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Additional Persecution News from China - January 20, 2007 (20 Reports)

Jan. 29, 2007


  1. [Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Ms. Yu Yingzhu's Term Again Unreasonably Extended at Baimalong Forced Labor Camp
  2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Mr. Wang Hao Transferred to an Unknown Location after Unlawful Custody
  3. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Practitioners Ms. Zhang Wenhuan and Ms. Wang Chunxia Each Sentenced to Three and a Half Years in Prison
  4. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Supplementary Information on the Arrest of Practitioners Ms. Zang Hongyan and Ms. Qu Lirui
  5. [Qian'an County, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Yu Shifang Taken into Custody from Her Home
  6. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Practitioners Mr. Yang Zhongxian and Wife Ms. Yu Lianfen Taken into Custody
  7. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Officers from Weidong Police Station in Guantao County Take Possession of Practitioners' Cash and Personal Property
  8. [Beijing] Practitioner Mr. Fan Jirong Tortured Until His Body Was Deformed
  9. [Laizhou City, Shandong Province] Practitioners Ms. Liu Hongying, Mr. Xu Yongqing, and Mr. Lu Chengjun Face Unlawful Trial
  10. [Beijing] Practitioner Ms. Liu Chunfang from Yanqing County Beaten by Police and Taken into Custody for Clarifying the Truth at Tiananmen Square
  11. [Heilongjiang Province] Fifteen More Practitioners Sent to Wanjia Forced Labor Camp
  12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Ms. Zhang Fengying and Mr. Xian Shushuang Taken into Custody
  13. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. Gu Xiuli Taken into Custody from Her Home
  14. [Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Yan Liping, Ms. Wang Lixia and Other Practitioners Taken into Custody
  15. [Chongqing] Practitioner Mr. Wu Zongyun Faces Unlawful Trial
  16. [Baoquanling, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Mr. Wang Jinlong and Wife Taken into Custody by Police
  17. [Maoming City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liang Jinchun Is Being Force-Fed While on Hunger Strike in Maoming No. 1 Detention Center; Ms. Liang Has Been Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
  18. [Pingquan County, Hebei Province] Numerous Practitioners Taken into Custody
  19. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Guan Yue Sentenced to Three Years in Prison; Mr. Guan Has Filed an Appeal
  20. [Jianyang City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zeng Guangming Forcibly Taken to Brainwashing Center

1. [Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Ms. Yu Yingzhu's Term Again Unreasonably Extended at Baimalong Forced Labor Camp

In July 2004, Ms. Yu Yingzhu, a practitioner from Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province was forcibly taken to the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp for a second time. She has spent three years there, enduring various tortures and humiliations.

During this second term in custody, her sentence was extended from 18 months to 30 months without going through any legal process. By December 2006, the 30 month term had ended. The labor camp authorities used excuses such as "Yu Yingzhu did not perform well and did not respect the guards" and extended her term by another 6 months.

When Ms. Yu's elderly mother and her elder sister went to the labor camp demanding her release, section head Wang (gender unknown) of the Administration Section rudely rejected their requests.

2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Mr. Wang Hao Transferred to an Unknown Location after Unlawful Custody

January 17, 2007 was the day when Mr. Wang Hao, a practitioner from Wuhan City, should have been released from unlawful custody. At around 7:00 a.m. that morning, Mr. Wang was instead rushed to an unknown location.

3. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Practitioners Ms. Zhang Wenhuan and Ms. Wang Chunxia Each Sentenced to Three and a Half Years in Prison

Ms. Zhang Wenhuan and Ms. Wang Chunxia were taken to the Xuchang Detention Center by Xuchang police in June 2006. Later Ms. Zhang was sent away to the Xiangcheng County Detention Center, where she has persuaded 32 people to quit the Communist Party or its affiliated organizations. On January 10, 2007, Ms. Zhang Wenhuan and Ms. Wang Chunxia were sentenced to three and a half years in prison. They have been transferred to the Xinxiang Women's Prison.

4. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Supplementary Information on the Arrest of Practitioners Ms. Zang Hongyan and Ms. Qu Lirui

On December 16, 2006, practitioner Ms. Zang Hongyan (about 60 years old) and practitioner Ms. Qu Lirui (in her 40's, from Huangnihe in Dunhua City, Jilin Province) were taken into custody in Changchun City by the Changjiu Road Police Station for distributing truth-clarification materials. Later they were held in the Changchun City No. 3 Detention Center. Recently, the practitioners were both sent to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Zang was denied admission. Ms. Qu has been unlawfully sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor. She is being held in the No. 5 Division of the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Officials in charge of the case are Zhang Xiangmin (male) and Tian Xichun (male) from the Changjiu Road Police Station. Telephone numbers: 86-431-85954980, 86-431-85919475.

