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Urging Overseas Practitioners to Expose the Deliberate Distortion of Facts by Chinese Guides

March 1, 2006 |   By Tong Xiu

(Clearwisdom.net) As more and more tourists from China visit Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and other countries, local practitioners strive to clarify the truth to them. This has been having more and more of a positive impact on these tourists.

I personally had some conversations with a few people from Hubei Province who once toured Hong Kong. When speaking of Falun Gong, many of the tourists have positive experiences. Chinese tourists have been extensively brainwashed and poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) culture. As soon as they cross the border and see the sharp contrast between what is happening overseas and in China, they are shocked.

However, some Chinese guides from the China International Travel Service (CITS) purposely mislead and deceive the tourists, which negatively influences the Chinese tourists. In the second half of 2003, the principal at my school went to Hong Kong together with a tourist group. When he returned, he told me that the Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong who frequently distribute truth-clarification materials on street are paid HK$50 daily. Although such a statement is absurd and is totally false, the negative influence on those tourists is significant. With such a notion in their minds, the tourists are not able to understand that practitioners are there voluntarily, let alone can they understand practitioners' selflessness. According to my principal, two other principals in his tourist group accepted some Falun Gong pamphlets which were later confiscated by Chinese customs agents. As a result, they would be punished when they returned home.

While I was teaching a writing class yesterday, I told the story of the "Red Eyed Lion," and then asked my students to write an essay about it. Naturally, I mentioned the phenomenon of quitting the CCP. One student said, "Teacher, I saw a poster at the school entrance with the words: Quit the CCP to save yourself, Five million people have quit CCP, and Nine Commentaries, etc." "Nine commentaries are the commentaries on the Communist Party. We've seen it in Hong Kong," two other students added. Then I realized the two students have been to Hong Kong.

After class I chatted with them. They told me about the "wages" that the Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong are "paid." They even said that the practitioners were paid HK$500 for distributing the brochures. When asked how they learned this, they said that they heard it from their mothers, who in turn had heard it from their tour guides. According to them, the guides also told their mothers a story that a Chinese tourist who received the Falun Gong pamphlets was found out at Chinese customs and detained for a few hours as a result. "The tourist was really scared," the guide said. Obviously some guides from CITS have been deliberately intimidating, misleading, and deceiving the mainland tourists.

Since I have never been out of the country, I don't know how the practitioners in Hong Kong and overseas, in general, deal with the dirty tricks by the Chinese tour guides. Here I am providing feedback from mainland tourists to Hong Kong and overseas practitioners, so that the issue will be taken more seriously and better strategies devised to save people. As a suggestion, some posters that expose the deceptive practice of the Chinese guides can be displayed at tourist sites. I strongly believe my fellow practitioners will find better ways to clarify the truth.


1. Back in early 2005, a parent of my student told me that her son was once reciting: "disfiguring my face won't destroy my heart." It turns out that her family spent the 2005 Chinese New Year in Hong Kong, where her son saw the displays of the persecution of Falun Gong and memorized the words.

2. Recently I taught Social Studies to the elementary school pupils. I was talking about the crimes that the CCP has committed when a student responded, "Teacher, people in Hong Kong say 'A new era begins when the CCP rule ends.'" (Bright Sun Shine on China When the CCP Shadow is Gone!) It turns out that she learned it from her mother who once visited Hong Kong with a tourist group.

3. During the summer vacation of 2005, two of the students I tutored told me that their parents openly told them that "A new era begins when the CCP rule ends."