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Persecution Cases of Practitioners in Chongqing City

Jan. 27, 2007


1. Ms. Li Zhonglan started practicing Falun Gong in 1997 and conducted herself according to Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. She was reported in May 2002 while distributing truth-clarification materials and clarifying the truth about the persecution on a bus. Ms. Li was arrested and taken to the Fuxing Police Station but escaped using the power of righteous thoughts. She lived a homeless life to avoid arrest and did not return home for more than three years. The police found her having a meal with others at a restaurant called Nong Jia Le on October 6, 2005, during the Fifth Asia Pacific Cities Summit in Chongqing City. The police immediately arrested her, took her to the Yiwanshui Detention Center and held her there for one year. While in detention, she lost a tooth from being beaten, and also sustained facial scars that took a very long time to heal. The brutal torture to which she was subjected made Ms. Li appear skeleton-like. The Yubei District Court sentenced her to three years of forced labor in September 2006 and sent her to Yongchuan Labor Farm (a tea farm) in early October.

2. Mr. Wang Daohua, 70, lived in Shuitu Town, Beipei District, Chongqing City. He started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and benefited physically and mentally. He was determined in his belief in Dafa. The police ransacked his home in 2000 and took all of his Dafa books, including Zhuan Falun. Mr. Wang and his wife were sent to the Shuitu Town Brainwashing Center. He was subsequently transferred to a nursing home called Home of Happiness where he was forced to do heavy manual labor by working to build a highway. He was detained there for five months. Mr. Wang firmly practiced Dafa and refused to "reform" or cooperate with the authorities. He was sent to a detention center in 2001 and sentenced to two years of forced labor, to be served at the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp. He continued practicing Dafa in 2003 after he went home, and clarified the truth to rescue people. He was reported in October 2003 and sent to the Beipei Detention Center. Mr. Wang was sentenced to three and a half years in prison and sent to the Yongchuan Prison in Chongqing City, where he is still being held.

3. Mr. Wu Shangming is a retired worker from the Beicheng Group in the Beipei District. He started practicing Falun Dafa in the spring of 2000 after he retired. Dafa taught him how to become a truly good person, but he was persecuted by the Communist regime for practicing Dafa and clarifying the truth. Beginning in 2002, officers from the Beipei Police Department's First Section frequently went to his home trying to arrest him. He left his home and lived a difficult life. The police also harassed his children.

Mr. Wu and practitioner Chen Zhaoliu were arrested at the same time in March 2003 and taken to the Beipei Detention Center. The police subsequently ransacked Mr. Wu's home and took Dafa books, watches, keys, ID cards and other belongings, which they never returned. Mr. Wu was sentenced to three years in prison in July 2003 and sent to the Yongchuan Prison, where he was held until March 2006. He followed Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance with rock-solid determination and didn’t believe the guards’ lies when they promised him a sentence reduction in exchange for renouncing his belief. He overcame tribulations with righteous belief in Dafa.

4. Ms. Yin Hongrong is from Dadi, Tankou. She started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997 and was freed from numerous illnesses. Furthermore, Dafa principles taught her how to be a good person. She firmly practiced Dafa after the persecution began on July 20, 1999, for which the Communist regime severely persecuted her.

Ms. Yin and some other practitioners went to Beijing to clarify the truth. She was arrested and held at the Beipei Custody Center for 15 days, including two days in a solitary confinement cell. After she returned home, she was taken to the Shuitu Town Brainwashing Center where she was made to take part in building a highway. She was in her sixties, and the workload was too much for her. The officials hit her with bamboo sticks and detained her for five months. Because of her unwavering belief in Dafa, the officials held her in a custody center for 15 days followed by a nursing home, where she was completely deprived of personal freedom. Those who monitored Ms. Yin often verbally assaulted her and other practitioners. The officials also ransacked her home and took Dafa books, gold earrings and other personal belongings. Ms. Yin firmly believed in Teacher and Dafa and refused to write guarantee statements. As a result, she was sentenced to two years of forced labor and sent to the Maojiashan Forced Labor Camp in 2001. She was held there for six months and later released on medical parole.

