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An Analysis of Why Some Practitioners Do Not Read Minghui/Clearwisdom Articles

Feb. 11, 2007 |   By Zheng Xin in Mainland China


While sharing experiences with fellow practitioners in previous years, I found that some fellow practitioners did not read articles on Minghui (Chinese version of the Clearwisdom website). My thought was that Master pays great attention to Minghui/Clearwisdom and that many fellow practitioners treat Minghui/Clearwisdom as their home, treasure it, protect it and cherish it. So I could not understand why these fellow practitioners did not pay attention to Minghui/Clearwisdom. From my progress in learning and understanding the Fa and with my elevation of xinxing, I gradually developed a new understanding and more thoroughly thought about the reasons behind this issue. The following are some of my analyses.

Generally speaking, the main reason that some practitioners do not read Minghui/Clearwisdom articles is due to interference from the evil old forces and to the practitioners' own attachments. During their process of interfering, the evil is very afraid of being exposed. Minghui/Clearwisdom and the materials centers throughout mainland China have formed an indestructible net of Heaven, with Minghui/Clearwisdom being the holy mirror with incomparable power. The net of Heaven is spread everywhere, and the heavenly beings are watching everything. Therefore, the evil desperately hates and fears Minghui/Clearwisdom. They exhaust all they can to fabricate rumors, interfere and alienate. Their means of doing so have mainly included:

1) To block communication �" they instigate the evil CCP's spending large amounts of money to implement web-filtering and blockage as an attempt to cut off communication channels between mainland China Dafa practitioners and Master and Minghui/Clearwisdom.

2) To fabricate rumors �" the evil forces clearly know that they cannot damage Minghui/Clearwisdom from the outside. So they establish spies and instigate people who had gone astray from Dafa to fabricate rumors to damage and harm Minghui/Clearwisdom and to spread the CCP's fallacy of "suspect everything" to cause trouble and confusion among Dafa practitioners. For example, some people who have gone astray and enlightened along an evil path have quoted Master's words "Amidst truth and falsehood, enlightening is important" ("Enlightenment" in Essentials for Further Advancement) out of context and spread lies about "Minghui/Clearwisdom articles being fake." Some fellow practitioners were deceived, and they in turn spread lies saying, "The article 'What a Young Practitioner Saw in Other Dimensions' is fake." Some individuals, manipulated by the evil forces, specifically looked for the author's attachment in the Minghui/Clearwisdom articles and made considerable veiled criticisms about "Minghui Weekly" publishing announcements about word corrections in the written teachings and about sending forth righteous thoughts.

3) To mislead practitioners�" the evil quoted lines from Minghui/Clearwisdom articles to misinterpret them, and then they infiltrated (through spies and fake practitioners) the misinterpreted information into the practitioners' minds to mislead them. For instance, when the evil persecuted Dafa practitioners in the form of illness karma, they twisted the original meaning of "For large or small things, do not always look for Master" in a Minghui/Clearwisdom article and then infiltrated the information, "Do not look for Master's help," into the minds of fellow practitioners. This misled practitioners to not look to Master for help, and it even caused them to forget to seek fellow practitioners' help. Some practitioners who were not clear on Fa principles mistakenly thought that "illness karma" was to eliminate karma, and they passively withstood the persecution. As a result, they were severely persecuted; some even missed the opportunity of being helped and lost their lives.

The blocked communication is obvious and everyone knows about it. In their means of fabricating rumors, they appeared as practitioners or hid among fellow practitioners. They caused confusion and were not easy to recognize. Their means of misleading practitioners have also been quite confusing. They are hidden and not easily recognizable. Practitioners have often mistakenly thought that it originated from themselves.

