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Additional Persecution News from China - January 18, 2007 (19 Reports)

Jan. 30, 2007


  1. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhou Yingchun Released
  2. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Ms. Shan Fugui Sent to Forced Labor
  3. [Hongjiang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Liao Kaiyun's Home Ransacked
  4. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Fu Zhaolan Detained in the First Detention Center
  5. [Ji County, Tianjin City] Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Feng Zijun from Dong'erying Township, Ji County Arrested by Police from Bangjun Town Station on January 17, 2007
  6. [Langzhong City, Sichuan Province] Additional Information of the Arrest of Mr. Yang Zhengming and Mr. Wang Xiaohong
  7. [Dashiqiao City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhu Hongyan Sentenced to Prison
  8. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Chuai Cuijun and Ms. Chen Baihe Both Sentenced to Prison Terms
  9. [Yishui County Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Jingxiang Arrested
  10. [Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province] Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested
  11. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Additional Information About Mr Yu Huaicai
  12. [Xinle City, Hebei Province] Mr. Wang Chenggang Arrested
  13. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Persecution Facts of Mr. Ren Xianbing and His Wife Wang Manqin
  14. [Yueyang County, Hunan Province] Ms. Zhou Dongying Arrested
  15. [Xichang City, Sicuan Province] Ms. Tang Zhongxiu and Ms. Zhang Yuwen Arrested
  16. [Neijiang City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zheng Boliang Arrested
  17. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Xinkuan Arrested and Fined
  18. [Miyun County, Beijing City] Ms. Wei Suwen Arrested
  19. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Fumei and Ms. Li Limei Both Arrested

1. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhou Yingchun Released

After being detained 36 days in the Jinan City Railroad Police Department, Jinzhou City Railroad Police Department, and Jinan Railroad Detention Center, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Yingchun from Suizhong County (under the jurisdiction of Huludao City, Liaoning Province) was released on January 17, 2007.

Ms. Zhou Yingchun was arrested by policemen from the Jinzhou City Railroad Police Department along with three other practitioners Ms. Wang Yingwei, Mr. Li Guang, and Ms. Li Xiaoyan while clarifying the truth on the train. Ms. Wang Yingwei was also released, but Mr. Li Guang and Ms. Li Xiaoyan are still detained.

2. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Ms. Shan Fugui Sent to Forced Labor

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Shan Fugui from Tanbu Town, Mengyin County was arrested on September 27, 2006, and detained secretly in Yishui County Detention Center. During her detention, Tanbu Town Police Station head Li Haitao (male) tried to extort sixty thousand yuan from her family and threatened to sentence her to prison if they did not pay. Ms. Shan's family refused to pay and Ms. Shan was sentenced to two years of forced labor at the Jinan City Women's Labor Camp.

3. [Hongjiang City, Hunan Province] Mr. Liao Kaiyun's Home Ransacked

A few days ago, a group of officers led by Hongjiang City (a County level city under Huaihua City) 610 Office head Yi Zhongxian (male), stormed into Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Liao Kaiyun's home and took away his daughter's computer.

Hongjiang City 610 Office head Yi Zhongxian (male, actively participating in the persecution), 86-13974503398 (cell)

4. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Fu Zhaolan Detained in the First Detention Center

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Fu Zhaolan, 68, lives in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. On November 20, 2006, she was taken into custody by policemen from the Hongqi Township Station when passing out truth clarifying materials, transferred to Dongshan District Police Department, and detained in the Hegang City Second Detention Center. Recently, the police from the Dongshan District requested the City Police Department to allow them to arrest her with a warrant, but the City Department did not approve. When her family went to request her release, police in the Dongshan District Department openly asked them to pay them a bribe. They have since transferred Ms. Fu to Hegang City First Detention Center and are not allowing her family to visit her.