Ms. Yin Hongrong was discovered clarifying the truth in late December 2002. She was arrested again and sent to the Beipei District Detention Center. She was later sentenced to four years of forced labor and sent to the Yongchuan Prison in Chongqing City.

5. Ms. Zhang Ping lived near the Shuitu Farm in the Beipei District, Chongqing City. She started Falun Dafa practice in 1997 and experienced the wonders of Dafa, including freedom from all illnesses. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Dafa in 1999, she went to Beijing with other practitioners to clarify the truth. They were arrested at Tiananmen Square and tortured through force-feeding. She was taken back to Beipei and her home was ransacked. Officials extorted more than 2,000 yuan from her, declaring it a "fine," and held her at the Beipei Custody Center for 15 days. Because she had much fear, Ms. Zhang gave up the practice for a while and consequently suffered a relapse of her old illnesses. However, she resumed Fa study and doing the exercises. She raised her xinxing, recovered, and strengthened her belief in Dafa. Shuitu Town government officials ransacked her home again in 2005 and took all of her Dafa books and copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

6. Ms. Tang Jinbi, 52, lived in Tankou, Beipei, Chongqing City. The Chinese government persecuted her many times. She and other practitioners went to Beijing to appeal and clarify the truth in 2000. They were detained at the Beipei Custody Center for 15 days and each extorted of 1,000 yuan. Ms. Tang was held at the Shuitu Town Police Station on February 3, 2000 and transferred to the Beipei Custody Center on February 4, 2000. Her home was ransacked, she was extorted of 9,000 yuan and she was detained for 12 days. Ms. Tang was arrested again on September 15, 2005 and held at the Beipei Custody Center for 12 days for refusing to "reform." The police ransacked her home and confiscated Dafa books.

7. Ms. Duan Chengqiong, 43, lived at Group 6, Wanshou Village, Shuitu Town, Beipei District. She started practicing Falun Dafa in September 1998 because she wanted to cure her illnesses. The CCP began persecuting Falun Gong less than one year later when she hadn’t yet fully understood the meaning of Dafa cultivation. The police took her to a brainwashing center on February 28, 2000, where she saw practitioner Ms. Deng Buqiong with her one-year-old daughter. The baby cried and she wanted to get out of the brainwashing center. The police violently slapped Ms. Deng’s face. Ms. Duan’s heart ached at the sight. She was determined to warn the evildoers not to persecute innocent people. She went to Beijing on March 4, 2000, but was intercepted by the police at the Caiyuanba Train Station. They sent her to a custody center on March 7 and detained her there for 15 days. Ms. Duan was taken back to the brainwashing center in Shuitu Town on April 5, 2000, a session held by Longshan Elementary School's principal Huang Tongshan. She refused to write a guarantee statement and was taken to a nursing home called Home of Happiness on April 25, 2000. That same afternoon, Huang Tongshan announced that practitioners must write reports, and if they refused to write them, they were forbidden to go home or to eat and had to pay all expenses [for their internment]. Ten practitioners were locked up, including Sun Xiaoli, Huang Zhongqing, Wang Dahua, Yi Hongrong, Li Jingfang, Wang Donggou and Deng Buqiong.

The officials forced the Dafa practitioners to work in highway construction as their daily labor. The practitioners were given ten minutes for lunch, followed by non-Dafa exercises dictated by the brainwashing center. The practitioners refused to do the exercises. One official viciously kicked practitioner Huang Zhongqing and made him stand outside for one hour. Shuitu Town Party Committee Secretary Chen Junpei said to the practitioners, "You are fighting in vain, because the Party is so much bigger than you guys." The next day they made handicapped elderly practitioners stay on the second floor and the other practitioners on the ground floor, so it would be easy for them to manage the practitioners. The other practitioners asked to let the elderly practitioners live on the ground floor, so it would be easier for them, but the officials refused.

Official Huang Tongshan called practitioner Ms. Duan Chengqiong to his office on April 18, 2000, where several people were already present. Huang Tongshan pulled out a sheet of paper half covered with words and laid it on the table. Several people headed by Chen Jun immediately jumped on practitioner Ms. Duan. They held her hand and pressed her fingers on the paper before she could react. She was so shocked she couldn’t say anything for ten minutes. Her family was extorted of 500 yuan before she was released. After she went home she thought, "Why don’t they release all Dafa practitioners?" She went back and reasoned with the officials. The brainwashing session ended on May 26, 2000.

