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Welt Online (Germany): Why the West Shuts its Eyes Concerning Human Rights Violations in China

Nov. 2, 2007

October 9, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) Liu Wei, born in 1972 in Liaoning Province, China, was imprisoned in a pre-trial prison in the Beijing Dongscheng District from September 25, 2001 until January 25, 2003, because she practices Falun Gong. She was then transferred to a Beijing women's forced labor camp. She recounted what she experienced since August 19, 2005, including psychological and physical torture. In an effort to make her renounce her belief, she was subjected to torture ranging from hard labor to brainwashing and blackmail. They tried to instill in her a deep-seated fear and the inability to take the continuous pressure. One does not need to be a Falun Gong practitioner to understand that Liu Wei suffered great injustice.

The thirty five year old survived the imprisonment. After her release she worked just as before her imprisonment, at the GTZ, the German Society for Technical Cooperation.

The Chinese partner for the project is the Finance and Economics Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) of the People's Republic of China, the highest organ of state power in China. The project leader on the Chinese side objected that the firm employed a Falun Gong practitioner, and he threatened to terminate the project. Ms. Liu Wei explained, "My boss, a German, couldn't argue about this, as he would have also been in trouble with his German supervisors. The German regime assists China very often in projects without compensation. At the same time they are trying to impress the Chinese regime, so they will land large Chinese contracts."

GTZ is a government entity. Berlin therefore is also responsible for what happened to Liu Wei. They need to explain to the public why German taxpayers' money is used in China, as well as where their political direction is taking them. We have already known for quite some time about the political persecution situation in China, about the imprisoned journalists, lawyers, Tibetans, and members of the religious minorities. Despite all the promises by Beijing leaders, the human rights situation before the Olympic Games has not improved, but has actually worsened.

According to Reporters without Borders, the Chinese authorities arrested thirty journalists and fifty Internet dissidents in August. Li Heping and Gao Zhisheng stand out, showing the regime's alarming harassment of Chinese lawyers. They are persecuted by China's secret service, beaten, threatened and arrested.


Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200711/41876.html