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No Tests Are Insurmountable if We Maintain Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Jan. 30, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) One day in November 2006, while distributing truth clarification materials, I was reported to the authorities by people who did not know the truth. A police car stopped right by me. The policeman pinned me down and forced me into the car. I said, "I am a good person, I am here to save people. Don't abduct me. Arresting good people will bring karmic retribution. I cultivate 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance.'" I clarified the truth during the entire trip to the village police station.

At the station, I continued to clarify the truth to the bureau chief, telling him that I had come to save people, that I was doing the most righteous thing, and that he should release me. They agreed to let me go home, but, in fact, they were lying and took me instead to the municipal Public Security Bureau. One of them was very evil, and I told him that he should not be like that because I was a good and benevolent person. I told him that he would have good returns if they remembered that "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" They took my photo against my will, and they also took my fingerprints. I did not know what was going on at first and stopped complying with them from then on. I insisted on going home. They promised again to take me home but took me to the detention center. At the detention center, I told everyone I met, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" Before putting me n the jail cell, they searched me and took away all the truth clarification materials. When they took a flier about the evil CCP, I told them that they should read it carefully, and when they understood it, to do what it said.

Everyone around me in the jail cell said that I was a good person. I taught them to repeat "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" and many of them who had headaches or diarrhea recovered and renounced their Party or affiliated organization memberships. After that, I began talking to the people in charge of bringing us food. I told them that it was a predestined relationship for us to meet. I asked if they had ever joined any Communist Party organizations, and some of them replied yes. I told them about the Nine Commentaries and the three withdrawals, and that the evil party would be destroyed by the heavens in the near future, because it simply had done too many bad things. The gods are eliminating it and the people will have a good future if they withdraw from it. I also told them to repeat "Falun Dafa is good!" for a good future. In this way, many of them also withdrew. At first, they only used nicknames to withdraw, but after seeing how the Public Security Bureau repeatedly lied to me about sending me home and how I began a hunger strike in protest, many of them told me that they wanted to withdraw using their real names. In the end, every single person I met at the detention center who was not a police officer, approximately 40 of them, withdrew from the Party.

I also tried persuading some of the policemen at the bureau by telling them that "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" I also told them that Falun Dafa is a great benefit to society and does no harm, not to mention its miraculous health benefits. However, even though they stopped saying bad things about Falun Dafa, they did not withdraw from the Party. I told them, "The heavens are eliminating the Party and no one can stop it. I am really giving you the best thing and I feel sad for you."

I was interrogated three times by the Public Security Bureau. I remained very calm inside and held only one thought in my mind: "I have to clarify the truth wherever I go." When they asked whether I would go on practicing, I replied, "Even if my head falls off, my blood spills, my bones break, and my body disintegrates, I will definitely keep on practicing with determination! I have benefited from it tremendously, and I have found the true Fa!."

On the sixth day of my hunger strike, I was deceived into a force feeding session (I was told that I was going for a health checkup). I told them, "You cannot persecute good people. It is a crime that shall bring karmic retribution." Liu Chunyang from the Political Protection Section replied in an evil manner, "If you think that you can do this to get out, you can't! Start the force-feeding! And we'll do this every day. We won't even take the tube out." A dozen people held me on the bed and started the force-feeding. I thought in my mind: "Nothing that you say counts. I have my Master protecting me." I removed the tube from my mouth and threw it away. With Master and the Fa, I had nothing to fear.

I continued my hunger strike after I got back to the jail cell. Whenever I was hungry, I would recite the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts, and practice the exercises. When we were told to count off, I replied, "I am not a convict, I am a good person." When I was asked to perform work, I replied, "I am not here to work, I am here to save people, to validate the Fa." From then on, they never asked me to perform any more work.

On the seventh day, the Public Security Bureau illegally sentenced me to imprisonment in a labor camp for 15 months. I was very calm inside my heart and was no longer attached to a hunger strike so that I could return home. I thought, "No matter where I go, I have to validate the Fa and clarify the truth." I thought of Master's teaching:

"Every attachment for you to remove in your cultivation practice is a wall, standing there and blocking your path of cultivation practice. If you cannot be determined about the Fa itself, you cannot practice cultivation."("Environment" in Essentials For Further Advancement)

I immediately enlightened to many things.

According to their regulations, they could not take me to the camp immediately, because they needed at least two months of trial time. However, on the eighth day of my hunger strike, they decided to take me away. Along the way, I continued shouting "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" I recited poems from Hong Yin and "Expounding the Fa" in Essentials for Further Advancement, and I arrived at Tangshan Labor Camp.

After getting out of the car, a young police officer walked towards me. I walked up to him and said, "I am a good person who cultivates Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. You have to remember 'Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!' forever and you will have a good future." I saw another female officer and said, "What do you think is happening to society? Good people are being imprisoned and sent to labor camps, while bad people are free to commit crimes outside. You must remember that Falun Dafa is good!" A person who looked like a supervisor came and took me to get a health checkup. At the hospital, I told everyone I met, "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" The more people there were, the more I shouted. They tried to stop me from shouting, but I said, "You have brought me here to validate the Fa." I also said that I was not selfish like they were. It was not enough simply for them to know Falun Dafa is good, I had to let even more people know that Falun Dafa is good. I said, "You do not dare to tell people when you know Falun Dafa is good, but I do. If you take me to Beijing, I would shout in Beijing, I would shout on Tiananmen Square." They told me that they had never met anyone like me.

After the health checkup, I was taken back to the labor camp after two of the five required tests had been performed. The labor camp saw my results and said, "We cannot take this person. She has heart disease." I was taken back to the detention center overnight as a result.

When I got back to the detention center, a policemen who had not gone to bed saw me and said, "I see that you've come back from a tour." When I got back to the jail cell, many people cheered, cried, and smiled at me. Some said, "Our godly sister has returned!" Others told me that they could not bear to eat anything after I was taken away. They brought out the best food they had for me, asked me to write something for them for remembrance sake, and some even told me that they would come to cultivate Falun Dafa with me after being released.

In this way, I returned home righteously.

After this tribulation, I have further experienced the supernormal and magnificent beauty of Dafa. As long as we maintain righteous thoughts and actions, no tests are insurmountable.