After Ms. Duan recalled the incident of the officials holding her hand and forcibly taking her fingerprint, she wanted to go to Beijing to appeal and did so on June 8, 2000. For that they sentenced her to one year of forced labor at the Maojiashan Forced Labor Camp, where she nearly died from torture. She went home on September 19, 2001. Shuitu Town Comprehensive Administration Office head Peng Yi and agents from the 610 Office deceived her into going to a nursing home by telling her, "Come here and study for a few days, and then you can go home." To her surprise, the officials shut the gate behind her immediately after she had entered the nursing home.

Practitioners Tang Tianzhen, Sun Xiaoli, Li Hongfang and Huang Zhongqing were also held there. Ms. Duan clarified the truth to the officials many times, but they refused to listen to her. She said, "It is illegal to beat people!" Longshan Elementary School principal Huang Tonghshan said, "We have official documents [allowing us] to beat you. So, you deserve to be beaten!" Ms. Duan and Sun Xiaoli asked him to show the documents, but he didn’t reply.

The officials tried to isolate the practitioners and send food to each practitioner held in separate rooms, but Ms. Duan and Sun Xiaoli opposed such methods. Ms. Duan was sent to the Beipei Senior Cadres Institute on October 26, 2001, where she was completely deprived of freedom and locked in a room. The officials forced her and other practitioners to watch Dafa-slandering TV programs.

On December 12, 2001, Ms. Duan underwent a divorce due to pressure from the officials. She returned home on January 18, 2002.

Ms. Duan was arrested again on the evening of July 10, 2002, at the home of practitioner Yan Jiangping. She was sentenced to three years of forced labor and again sent to the Maojiashan Labor Camp, where under mental and physical torture, she did things against Teacher and Dafa and brought shame on herself. During her three years at this camp, she saw some practitioners having mental collapses, some developed mental trauma, and some died mysteriously, even though all practitioners were previously healthy and normal people. Some practitioners were tortured in solitary confinement cells. Ms. Duan heard screaming, crying, and cursing, and sometimes she was startled awake by shrieking voices in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep. She saw practitioners tortured to the point of becoming skeleton-like. The Communist Party regime uses bad people to abuse good people!

8. Ms. Huang Xianling lived at Group 8, Wanshou Village, Shuitu Town, Beipei District. She persisted in practicing Falun Dafa and was sentenced to two years of forced labor in July 2002, having been deprived of personal freedom. The guards assigned drug addict inmates to monitor practitioners around the clock. The practitioners were forced to follow the officials’ requirements, sleep very little, and stand for extended periods of time, and they were allotted only a small amount of diluted porridge for nourishment. They were forbidden from washing themselves or taking a shower for long periods of time. They were locked in dark solitary confinement cells and were made to run long distances in sweltering heat.

9. Mr. Yan Jiangping started Falun Dafa practice after he saw how his wife’s illnesses were miraculously and completely cured soon after she began practicing on August 21, 1997 [Chinese lunar calendar]. She had previously taken medications and injections but remained sick. Mr. Yan understood the principles of how to be a truly good person and he quit smoking, gambling and other bad habits. He improved physically and spiritually.

Mr. Yan Jiangping and six other practitioners—Huang Xianling, Huang Xianfen, Duan Chengqiong, Wang Yuanxiu, Peng Zhen, and Zhou Changlan—were studying the Fa and doing the exercises at his home on the evening of July 10, 2002. Peng Yi from the Shuitu Town 610 Office, He Youquan from the Bei District 610 Office and officers Guo Shuang and Peng Longrong from Shuitu Police Station suddenly broke into the home and arrested all seven practitioners. They took three copies of Zhuan Falun, a radio recorder and many copies of truth-clarification materials, and transported the practitioners to the Shuitu Police Station. Practitioners Yan Jiangping and Wang Yuanxiu were transferred to the Fuxing Police Station on July 11, 2002, for interrogation and persecution. The police handcuffed Mr. Yan to a windowsill so his feet barely touched the floor. The handcuffs cut into his wrists, making his hands numb and causing them to bleed. He did not recover for a long time. Mr. Yan was transferred to a detention center on July 13, 2002 and was sentenced to two years of forced labor.

