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Ending the Persecution and Dissolving the Evil Depends on Practitioners

Jan. 30, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China (written in Beijing)

(Clearwisdom.net) Every time I meet with fellow practitioners who cannot access the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, I am always asked, "Has Teacher published any new articles recently? Is there any news on the Internet? Are there any new developments?" The underlying notion is the hope that the persecution has ended and Fa-rectification has ended. Some fellow practitioners have an attachment to time and they want to find out when the persecution will end from Teacher's articles. After Teacher's article, "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil" was published, some practitioners were thinking that the persecution was soon to end, and that their family members who were still in jail would be able to go home before their terms were over. Therefore, when sending forth righteous thoughts, they added their family members' names. They asked other practitioners to do the same, and also that they should put their names first. They set the bottom line at the end of the 2008 Olympic Games, since Teacher said the evil could not wait for very long before being dissolved.

Falun Dafa is cultivation, and cultivating involves progressively eliminating human attachments. If we always think of when the persecution will end, the action itself is searching outward. We will never succeed if we search outward. There are standards for Falun Dafa practitioners, and the standards are serious. When practitioners meet the standards as a whole body, the evil will eliminate itself.

Cultivators should look inward and cultivate inward. If we don't clean up the evil in our universal systems, persecution will happen anytime, and other people will not be able to help. It also interferes with other practitioners. Only by studying the Fa truly and with a calm mind, continuously purifying ourselves from the standpoint of the Fa, gradually eliminating human notions, fundamentally changing our conventional thinking, gradually eliminating our own shells made up of human notions, and ascending with the Fa, will the evil inevitably be disintegrated and the persecution come to an end.

Some people think the Fa is quite good, but it's also good to live an ordinary life. If they want to cultivate but don't cultivate well or seriously, then the evil will take advantage of that loophole and persecute them.

January 18, 2007