Dongshan District Police Department Head Li (first name unknown): 86-468-3567777 (o)
Hegang City First Detention Center head: 86-468-3400777 (o)
Hongqi Township Police Station: 86-468-3631110

5. [Ji County, Tianjin City] Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Feng Zijun from Dong'erying Township, Ji County Arrested by Police from Bangjun Town Station on January 17, 2007

6. [Langzhong City, Sichuan Province] Additional Information of the Arrest of Mr. Yang Zhengming and Mr. Wang Xiaohong

On January 8, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Zhengming and Mr Yang Xiaohong were arrested when passing out the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in Huishui Farm, Cangxi County (under Langzhong City). On January 11, 2007, their homes were ransacked. Currently they are under custody in the Cangxi County government office.

Cangxi County deputy CCP secretary: 86-839-5221447, 86-839-5223147, 86-839-5222126
Cangxi County CCP Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-839-5222210
Cangxi County Police Department operator: 86-839-5222871, 86-839 5222874
Cangxi County Police Department head: 86-839-5222461 (o)

7. [Dashiqiao City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhu Hongyan Sentenced to Prison

On September 1, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Hongyan from Dashiqiao City was arrested when posting truth clarifying materials. She was sentenced to three years in prison and is being detained in Dabei Prison in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province.

8. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Chuai Cuijun and Ms. Chen Baihe Both Sentenced to Prison Terms

On January 15, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Chuai Cui's family received news that Ms. Chuai Cui was sentenced to five years in prison, and another practitioner Ms. Bai He was sentenced to four years.

Xianxi County CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Bai Xingyuan: 86-315 315-5612537 (o), 86-315-5613336 (h), 86-315-13582843688 (cell)
Xianxi County 610 Office head Long Lihua (male): 86-315 -5612080 (o), 86-315 -5613685 (h), 86-315 13803315367 (cell)
Xianxi County 610 Office deputy head Zhao Hongxing (male): 86-315 13623255111 (cell)
Xianxi County Procuratorate Head Liu Rui (male): 86-315 -5668566 (o), 86-315 13831509099 (cell)
Prosecutor Office head Hao Haitao (male): 86-315-5618598 (h), 86-315 13832983644 (cell)
Prosecutor Office deputy head Zhu Wen (male, prosecutor of this case): 86-315 -5619985 (h), 86-315 13803316301 (cell)
Prosecutor Cai Xiu'e (female): 86-315 -5688608 (h), 86-315 13582578772 (cell)

9. [Yishui County Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Jingxiang Arrested

At 10 am., on January 12, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Jingxiang was arrested while passing out truth clarifying materials in the Eastern Supermarket. She is being detained in the Yishui County Detention Center. The two employees who reported her received a two thousand yuan reward.

Eastern Supermarket Manager Zhu Wenxin (gender unknown), 86-31513188709369 (cell)
Department Head Zhao Yunpeng (male, reported Ms. Liu), 86-31513355067728 (cell)
Supermarket Security Head Cao Fei (male), 86-31513864905377 (cell)

10. [Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province] Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Arrested

Three Falun Dafa practitioners in Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province Ms. Guo Xiangrong, Ms. Liu Li, and Mr. Zhou Fengtao were reported and arrested when passing out truth clarifying materials. They are detained in the Hongxing Police Station in Zhaodong City.

Detention facility of Hongxing Police Station: 86-455 7783338
Office of Hongxing Police Station: 86-455 7784448
610 Office: 86-455 7796858, 86-455 7796863
Zhaodong City Police Department head office: 86-455 7796801

11. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Additional Information About Mr Yu Huaicai

After Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yu Huaicai from Hulan District, Harbin City was arrested again, he began a hunger strike to protest the persecution. He was recently transferred to the Hulan District Traditional Medicine Hospital for rescue, where his mouth was pried open with a pair of pliers, and he was brutally force-fed. He has since been released from the hospital.

12. [Xinle City, Hebei Province] Mr. Wang Chenggang Arrested

On January 14, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Wang Chenggang was arrested while passing out truth clarifying materials in the Nongzi Supermarket. His home was ransacked, and he is being detained in the Matoupu Detention Center in Xinle City.

13. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Persecution Facts of Mr. Ren Xianbing and His Wife Wang Manqin

Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Ren Xianbing and his wife Wang Manqin live in the countryside of the Handan region. They were forced to leave their home to avoid being arrested at the end of October 2003, but were both arrested recently in Puyang City, Henan Province.

Mr. Ren Xianbing, 37, was sentenced to seven years in prison and detained in the Hebei Province Jidong Prison. Ms. Wang Manqin was sentenced to three years of forced labor, and was taken to the Shimalihe Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, which put her life in danger. She was released home, but soon died from the severe torture she received in the camp. Their parents and two children still live at their home in very difficult conditions. They have no money to go visit Mr. Ren at the Jidong Prison, and Mr. Ren has no winter clothes to wear.

14. [Yueyang County, Hunan Province] Ms. Zhou Dongying Arrested

In the middle of December 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Dongying (lives in Yueshan District Reed Factory Housing) was arrested on her way home by the Yueshan District 610 Office head Fan Yuehua (male) and the CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Xiao Xuejun (male). She is now detained in the Yueyang County Detention Center and is on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. She is in critical condition.

Yueyang County 610 Office Head Chen Lin (gender unknown): 86 13327205309 (cell)
Yueyang County CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Zeng Xionghui (male): 86-13874099766 (cell)
Yueyang County State Security agent Li Xiaomao (male): 86 13607403567 (cell)
Yueyang County State Security Division Head Zhao (male, first name unknown): 86 13907402858 (cell)

15. [Xichang City, Sicuan Province] Ms. Tang Zhongxiu and Ms. Zhang Yuwen Arrested

On the morning of January 16, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Tang Zhongxiu and Ms. Zhang Yuwen were arrested. They are both employees of the 410 Factory located in Xizhang City, Liangzhou Prefecture, Sichuan Province. They are now both detained in the Xichang City Tuohuang Detention Center.

16. [Neijiang City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Zheng Boliang Arrested

On January 7, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Boliang from Wangshan Village, Shengli Town, Dongxing District, Neijiang City was arrested while clarifying the truth in Jingmin Town. His home was ransacked, and he is now detained in the Neijiang City Detention Center. This is his fifth time being arrested, and he has been extorted out of more than 20,000 yuan.

Jingmin Town Police Station: 86-832-2500069
Neijiang City Detention Center head Luo Jiawan (male): 86-832-2273738
Neijiang City Detention Center deputy head Lin Conghua (male): 86-832-2273341

17. [Shulan City, Jilin Province] Mr. Zhang Xinkuan Arrested and Fined

In October 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Xinkuan from Baiqi Township, Shulan City, Jilin Province was arrested by State Security agent Li Jiazhe (male). Mr. Zhang, in his 60s, was sentenced to one year forced labor. However he was rejected by the labor camp due to heart problems. The State Security Division extorted 12,000 yuan from his family before they released him.

18. [Miyun County, Beijing City] Ms. Wei Suwen Arrested

On December 18, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wei Suwen (42, from Fenzhuang Village, Xitiangezhuang Town, Miyun County was arrested when clarifying the truth to people. She is now being held in a detention center there.

Miyun County State Security Division of Police Department: 86-1069063629, 86-1069063806, Head Xiao Chunming (male), Agents (all male) Yi Zongliang, Wang Weidong, Zong Haijiang
Xitiangezhuang Town Police Station: 86-1061000549
Detention Center head: 86-1069088086, 86-13911836388 (cell)

19. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Fumei and Ms. Li Limei Both Arrested

On January 11, 2007, two police vehicles full of policemen stormed into Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Fumei's home located in the Yuan Village, Shizi Street, Huangdao Town, Qingdao City. They broke down the door, forcefully taking Ms. Li Fumei under custody. Another Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Limei saw this happen and tried to clarify the truth to them, but was also arrested.

Social Stability Office Head Zang Laiwan (male): 86-53286817589 (h), 86-53286691529, 86-13869898978 (cell)
Huangdao Town Police Station head Han Shuntong (male): 86-53286852529