressed their indignation and condemned the Chinese Communist Party's tactics.

Contact information:

Shenyang Jail: Gaoli Village, Zaohua Town, Yuhong District, Shenyang City, zip code: 110148

telephone: 86-24-89241894 (extension 8084), 86-24-89248084
Deputy Chief Guo Baoan
Political Committee He Dongning
Team chiefs at the Third Jail Area: Wang Shuangyua, Xu Yan (female, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong)
Partial list of instructors: Zhao Min, Zhao Yanling, Xu Haiying, Duan Guojie, Yao Dongmei, Zhang Botao, Tong Yuxin, Gao Xinfu, Zhao Ying, Jiang Shuang, Yu Xin, Liu Jie