5. [Qian'an County, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Yu Shifang Taken into Custody from Her Home

At around 9:00 a.m. on January 12, 2007, several officers from the State Security Division in Qian'an County broke into practitioner Ms. Yu Shifang's home in Xiangzi Village in Qian'an Town. The officers claimed that they were taking Ms. Yu to the farm division's office in the village. When Ms. Yu got into the car, she was taken directly to the Qian'an County Detention Center.

State Security Division of Qian'an County: 86-438-8220938
Song Xuejuan (female), head of the State Security Division: 86-13943306559 (cell)
Li Yanbo (female), member of the State Security Division: 86-13604489990 (cell)

6. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Practitioners Mr. Yang Zhongxian and Wife Ms. Yu Lianfen Taken into Custody

Officials from the Ningjin Neighborhood Administration Office and officers from the Bianfang Police Station in Ningjin broke into Ms. Yu Lianfen's home on the afternoon of January 16, 2007. Practitioners Ms. Yu and her husband Mr. Yang Zhongxian live in the Fujiashanzhuang Residential Complex in Ningjin. The officers forcibly took the couple into custody and confiscated a personal computer, a printer and some supplies.

Bianfang Police Station in Ningjin: 86-631-7341043
Lu Haidong (male), director of the police station: 86-13396300688
Yu Chunguang (male), political instructor: 86-13326309110
Ningjin Neighborhood Administration Office: 86-631-7341001
Qu Changhua (male), deputy Party secretary: 86-13361191069

7. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Officers from Weidong Police Station in Guantao County Take Possession of Practitioners' Cash and Personal Property

On the evening of December 1, 2006 officers from the Weidong Police Station in Guantao County, Handan City, unlawfully took 7,000 yuan from Ms. Li Jixian, and 4,600 yuan from Mr. Li Jize's wife. The officers forcibly took personal property from Zhao Jize's home, including a 24-inch color TV, a VCD player, a notebook computer, a printer, a multi-function unit for fax-photocopying-scanning, and Falun Dafa books.

8. [Beijing] Practitioner Mr. Fan Jirong Tortured Until His Body Was Deformed

Mr. Fan Jirong, a practitioner from Yanqing County, Beijing is being held in the No. 10 Team of Beijing Dispatching Agency of Forced Laborers in Beijing. It has been two months since his arrest. When his family went to visit him, they were shocked to see him. Mr. Fan, who had been very healthy, was now being carried by two persons. Mr. Fan could not even keep his head up. He was in a very weak condition. His entire body has been tortured and is now deformed.

9. [Laizhou City, Shandong Province] Practitioners Ms. Liu Hongying, Mr. Xu Yongqing, and Mr. Lu Chengjun Face Unlawful Trial

Practitioners Ms. Liu Hongying, Mr. Xu Yongqing and Mr. Lu Chengjun from Laizhou City have been unlawfully held in a detention center for several months. The Laizhou Court plans to hold a trial on January 24, 2007 without notifying the practitioners' families.

Office of the presiding judge of the court: 86-535-2212674
Office of the court: 86-535-2212752
Criminal Courtroom: 86-535-2212872
Zheng Yueqiang (male), deputy presiding judge of the courtroom: 86-13356902336

10. [Beijing] Practitioner Ms. Liu Chunfang from Yanqing County Beaten by Police and Taken into Custody for Clarifying the Truth at Tiananmen Square

11. [Heilongjiang Province] Fifteen More Practitioners Sent to Wanjia Forced Labor Camp

On November 16, 2006, fifteen more practitioners were sent to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. All of those practitioners have been held separately and subjected to abuse.

12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Ms. Zhang Fengying and Mr. Xian Shushuang Taken into Custody

At 2:00 p.m. on January 14, 2007, Ms. Zhang Fengying and Mr. Xian Shushuang, practitioners from Nanxuegezhuang in Fengnan, Tangshan, were distributing truth-clarification materials at Nantangfang. Yue Hongli (male), a retired police station director, and his son unlawfully took the two practitioners into custody and then called the police. When Mr. Xian clarified the truth to them, Yue's son beat Mr. Xian. Now the two practitioners are being held in the Fengnan Detention Center by the Fengnan State Security Division.

13. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. Gu Xiuli Taken into Custody from Her Home

Ms. Guo Xiuli, a practitioner from Yuejiazhuang Village in Haobo Town, Weihai Economic Development Zone, was turned in to the police. On January 17, 2007, police took her into custody from her home on charges that she used her home for group study of Falun Dafa. The police demanded the names of other practitioners who attended the Fa study. Ms. Gu Xiuli refused to cooperate. She is likely to be held in the Weihai Detention Center.

