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Additional Persecution News from China – January 12, 2007 (11 Reports)

Jan. 27, 2007


  1. [Beijing] Six Practitioners Taken Into Custody
  2. [Laizhou, Shandong Province] Information on the Persecution of Mr. Lu Chengjun and Others
  3. [Ordos, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Meng Lili and Others Tried Illegally
  4. [Beijing] Mr. Chen Kaiqu Taken Into Custody
  5. [Shenzhou, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wang Ruihua Taken Into Custody
  6. [Suixi County, Guangdong Province] Mr. Chen Wenjiu Taken Into Custody
  7. [Xiuchang, Henan Province] Seventeen Practitioners are Transferred from Beijing to Xiuchang Forced Labor Camp for Persecution
  8. [Xinxiang, Henan Province] Xinxiang Medical School Participates in the Persecution of Practitioners
  9. [Qingyuan, Guangdong Province] Mr. Xiu Guoyi and Ms. Pan Qiuzheng Still Detained
  10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Mr. Yu Shulin and Mr. Yan Zhiqiang Persecuted at Pingzhuang Detention Center
  11. [Jiangxi Province] Practitioners Held at Jiangxi Women's Prison Were Moved to the Jiangxi Women's Rehabilitation Center to Avoid Investigation by International Organizations.

1. [Beijing] Six Practitioners Taken Into Custody

On the afternoon of December 12, 2006, six Falun Dafa practitioners from the Changping District were taken into custody by police officers from State Security and the Huilongguan Police Station. They are: Ms. Wang Shufang, Ms. Wang Shurong, Ms. Sun Lanfen, Ms. Wang Qin, Mr. Li Shimin, and Ms. Li. They are being illegally detained at the Changping Detention Center.

2. [Laizhou, Shandong Province] Information on the Persecution of Mr. Lu Chengjun and Others

Since July 2006, practitioners Mr. Lu Chenjun, Ms. Xu Hongqing, Mr. Zhao Shengpu, Ms. Liu Hongying, and Ms. Wang Xueju have been taken into custody by police officer Liu Jinbin and others. Large amounts of cash and personal items have been confiscated by the police.

Ms. Xu Hongqing is elderly and lived alone. The police took her life savings and retirement money.

Currently, these practitioners are detained at Laizhou Detention Center. They are being tortured and persecuted. Family members are not allowed to visit. Some of the practitioners are in critical condition.

3. [Ordos, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Meng Lili and Others Tried Illegally

On January 15, 2006, five practitioners were tried in the Ordos City Court. Practitioners Ms. Meng Lili, Mr. Cheng Jianyong, Ms. Zhao Lijun, and Ms. Dong Yanjiao were detained for almost four months at Dongsheng District Detention Center.

Ordos People's Procuratorate Office: 86-477-8532994, 86-477-8322994

4. [Beijing] Mr. Chen Kaiqu Taken Into Custody

Mr. Chen Kaiqu is about 30 years old and is from Quanzhouin, Fujian Province. He received a graduate degree from Beijng University in 1998. He was taken into custody for distributing truth-clarifying materials at Beijing University in early August 2006. His whereabouts have remained unknown for over five months.

5. [Shenzhou, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wang Ruihua Taken Into Custody

On the afternoon of January 8, 2007, Zhang Yuanxiang led five or six police officers from the Political and Judiciary Sections of the Shenzhou Police Bureau to the home of Mr. Wang Ruihua, a practitioner in Wangjiajing Township. The officers took Mr. Wang into custody and searched his home. Mr. Wang has been detained.

6. [Suixi County, Guangdong Province] Mr. Chen Wenjiu Taken Into Custody

Mr. Chen Wenjiu is a teacher at No. 2 Middle School of Suixi County. In 2006, he was taken into police custody and his home was ransacked. His employment was terminated. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

Suixi County 610 Office director Wang Lin: 86-759-7762718, 86-759-7748610

7. [Xiuchang, Henan Province] Seventeen Practitioners are Transferred from Beijing to Xiuchang Forced Labor Camp for Persecution

Seventeen practitioners were moved from Beijing to Xiuchang Forced Labor Camp for persecution at the end of 2006. We know the names of four people out of the group: Mr. Tian Jiawei (from Jilin Province), Mr. Niu Fuwang (from Guan County, Shandong Province), Mr. Di Qincheng (from either Helongjiang or Beijing), and Mr. Xuan Fuan (from Beijing.)

8. [Xinxiang, Henan Province] Xinxiang Medical School Participates in the Persecution of Practitioners

The medical school keeps a close watch on the practitioners at the medical school over the holidays and winter and summer breaks. They harass and detain practitioners in order to persecute them.

9. [Qingyuan, Guangdong Province] Mr. Xiu Guoyi and Ms. Pan Qiuzheng Still Detained

Mr. Xiu Guoyi is from Lianzhou City in Guangdong Province. He was taken into police custody on his way home at the beginning of December 2006. He is still being detained at Lianzhou Detention Center and is not allowed to see his family. Another practitioner, Ms. Pan Quizheng, was also taken into police custody in December. She is detained at the Qingyuan Brainwashing Center.

10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Mr. Yu Shulin and Mr. Yan Zhiqiang Persecuted at Pingzhuang Detention Center

Mr. Yu Shulin is from Nanmiao Village in Yuanbaoshan Township in the Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng City. He was taken into custody at home by two police officers from the 610 Office on December 28, 2006. Over 20 police officers searched his home. Mr. Yu is being persecuted at Pingzhuang Detention Center.

Mr. Yan Zhiqiang is from Dongdian, Yuanbaoshan Township, the Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng City. He was taken into police custody during the first part of December 2006. He is also being persecuted at Pingzhuang Detention Center.

Pingzhuang Detention Center telephone number: 86-476-3501801

Director Zhang Zhengqing: 86-476-3514140, 86-13190937577

11. [Jiangxi Province] Practitioners Held at Jiangxi Women's Prison Were Moved to the Jiangxi Women's Rehabilitation Center to Avoid Investigation by International Organizations.