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A 7-Year-Old and Her Classmates See Beautiful Lights and Falun in the Sky

Dec. 3, 2006 |   By oral account of a young practitioner in Yunnan province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a seven year old Falun Dafa practitioner. I have been following the adults to read the Fa and listen to the Fa since I was little. My mother told me that I could recite Lunyu and some poems from Hong Yin when I was two years old. I actually can read Zhuan Falun by myself now. Teacher often shows me mysterious scenes in other dimensions to encourage me to be diligent. Around 9 a.m. today at school, I again saw a vision that was even more beautiful and grand than before. This morning, when I walked out of the classroom after the first lesson, I suddenly saw a very big golden circle in the sky. It was very beautiful and was surrounded by many rotating small Falun. Its color changed constantly, and then a radiance shone through. Many of my schoolmates also saw it. They shouted, "What is that?"

The schoolmates who saw the light began to talk. Some said it was red light, some said it was green light, some said they saw different colors. But, they did not see that after the radiance shone through, that big words appeared in the sky. They said, "Falun Dafa is good". Next a golden light burst through. I felt a warm current going through my whole body. I can not describe how comfortable it was. After a while, the light and the words slowly disappeared but some of my schoolmates still gazed at the sky and said, "Wait a bit longer, see if it will come again." They all hoped for the reappearance of the colorful mysterious lights, but they did not appear again.

My schoolmates did not see the Falun and the big words "Falun Dafa is good". They only saw different colored lights. I suppose they will probably see it one day in the future. I hope so much that people of the whole world can see it!