Besides the evil misleading practitioners, some fellow practitioners have not studied the Fa well, not clearly understood the Fa principles and had strong attachments that were taken advantage of and enlarged by the evil. Consequently, such practitioners were trapped into the erroneous state of not reading Minghui/Clearwisdom articles. For instance, some fellow practitioners tended to go to extremes. They thought that they were doing the three things well and that they cultivated better than others; so there was no need for them to read other practitioners' experience-sharing articles. Driven by the mentality of showing off, they did not read Minghui/Clearwisdom with the excuse of having no time. There were also some practitioners who had the attachment of fear. They hid in their homes, reading the Fa and doing the exercises. They were afraid of contact with fellow practitioners, and they avoided fellow practitioners, who would give them Minghui Weekly and truth-clarification materials.

Like many Dafa practitioners, I benefited significantly from Minghui/Clearwisdom. The reason why we treasure Minghui/Clearwisdom is because we believe in Master and Dafa. Minghui/Clearwisdom, since its establishment, has carried Master's great trust. In this special historical period of Fa-validation, which has never before occurred in history, Minghui/Clearwisdom is a mainstream media of Falun Dafa and is playing a special role that could not be played by any other media. Minghui/Clearwisdom is the center where Dafa information is gathered and distributed, the place where the heavenly beings of the entire universe are focusing, the window for all living beings to understand and accept Dafa, the bridge that connects all Dafa practitioners and the platform for Dafa practitioners to share with and encourage each other.

After July 20, 1999, I lost communication with fellow practitioners and with Minghui/Clearwisdom. Unknowingly, I followed the cultivation path arranged by the old forces. With a hint from Master, I was awakened in the beginning of 2003, and I finally stepped forward. During the following four years, I walked on the path of diligent cultivation, and I experienced significant changes in both my physical body and my xinxing. All of these changes were closely related to Minghui/Clearwisdom. Since then, besides doing the three things with my best effort, I have taken a certain amount of time every week to carefully read through Minghui Weekly as well as the truth-clarification materials, news and articles published on Minghui/Clearwisdom from beginning to end. I looked forward to reading the next publication when I finished reading the current one, and I did not miss even one publication. There were articles that I have read multiple times and from which I benefited a lot. Whenever I read Minghui/Clearwisdom articles, I felt that I was in a pure land while in the middle of the dirty world. I felt my mind was being purified, with my polluted language, conduct and point of view in ordinary society being continuously washed away. When I was reading Minghui/Clearwisdom it was like attending a dignified Fa conference. It seemed that I came to the environment of diligent cultivation as a whole, to share and encourage with the author, to learn from each other, and to elevate together as a whole.

Minghui/Clearwisdom has held three Falun Dafa cultivation sharing conferences (via articles), with each one of the selected articles being essential. I was touched the most by the article "I Would Still Want to Be a Falun Dafa Disciple If I Were to Choose Again." (article can be found at: http://clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/12/4/55254.html) This article unfolded the author's experiences of guarding the Fa with his/her life and growing in cultivating Dafa in an extremely dangerous situation. I read this article five times, and every time I gained something different from it. I came to understand what a pure mind is, and I saw the author's noble realm of putting oneself in another's position to consider others. I saw the difference between myself and other practitioners. I read the article "Withdrawing from the CCP Sooner is Better" shortly after the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, and I developed a strong desire to withdraw from the CCP. I first withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations on the Internet; a month later I publicly withdrew from the CCP at my company. Thereafter, in the process of spreading the Nine Commentaries and advising people to withdraw from the CCP, I read some articles in Minghui Weekly about withdrawing from the CCP. I benefited greatly and developed a deeper understanding from reading the articles. This strengthened my confidence in clarifying the truth and advising people to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations. Since 2005, I participated in two consecutive sessions of the Falun Dafa cultivation sharing conference and published several articles in Minghui Weekly. I work in the scientific and technical field with many intellectuals. I printed truth-clarification materials from Minghui/Clearwisdom that were suitable for the people in my workplace to read and distributed these articles to them. Thus, many of my coworkers have learned the truth, and several people with predestined relationship have started to cultivate Dafa.