Mr. Yan Jiangping had not thoroughly studied the Fa and also had many notions. He forgot that he was a Dafa practitioner. When inmate Yao San told him, "You, the Falun Gong people, if you refuse to write guarantee statements, once you are transferred to another place, the inmates will beat you like an animal. If you want to use the restroom, the inmates will write your Teacher’s name on a piece of paper and flush it down the toilet before they let you use it. There are lots of persecution methods to make you write the guarantee statements." Mr. Yan ignored his conscience and once compromised. He left the labor camp in May 2004.

10. Ms. Liu Guibi lived in Shuitu Town, Beipei District. In the spring of 2000, Shuitu Town officials sent her to the Yaowangguan Brainwashing Center in Shuitu Town. She was later transferred to the Tankou Brainwashing Center. Wang Zuxin, political head of Shuitu Town Police Station, and officer Peng Xiangrong ransacked her home many times without presenting their ID. On one occasion they took her to the Shuitu Town Police Station to interrogate her, detained her at the Beipei Custody Center for seven days, and persecuted her at a brainwashing center set up inside the Shuitu Town Nursing Home. Another time, after they had ransacked her home they held her at the Beipei Detention Center for one month and then sent her back to the Shuitu Town Nursing Home brainwashing center. The officials smashed and destroyed the front gate of her home. She was repeatedly sent to the Shuitu Town Nursing Home brainwashing center, off and on, for about two years. While in detention, Tang Guoyou from the Shuitu Town government kicked her. Chen Junbo from Shuitu Town and the notorious Longshan Elementary School principal Huang Tongshan were also quite vicious. She was forced to work in highway construction and listen to Huang Tongshan read articles that slandered Teacher and Dafa.

11. Ms. Li Jinfang lived in Shuitu Town, Beipei District. She went to Beijing to appeal in February 2000 and was arrested. Officials from the Shuitu Town government directly sent her to the Beipei District Detention Center where she was held for one month. Afterwards, Shuitu Town government officials sent her immediately to the Yaowangguan Brainwashing Center, then transferred her to the Shuitu Town Enterprise Office Brainwashing Center. In the middle of the brainwashing session, they sent her to the Beipei Custody Center and held her there for 15 days. The guards at that custody center savagely beat her.

Following that stay, she was taken to the brainwashing center at Shuitu Town Nursing Home where she was held for nearly two years. During this time, Tang Guoyou and Chen Junbai from the Shuitu Town government kicked her and hit her with bamboo planks and forced her to help build a highway. In the summer, the officials made practitioners stand outside at a dry dam in the sweltering heat. The Communist regime uses schoolteacher Huang Tongshan, who forced Dafa practitioners to listen to him read articles that slandered Teacher and Dafa. Huang Tongshan also forbade Li Jinfang from eating, and savagely beat practitioner Mr. Sun Pingui, who is in his sixties. Huang made Mr. Sun stand on one foot, tiptoed, and when his body became unsteady, Huang kicked him until his feet were covered in blood. Huang tortured Mr. Sun this way for two hours.

12. Mr. Wang Zhongge lived in Wanshouqiao Village, Shuitu Town, Beipei District. He appealed in Beijing on December 21, 1999, and was arrested by officers from the Tiananmen Police Department when doing the exercises in Tiananmen Square. He was held at the Chaoyang Police Station in Beipei overnight, sent to the Beipei Detention Center the next day and held there for one month. Yang Wujin then extorted 2,849 yuan from him, saying the money was for covering expenses incurred in coming to Beijing to pick him up. A female employee from the Chaoyang Street Committee in the Beipei District and an officer from the Residential Section of the Beipei District Police Department had also gone to Beijing with Yang Wujin. Another practitioner, Ms. Lin Tingting, was also taken back to Beipei with Mr. Wang Zhongge. Ms. Lin lives on Chaoyang Street in Beipei District.