14. [Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Yan Liping, Ms. Wang Lixia and Other Practitioners Taken into Custody

At around 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. various police stations carried out orders from the Yakeshi City Police Department and took practitioners Ms. Yan Liping, Ms. Liu Mingying, Ms. Wang Lixia, and Mr. Guo Changsuo into custody. Ms. Liu Mingying managed to escape with righteous thoughts.

On January 18 or 19, 2007, practitioner Ms. Tang Guixiang was taken into custody.

15. [Chongqing] Practitioner Mr. Wu Zongyun Faces Unlawful Trial

Mr. Wu Zongyun, a practitioner in his 60's from Jiangjin City (subordinate to Chongqing), was taken into custody in December 2006 while he was clarifying the truth in Jiangjin City. Mr. Wu faces unlawful trial. The office telephone number of Feng Zhengping (male), who has engaged in the persecution, is 86-23-47586863.

16. [Baoquanling, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Mr. Wang Jinlong and Wife Taken into Custody by Police

On the evening of January 17, 2007, officers from the Baoquanling Police Department suddenly broke into Mr. Wang Jinlong's home. The police took Mr. Wang and his wife into custody, leaving their son alone at home.

17. [Maoming City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Liang Jinchun Is Being Force-Fed While on Hunger Strike in Maoming No. 1 Detention Center; Ms. Liang Has Been Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

18. [Pingquan County, Hebei Province] Numerous Practitioners Taken into Custody

On the evening of January 9, 2007, Zhang Zongmin (male), director of the Wolong Town Police Station in Pingquan County, led officers Fang Baozhong (male) and Tong Yanhui (male) to take practitioners Mr. Liu Wenshu, Ms. Liu Wenxiu, and Ms. Li Ruiyun to the Pingquan Detention Center.

The same night, officers from the Pingquan Town Police Station broke into practitioner Ms. Yang Huiqiu's home and took away Falun Dafa books.

Later that night, Wang Jinyou (male), director of the Taitoushan Township Police Station in Pingquan County, led officers to take practitioner Ms. Han Jingyu to the Pingquan Detention Center.

On January 10, Yu Lianjun (male), director of the Qijiadai Township Police Station in Pingquan County, and other officers broke into practitioners' homes to intimidate and harass Mr. Wang Shumin and Ms. Fan Guijie.

This premeditated campaign was directed by Wang Qinglin (male), deputy Party secretary of Pingquan County.

On August 16, 2006, the Pingquan County Police Department, the Pingquan County State Security Division, and the Taitoushan Police Station took six practitioners into custody. In September 2006, the county's police department and state security division issued documents sentencing practitioners Ms. Tao Suqin and Ms. Han Shuzhen to forced labor and sentencing Mr. Yu Hanying and Ms Li Ruixia to prison. The Procuratorate rejected the sentencing twice. On January 16, 2007, despite the previous two rejections from the Procuratorate, the county police department and the county state security division were planning to file the forced labor sentencing with the Legal Section of the Chengde City Police Department.

Practitioners held at the Pingquan Detention Center include Ms. Li Ruixia, Mr. Liu Wenshu, Ms. Liu Wenxiu, Ms. Li Ruiyun, and Ms. Han Jingyu.

Individuals responsible for the persecution:

Lu (gender unknown), head of the Legal Section of the Chengde City Police Department: 86-314-2373050
Wang Qinglin (male), deputy Party secretary of Pingquan County: 86-314-6205258 (home), 86-13903143893 (cell), 86-314-6082656
Zhang Zongmin (male), director of the Wolong Town Police Station in Pingquan County: 86-314-6028311 (home)
Yuan Bingjun (male), director of the Pingquan County Detention Center: 86-314-6020630 (home)
Tong Lijun (male), deputy Party secretary of the Pingquan County Police Department (who has engaged in numerous cases of persecution): 86-314-6032818 (home), 86-13603143828 (cell)
Hu Qiwen (male), head of the State Security Division: 86-314-6039481 (office), 86-314-6026481 (home), 86-13703143715 (cell)
Zhang Yanhua (male), deputy director of the 610 Office: 86-314-6082623 (home), 86-314-6028321 (home), 86-13503143985 (cell)

19. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Guan Yue Sentenced to Three Years in Prison; Mr. Guan Has Filed an Appeal

20. [Jianyang City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zeng Guangming Forcibly Taken to Brainwashing Center

On November 12, 2006, Mr. Zeng Guangming, a practitioner from Changhe Town in Jianyang City, was forcibly taken a brainwashing center in Yingjie Town, Ziyang City by officials in charge of Changhe Town.