Many Dafa practitioners face difficulties clarifying the truth face-to-face. It worries us when only a few people want to quit the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) after we clarify the truth to them. Is there anything wrong with the way we clarify the truth? I want to share my experience and understanding with fellow practitioners.
Actually, speaking of clarifying the truth, we all know how to do it. Although the way each of us thinks and the way we clarify the truth is different, it is because the paths we walk in our cultivation are different. But we are all in Dafa. My understanding is that the most important thing is that we should keep a peaceful mind and should not think anything is impossible.
The things we are doing are sacred. We use shallow language and peaceful minds to talk about profound principles. For example, in the past I did not clarify the truth to many people. But I remembered what Master told us and used every chance in my everyday life to clarify the truth. I tried my best to clarify the truth from my heart. In the beginning, I also had the same feeling of difficulty as some of the practitioners.
The first difficulty for me was the barrier of my notions. Since I was influenced by the CCP culture too much and my mind was not very clear, I did not concentrate on how to save people, but on getting people to accept what I said. I did not trust in the power of Dafa and viewed things from a human perspective. Actually, everyday people have all kinds of notions and they can also be influenced by many other dimensions. How can we guess their thoughts? Their thoughts are very chaotic, but also very weak. Our strong field of righteous thoughts can absolutely assimilate them. So we don’t need to worry too much about what everyday people think. We know that the people in this world today all came for the Fa. But they don’t know that and they need us to tell them. No matter what everyday people say, they will never know the reason why people come to this world. So as Dafa practitioners, we first need to position the relationship between practitioners and everyday people correctly in order to clarify the truth well.
We should also have a peaceful mind. Before clarifying the truth I will think that I want to tell a very good thing to people. We should calm our mind and talk to people in a normal way. I know a good thing and I want to share it with them. Do not think it is too complicated. Do not use the CCP’s notions. Do not worry about what people will think of our words and only think of how to clarify the truth to them. Since people do not know the truth but we know, we just tell the good things of Dafa we know to people. If we have a peaceful mind, we will not be nervous when clarifying the truth and we can express the principles of the Fa fluently. We do not need to use too many words, but every word will touch people’s true and original nature. They will just listen to us and no matter what we tell them they will consider it as truth. I just walked a path like this during truth clarifying. Right now as long as I study the Fa well and my "xinxing" is good, I am very confident when clarifying the truth and I feel everyone I talk to will be saved.
An important step is to send forth righteous thoughts. I sent forth righteous thoughts every time before I clarified the truth. First of all, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all the thoughts in everyday people’s mind that resist Dafa, and to destroy all elements of the Communist evil specter. If my own mind is not stable, I will also send forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate all of the dark minions and rotten demons and destroy all elements of the Communist evil specter in my space. Since my space is clear and my mind is very pure, everyday people’s notions will not take effect. (Otherwise he will continuously interrupt and speak what is in his mind. In the end, I cannot finish all I need to say.) In addition, we clarify the reason for quitting the CCP and its associated organizations very fluently and continuously. Thus the situation will be totally controlled by us. If we can clarify the truth in this way, it will have a very positive effect on clarifying the truth and will be very good for the sentient beings. It will also be responsible to the Fa and to the sentient beings.
So how do I clarify the truth? Usually I come straight to the point without any unnecessary words. First I say one or two words about some topics of everyday people, and then I will immediately get to the point. I usually ask, "I want to tell you a very good thing. I am wondering if you would like to know?" The person usually says, "What kind of good thing? Please tell me." Then I will bring out the points. I say, "The time is limited. I don’t want to waste your time. I want to tell you a very important thing that is directly related to your life." Then I will ask if he knows about quitting the CCP and its associated organizations, or if he knows what the fate of the CCP will be for persecuting Falun Gong, or if he knows about the Epoch Times website, or if he knows how to go on the Internet.
If we point out these key questions, the people will concentrate on our answers to these questions. Then we can use this situation to save the sentient beings. We can use shallow language to tell them what we know. Whatever we tell them, they will listen to that. The result is that as far as we can tell them the truth, we can save them. For example, the reason I ask if they know the fate of the CCP for persecuting Falun Gong is to tell if the person clearly knows the truth about Falun Gong. We can directly tell this from his face. If he resists Dafa, I will tell him the truth about Falun Dafa. If he does not resist Dafa, I will directly tell him to quit the CCP. So this question I ask is very important. (Since if he agrees to quit the CCP but is still against Dafa, he still won't yet have a good future.)
Since the time is limited and the interference always exists at the same time, we cannot speak too much. Then I will tell the person that it is absolutely wrong for the CCP to persecute Falun Gong. It is against the heavenly principles. Since the CCP is very evil and so many Chinese people were persecuted by the CCP in the Great Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Massacre of 1989 and the persecution of Falun Gong, the Chinese people are all afraid of it. Right now the corruption of the CCP is an obvious fact to all and there is no way to save it. A proverb says that if the people do not punish it, heaven will punish it. Heaven is punishing the CCP now. In the next step, heaven will extinguish the CCP. The reason heaven wants to extinguish the CCP is because everything the CCP does is not good for the people and the CCP is evil. But why do we want to tell everyone? That is because the CCP is not isolated. It is composed of the party members, Communist Youth League members and the Young Pioneers. Heaven will extinguish the CCP, which also include all the people that belong to the organizations. If people do not quit, they will be one of the CCP’s individual units and be part of reason for its expansion. Thus, heaven will eliminate them too.
So the people belong to the CCP and its associated organizations must quit. It is to save their lives. If they do not want to quit, then they will be eliminated together with the CCP. Right now there is the Epoch Times website. All the people who quit the CCP will be listed there. If the person can go to the Internet, he can quit the CCP by himself. If he cannot, he should ask others to help. Since today I have the chance to tell him the truth, it is his good fortune. The people who know the truth all want to quit the CCP (This statement will reinforce the person’s righteous thoughts). Usually they will agree to quit. At the same time, we should tell him that nearly 17 million people have already quit the CCP. This will prove to the person that quitting the CCP is a real thing. Then we can let him know that since we tell him the truth today, we can definitely help him to quit the CCP. Then we can ask his name. Usually he will tell us his name very quickly. After learning his name, we can tell him again, "Since you already quit the CCP, you should also tell your family members. If they have the chance to meet people like me later, they can ask them for help quitting the CCP. This is to save yourself by quitting the CCP and its associated organizations. I brought this wonderful opportunity to you, and you can bring the beauty to your entire family too." All the time I was telling him this. He just nodded and thanked me. A sentient being was saved.
Certainly, these are not the only words we can say. But my thinking is always like this. People can understand my points very clearly. As long as he likes to listen to me, I can always help him quit the CCP. In case I did not persuade him to quit the CCP, I will summarize it and remember what words I said that were obstacles for him and myself. Then I can find the answer based on the Fa. This is also a process of changing our notions and improving ourselves. We should not draw any conclusion about everyday people. We should just do the three things well. Let us be purer and purer. Let all the unrighteous elements be disintegrated or assimilated to the Fa.
The above is just my personal understanding. Thanks again Master! Thanks fellow practitioners!