Soon after Mr. Wang went home, the Shuitu Town government held a brainwashing session on Yaowangguan Street in Wangshouqiao. They took some local practitioners to the session and soon transferred the practitioners to a brainwashing center held at Shuitu Town Enterprise Office where Huang Tongshan read newspaper and magazine articles aloud slandering Teacher and Dafa, and refused to let practitioners speak. The local officials held Mr. Wang and Sun Xiaoli from Dadi Village, Shuitu Town at the Beipei Custody Center for 15 days. Peng Longrong and Guo Shuang, officers from Shuitu Police Station, arrived in a vehicle, arrested the two practitioners and took them to the brainwashing center.

Afterwards, the Shuitu Town government moved the brainwashing center from the Enterprise Office to the Shuitu Town Nursing Home. Fifteen days later, practitioners Wang Zhongge and Sun Xiaoli were sent to the new brainwashing class. Shuitu Town Party Committee secretary Tang Guoyou kicked Mr. Wang, and Chen Junbo from the Shuitu Town government also beat and kicked him. The local government forced the practitioners to work in highway construction without paying them, and then extorted money from the practitioners to "cover living expenses." They also used other punishment, including forcing the practitioners to stand outside in high temperatures for long time periods.

All Falun Dafa practitioners persisted in their practice and refused to bow to the evildoers. The head of the Shuitu Town Police Station targeted practitioners Wang Zhongge and Sun Xiaoli for further persecution. The police sent the two practitioners to the Beipei Detention Center in May 2005 and held them there for about one month. Mr. Wang was later sent to the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp, and Sun Xiaoli was sent to the Maojiashan Forced Labor Camp.

At Xishanping Labor Camp, Mr. Wang and another practitioner, Han Yiming, a professor at Southwest Normal University, were held in the same cell. They continued to do the Falun Gong exercises. For this, guard Long Haibo hit them. Long Haibo and inmate Li Rui handcuffed the practitioners to a basketball rack and a door. Mr. Wang and Han Yiming were later held separately.

Mr. Wang’s wife took their three-year-old son to the Xishanping Labor Camp to visit him. Guard Li Zongquan tried to make Mr. Wang give up Dafa by manipulating his love for his family. Mr. Wang’s wife desperately wanted her husband to return home. She believed Li Zongquan’s lies and left her son at the labor camp [for her husband]. The boy was quiet and didn’t make any noise when sleeping at night, but during the day when the guards made Falun Gong practitioners stand in military postures, the guards pulled the boy aside. The child cried but the guards didn’t care and still kept threatening him.

The guards made practitioners do heavy labor, do prisoners’ exercises including leapfrog and push-ups, and listen to the guards read articles that slandered Teacher and Dafa. They also made the practitioners write critiques, reporting their understanding of these libelous articles. The guards stripped practitioners Zhou Jian and Chen Jianhua naked. They held the practitioners on the floor and tied them with ropes. Due to this mistreatment Zhou Jian’s shoulders were numb, even after one month. Practitioners Kang Hong and Han Yiming were thrown into water dungeons. Many practitioners had their illegally-imposed sentences extended. At the Strictly Controlled Group, practitioners did the Dafa exercises on the drill ground as a group. Guard Wang, about 60, vehemently struck practitioner Wang Zhongge several times with his police baton.

Later, Group 1, Division 7 was established at the Xishanping Labor Camp for the sole purpose of persecuting Falun Gong. Most practitioners at the labor camp were transferred there. During one camp-wide meeting, practitioners Wang Zhongge and Chen Jianhua were handcuffed and taken up to the podium. A guard announced that their sentences would be extended. Both practitioners shouted, "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa!" The head of the Riot Control Division savagely beat the practitioners. Mr. Wang never cooperated with the evildoers. His sentence was extended three times by a total of ten months. His one-year sentence had become a 22-month sentence. The regime couldn’t "reform" him and released him in March 2002.

After Mr. Wang returned home, Peng Yi from the Shuitu Town 610 Office and officers from the Beipei District Police Department, as well as those from the Shuitu Police Station, ransacked his home and confiscated many Dafa books and truth-clarification materials. The police tried to take Mr. Wang with them but he refused to cooperate. The police left because of Teacher’s compassion and divine powers, and righteous resistance from Mr. Wang Zhongge’s family. The officials went to Mr. Wang’s home again later and harassed the family, but the family drove them away using righteous thoughts.