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Eliminating Incorrect Thoughts and Notions

Feb. 8, 2006

(Clearwisdom.net) Several years ago when fellow practitioner A had come to visit me the police came to my home to arrest me. I made up my mind that I would not let the evildoers take A away since he was responsible for much Dafa work in our local area, so I protected him.

After being arrested, I put a blemish on Dafa due to my misunderstanding of the Fa. Though I regretted the loss I caused, I felt good that I protected A. Many of the other practitioners praised my courage also. Oddly enough, several practitioners blamed A [for my arrest]. He suffered great pressure for a while.

There are many similar incorrect notions. For example, fellow practitioner B left the prison with righteous thoughts, but many practitioners thought it was because he has a relative who is a police officer and thereby had connections. When practitioner C got an early release, some practitioners thought it was because of his wealth and connections. A couple of practitioners were arrested at the same time, and one was soon released while the other was imprisoned for many years. Certain practitioners thought it was nice of the police to let one of them go home to take care of their children and elderly parents.

After coming back from the prison I studied the Fa more and more. I realized that I was looking at many issues with human notions. I realized that many practitioners safely escaping the evil persecution was the result of their diligent cultivation and righteous thoughts. Though on the surface it may seem to be ordinary people's doings, gods cannot help us escape if we do not have righteous thoughts.

I realized that I had unconsciously followed the old forces' arrangements. Though I protected a fellow practitioner, I still did not completely deny the old forces' arrangements. I did not realize that as a Dafa disciple I should not be persecuted at all.

I also found that I liked to be a hero and envied many practitioners' acts of heroism during Fa rectification. I unconsciously sought opportunities to protect fellow practitioners, like a hero. I would not have made such a big mistake if I had understood the Fa better. Master told us,

"Cultivation is a solemn thing. I want you to cultivate into gods, and in that process you are able to validate the Fa. That is why I have imparted the Dafa to you, and why I have given you unprecedented, eternal glory. It is not to have you simply become a hero among everyday people in counteracting the persecution. Rather, it is to have you validate the Fa while negating the old forces' arrangements and opposing the persecution, and to, through this, progress towards godhood." ("Master's Fa Taught in the International Teleconference")

Some of these human notions during our cultivation that seem correct are actually wrong, which are big barriers for cultivating further. Master told us,

"What's happening is that the cosmos is going through Fa-rectification. [What is taking place in] the human world is merely how low-level beings act when gigantic cosmic bodies are being impacted by the Fa-rectification. What could human beings possibly do to gods? If there were no outside factors, would humans dare to do anything to gods? How human society unfolds is nothing but the outcome of high-level beings controlling things." "With validating the Fa, you should save the world's people and do well the three things Dafa disciples are supposed to do. Be diligent! Cast aside your human attachments. Godhood isn't far away." ("In Fa-Rectification Your Thoughts Have to be Righteous, Not Human")