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Spain: Mainstream Media Focus on Organ Harvesting (Photos)

Dec. 3, 2006

(Clearwisdom.net) One November 30, 2006, David Kilgour, coauthor of the "Report into Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China", visited Spain.

Since its publication, the Report has attracted wide attention from Spanish media. One day before Kilgour's visit, in an article titled "David Kilgour is to talk in Madrid about how China traffic human organs, El Pais (one of the major newspapers in Spain) introduced Kilgour's visit to the public.

David Kilgour addressed to the press


Television of Spain Interviewed David Kilgour

Kilgour held a press conference as soon as he arrived in Madrid, and near twenty media outlets including all prominent Spanish media attended. After the press conference, Television of Spain interviewed Kilgour and the interview was aired on its nightly news.

During his visit, Kilgour also met the Director of Asia Bureau of the Spanish Foreign Affair Ministry, Members of the House of Representatives and representatives of Amnesty International.