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Communist Party Officials Receive Karmic Retribution for Committing Evil Deeds

Jan. 30, 2007


Editors' Note: In both Western and Chinese culture, the principle of karmic retribution, that is, being held ultimately accountable for one's own actions, is widely accepted. The fundamental teaching of Falun Gong is the characteristic of the universe, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." The universe will reward actions that are in harmony with this principle, while actions such as beating, torturing and murdering people will incur karmic retribution. Stated another way, good deeds will be rewarded with good, while evildoings will meet due retribution. Articles such as this one are meant as a compassionate reminder of this principle to those who would commit wrongdoing. While many of those who persecute Falun Gong are merely "following orders," the universal law requires that they, too, be held responsible for their actions, and that only by reversing their course of wrongdoing may they escape retribution.

Administrative Section Chief Wang An of the Intermediate Court in Shihezi City, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region Receives Karmic Retribution for Committing Evil Deeds

In November 2006, during the time of the court trial of Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhao Aijun, his family member had asked Wang An, the administrative section chief of the Intermediate Court, why charges totally unrelated to Mr. Zhao were added to his case while he was in the labor camp. Wang An replied, "I'm sure he did it, and he'll deny it, for sure. Who can sort it all out?" The court trial was a mere formality. Since July 20, 1999 Wang An has repeatedly taken on cases to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, and his involvement has led to the heavy sentencing of many practitioners.

Recently, someone involved in a non-Falun Gong case was discontent with Wang An's actions, and hired a group of thugs to beat him up. Wang An was nearly crippled by the beating.

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee in Beixinbao Township, Hebei Province Received Karmic Retribution for Committing Evil Deeds and Died

Deputy Secretary Liu Gang (male) of the Party Committee in Beixinbao Township, Huailai County actively participated in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners during his tenure in office. Practitioner Mr. Chen Yunchuan's entire family of four died as a result of the persecution, and many local Falun Dafa practitioners suffered persecution to varying degrees. In 2004, Liu Gang died in a traffic accident.

January 20, 2007