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San Francisco: Falun Gong Practitioners Ask Singapore Government to Stop Assisting in the CCP's Crimes (Photos)

Jan. 26, 2007 |   By Kelly Huang, Minghui Reporter in San Francisco Bay Area

(Clearwisdom.net) Regarding the most recent unfair trial session of six Singapore Falun Gong practitioners, Falun Gong practitioners in the San Francisco Bay Area launched another protest in front of the Singapore Consulate in San Francisco on January 24, 2007. Falun Gong practitioners called for the Singapore government to uphold justice and correct the wrong for the future of Singapore people. They warned the Singapore government not to please the CCP by assisting it to persecute Falun Gong, and asked for the ridiculous charges to be dropped.

Falun Gong practitioners protest in front of the Singapore Consulate in San Francisco due to the unfair trial of Falun Gong practitioners and call for an end to assisting the CCP in the persecution of Falun Gong

The Singapore Consulate in located in a big building on a busy street. Falun Gong practitioners arrived at the site around 11:00 a.m. They unfolded banners in Chinese and English, distributed fliers about the unfair trial and persecution. Many people passed the building around noon. They stopped to read the banners and asked for more information.

Mr. Cheng Minghua, a financial professional from East Bay Area, participated in the protest. She said the reason for the Singapore government and Lee Kuan Yew to please the CCP by assisting in the persecution of Falun Gong was probably for economic reasons. She thought no matter how small a country was, it should uphold justice and conscience. It was not right to trade conscience for money. She made it here to ask the Singapore Consulate to drop the ridiculous charges against the six Falun Gong practitioners.

An elderly Chinese American said with strong feeling, "I know exactly how it happened! The CCP's pressure and persecution is everywhere. It happened in Chinatown of San Francisco." He didn't take any flier because he wanted to save it for other people. He told Falun Gong practitioners, "I support you!"

A gentleman from San Mateo asked Falun Gong practitioners for details about the case. He said he knew the CCP violated human rights, but he didn't know the Singapore government did the same. He said, "The Singapore government shouldn't have done that."

Ms. Qin, a computer engineer in Silicon Valley, called the Singapore Consulate and asked the Singapore government to correct the wrongdoing. However, the consulate employee interrupted under the excuse that nobody in the Consulate was in charge of the Falun Gong issue. He asked Ms. Qin to send a fax instead. When Ms. Qin dialed the fax number she was given, it turned out to be a number not in service.

Background: Six Falun Gong practitioners distributed fliers on a busy street in Singapore on October 23, 2005, to expose the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP and to support the Chinese people who quit the CCP. The Singapore police charged them with "assembly without permit." During the trial session, the court didn't follow the regular legal process. Falun Gong practitioners weren't allowed into the court to hear the trial. The trial was conducted secretively. The court refused to summon Lee Kuan Yew as a witness and refused Falun Gong practitioners' appeal.