Master trusts Minghui/Clearwisdom and carefully protects and supports Minghui/Clearwisdom. Master has published all his works (lectures and articles) on Minghui/Clearwisdom since the persecution started in 1999. The mission, objective and policy of Minghui/Clearwisdom, the choice of editors and the inscription Minghui Weekly are all imbued with Master's care and effort. Master's important arrangements for Fa-rectification are all entrusted to Minghui/Clearwisdom to publish. For instance, sending forth righteous thoughts, word corrections in printed books and announcements by the Falun Dafa Association are published on Minghui/Clearwisdom. Master once told us to read Minghui/Clearwisdom for information on major issues. Benevolent Master always pays great attention to the growth of Minghui/Clearwisdom, just like Master read disciples' experience articles when he was introducing the Fa to the public in China. Behind each article written by fellow practitioners are Master's hints. The processing, revision, polishing and so on of the articles by the editing teams of fellow practitioners are all under the guidance of Master's Fashen. Master has recommended articles with significant general reference to Dafa practitioners with comments and has given high praise:

"Brilliant are the articles your sharp pens craft

Powerful are their words, rich their sentences"

("Reading My Students' Articles" in Hong Yin II)

Regarding the authenticity and reliability of Minghui/Clearwisdom, Master explicitly pointed out:

"Minghui's main feature is that it reports primarily on the facts of the persecution of Dafa disciples in mainland China. Those reports are first-hand information that exposes the evil, and over 99 percent--or even up to 100 percent--of the reported information is accurate." ("Teaching the Fa in the City of Los Angeles" on February 25, 2006)

Holding the well-printed Minghui Weekly and truth-clarification materials, we can imagine its significance. Many fellow practitioners paid greatly, even with their lives, to set up the materials centers and transport the materials. These Dafa practitioners, while resisting the pressure from all directions and breaking through the CCP evil specter's tight control and layers upon layers of blockades, purchased the equipment and materials with their own money that they saved from their daily living expenses. They downloaded, edited, printed and bound booklets of Minghui Weekly and copies of truth-clarification materials from Minghui/Clearwisdom. These materials that bring with them the expectations of fellow practitioners continuously spring from materials centers everywhere. They are the holy instrument that is exposing the evil, and they are the hope of people being saved. Many Dafa practitioners have taken risks and passed through layers upon layers of the CCP's checkpoints. These practitioners went all over the main streets and small alleys, carrying Minghui Weekly and truth-clarification materials to the hands of fellow practitioners and then to the hands of the lives who were poisoned by the CCP's lies. They awakened more and more people to the truth and allowed predestined people to begin Dafa cultivation. They allowed fellow practitioners who had taken a wrong path to come back to the path of Dafa validation and saving lives.

Master pays great attention and gives full trust to Minghui/Clearwisdom. Dafa practitioners should of course trust Minghui/Clearwisdom because Minghui/Clearwisdom is Dafa practitioners' own website. To those fellow practitioners who do not read Minghui/Clearwisdom articles, have you ever thought about who would be happy about your not reading the articles? This makes the old forces happy! With all their effort, they try to block Minghui/Clearwisdom, try to hurt and damage Minghui/Clearwisdom with rumors and lies and try to mislead Dafa practitioners. They want to cut-off the communication channels between Dafa practitioners and Master and Minghui/Clearwisdom. They don't want Dafa practitioners to read Minghui/Clearwisdom articles. Many fellow practitioners and I sincerely hope that the fellow practitioners who do not read Minghui/Clearwisdom articles will quickly awaken, walk out of the erroneous state of not reading Minghui/Clearwisdom, become clear-minded with rationality based on the Fa and walk through the last stage of Fa-rectification correctly. At the same time, I sincerely hope that those fellow practitioners who have not yet stepped forward do not miss the only opportunity in eternity; step forward and clarify the truth and validate Dafa.