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Completely Negate the Old Forces’ Arrangements and Be Compassionate to Sentient Beings

Feb. 10, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) We want to share some of our understandings after studying Master’s article, "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil" (October 24, 2006). The Fa rectification has already reached the stage in which the evil will soon be completely disintegrated. Dafa practitioners around the world, especially those in China, need to act together and concentrate their mighty righteous thoughts to completely eliminate all the evil that controls the forced labor camps, prisons, etc. in China, as well as all the elements that are involved in persecuting Dafa practitioners. This focus should also include eliminating the evil environment where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Dafa practitioners. In some regions, Dafa practitioners posted truth-clarification materials on the gates of the forced labor camps. Practitioners also surrounded the prisons and sent forth righteous thoughts to completely disintegrate all the evil, dark minions and rotten demons in those evil dens. They made the dark skies above the prisons become bright. Some Dafa practitioners have walked out of the evil dens with their righteous thoughts and actions.

Completely Disintegrate the Unrighteous Elements in our Minds and Keep up with the Progress of Fa Rectification

Master’s article "Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil" was written for Dafa practitioners. So in addition to sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all the evil, dark minions, and rotten demons in the labor camps, prisons, and other evil dens, we Dafa practitioners also need to search within ourselves, rectify our thoughts, follow Dafa’s requirements in all of our actions, and completely negate the old cosmic forces’ arrangements.

Through the exchange of understandings, we realized that completely disintegrating and negating the evil elements in our minds is actually our eliminating the unrighteous thoughts and incorrect understandings that have long existed in our minds. Our completely negating the evil elements should not only include controlling our lips but it should also be reflected in our actions. A practitioner’s ankle was sprained when he distributed truth-clarifications. He thought that the evil was trying to interfere with his saving sentient beings. He said, "I just did not acknowledge the evil persecuting me and interfering with my saving sentient beings. I just wanted to distribute truth-clarification materials to save sentient beings. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the persecution. In the end, it really worked right away."

Act by Following Master’s Requirements and Walk Well our Own Paths While Negating the Old Forces

In our discussion, some practitioners shared a very good understanding: "The old forces have nothing to do with our cultivation, and we should just follow along the cultivation paths that have been arranged by Master. We have no fear. When encountering tribulations, we go to clarify the truth and save sentient beings."

During the exchange of understandings, a fellow practitioner talked about the actual process of his completely negating the old forces: While giving out truth-clarifying materials, another practitioner was arrested and told the police that the truth-clarification materials came from him. He was forced to leave his home. He dared not come back home. Through studying the Fa and exchanging understandings, he understood that his not daring to go back home was an attachment of fear. What was he afraid of? Afraid of being persecuted? Was this also an acknowledgment of the old forces’ arrangements? When he gained a correct understanding, he acted accordingly. He went back home with a heart for saving sentient beings. He faced everything in an open and dignified manner. The police went to his home and asked him to sign his name on a certificate of custodial detention. He refused. He clarified the truth to them in an open and dignified way. He said that he cultivates "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," and had not violated the law, so custodial detention did not apply to him. The police took him to the local police station by force, and claimed that they were going to send him to a detention center and then sentence him to prison. He clarified the truth to the police. "Detention centers and prisons are not the places where Dafa practitioners should go. We need to stay in society to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. Saving people is the most important thing. I hope that you will not interfere with our efforts of saving people. Saving people is a sacred and very important thing. My not letting you interfere with efforts of saving people is good for you, as in this way you will have no chances to commit crimes. So I cannot go to that place." The police had no choice as he did not want to go to the detention center. They then sent him home.

His righteous thoughts of genuinely saving sentient beings and genuinely thinking for the goodness of the police, so as to not let them commit crimes, penetrated into the police’s lives in microcosmic dimensions. The police thus changed their bad thoughts and sent the fellow practitioner home. Since then, the practitioner has become a friend of the police. He has successfully persuaded some of them to withdraw from the CCP and its related organizations.

In the book of Zhuan Falun Fajie – The Law of Zhuan Falun Explained, one practitioner asked Master:

"Question: How do we safeguard Dafa?

Teacher: We can’t fight and struggle against others. Just don’t give them an audience and it will be fine."

Master said in "Teaching the Fa in Canada, 2006" (May 28, 2006),

"A god wouldn't pay any heed to what a human being said about him--you can't affect him. He wouldn't in the least try to figure out how what you do relates to him. He pays no attention at all, because you cannot affect him."

We understand that all Dafa practitioners are on paths to divinity and we will not be moved by ordinary people’s words. We are not attached to whether ordinary people say good or bad things about us. We do not care, nor are we moved. Master said, "...just by having your heart unaffected you will be able to handle all situations." ("Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

We should completely negate the old forces’ arrangements and not be moved by ordinary people. We do not need to directly answer questions during the police interrogations. We clarify the truth with the objective of saving people. For example, when a practitioner clarified the truth, the police asked, "What is your name? Where do you live?" The practitioner replied, "It is not important what my name is and where I live. Now what is urgent to me is to save you." The practitioner then started to clarify the truth. We already know that no one dares to oppose the salvation of people. We should utilize all opportunities to clarify the truth and save sentient beings. Through discussion, we came to understand that we, in fact, are negating the old forces’ arrangements by following Dafa when encountering tribulations. We walk our paths while not acknowledging their existence.

We should treat all sentient beings compassionately. Police are also sentient beings, and should also be saved. Some are also deceived and poisoned by the evil specter. So Dafa disciples should be compassionate to them, utilize all opportunities to clarify the truth to them, and help them eliminate the poison they have received. A fellow practitioner mentioned during the discussion, "When the doorbell rang, I opened the door and saw a group of people. Some wore police uniforms and some wore plainclothes. I greeted them with smiles as I would my dear ones. I invited them into the room and told them that they did not need to take their shoes off. It did not matter if the floor was soiled. I asked them to sit down on the sofas, as I knew they came to my house out of predestined relationships. One of them introduced these people to me, "The district leader, the local police station director, the official in charge of residency, and one from the neighborhood committee and they want to see you today." The fellow practitioner said, "Oh. You came to see me in such hot weather." He quickly served them some watermelon to reduce their discomfort due to the heat. So he gave each of them a piece of melon. One of them asked, "How is your health?" The fellow practitioner replied, "Why do you ask about my health?" The person from the neighborhood committee said, "I see you are very healthy and have a rosy complexion." The practitioner answered, "I need to thank Dafa for my good health. Before I started my cultivation, my illnesses could not be cured. It was because of my Dafa cultivation that my health has recovered. It has already been over a dozen years since I started my Dafa cultivation in 1994. I no longer have any illnesses. I do not need to take any medicine, nor do I need to go to a hospital. It is Master who has purified my body." The practitioner started to clarify the truth and validate the Fa. They sat for a while and then left. In such a compassionate energy field, the bad things in their minds were all gone. When they left, each of them shook hands with the practitioner. What the practitioner did was to not acknowledge the existence of the evil, treat sentient beings with compassion, and walk well his cultivation path.