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The Brutal Persecution of Ms. Meng Gui from Linshan County, Guangxi Autonomous Region

Feb. 11, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Guangxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Meng Gui, in her sixties, from Linshan County, Guangxi Autonomous Region, is still suffering torture at the Nanning Women's Forced Labor Camp in Guangxi Autonomous Region because she refuses to renounce Falun Gong. She is being detained at the labor camp past the legal time limit. She is being monitored by four inmates and is not allowed to sleep for long periods of time. She has been tortured beyond recognition during these past four years.

Before 1999, Ms. Meng Gui helped her daughter sell sweets in Beihai City, Guangxi Autonomous Region. After July 20, 1999, she went to the Beihai City Airport every day to do the Falun Gong exercises with several other practitioners. The police from Beihai City Police Department then threatened her. They told her that if she gave up the practice of Falun Dafa, then she would be allowed to stay in Beihai City. Otherwise, they would arrest her.

Ms. Meng went back to Linshan County. One day, Ms. Meng and several other practitioners got together to watch Master Li's lecture on VCD. The police followed one of the practitioners to the place and illegally arrested everyone there. Ms. Meng and six other practitioners were detained for a month and fined 1,000 yuan each. The rest of the other dozen or so practitioners were detained for two weeks. Before they were released, the police forced practitioners to sign a detention certificate saying they had "joined a [slanderous term omitted] and obstructed the implementation of laws." Ms. Meng Gui refused to sign the certificate and started to clarify the truth to the policemen. In the end, Head of the National Security Brigade Huang Shoujie gave up and gave the order to let her go.

On the evening of April 22, 2000, a group of practitioners were sharing their cultivation experiences. Plain-clothes policemen forced themselves in and arrested everyone. The practitioners were taken to the Shili Detention Center, where they were detained for 15 days. On May 7, Ms. Meng Gui was released. The next day, while she was distributing truth-clarification materials, she was illegally arrested again and detained for a month.

On June 13, 2000, Ms. Meng went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. On her way to Beijing, she was stopped at Changsha City. The railway police detained her at the Changsha Railway Station Police Station. With righteous thoughts, Ms. Meng escaped and bought a train ticket to Beijing. With only over a dozen yuan left, she arrived at Beijing and went to Tiananmen Square to do the 5th exercise, the sitting meditation. She was taken to the Tiananmen Square Police Station. The policemen there notified the Linshan Police Department.

Ms. Meng was taken back to Linshan. She was handcuffed the whole way back. The police handcuffed several people together. Ms. Meng was sent to the Linshan Detention Center and was later sentenced to two years of forced labor without going through any legal procedures.

At Nanning Women's Labor Camp, the prison guards forced practitioners to read newspapers and watch programs that slandered Falun Dafa, and attend the so-called exposing meetings to criticize Master Li and Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Meng refused to participate in such activities. Each time, several prison guards would beat her before carrying her to the meeting. Since she refused to criticize Master Li or write the three statements, she was brutally tortured. She was confined to a small room, tied to the bed and was not allowed to sleep. She was hung by her arms with the tip of her toes barely touching the ground. She was beaten up by criminal inmates. She was not allowed to use the restroom. While enduring all these tortures, she was also forced to do heavy labor for long periods of time.

Ms. Meng Gui was in good health and weighed about 165 pounds before suffering persecution. As a result of the tortures, she became emaciated. Her heart problem also recurred. Her whole body went numb due to prolonged hanging. She could no longer feel the pain from the beatings or the needles that were injected into her body. She lost the ability to talk and move her body. She didn't respond to intravenous injections. Authorities at the labor camp were afraid she might die and released her on medical probation. One of the conditions for her release was that her family call the labor camp every 10 days to report her condition. The labor camp sent her home in the middle of the night in order to cover up their tortures.

In 2002, when the Chinese Communist Party was holding its national conference, Ms. Meng was forcibly taken to the brainwashing class for more than 10 days. One day in Mid-August, she went to the county 610 Office to get back her Dafa books and other belongings that were illegally confiscated. As a result, the next day, she was arrested by policemen from Lincheng Police Station and detained in a conference room in the Lincheng Township Government Building. The police did not allow anyone to visit her. As a result, she did not have any clean clothes to change into or other necessities. The police laughed at her and said: "Why don't you ask your Teacher to save you?"

A month later, Ms. Meng went out to distribute truth-clarification materials at night and was arrested by patrolling policemen. She was sent to the Linshan Detention Center. A fellow practitioner went there to give her 100 yuan and wrote down "Righteous Thoughts" as her name in the visitation log. The practitioner's intention was to remind Ms. Meng to strengthen her righteous thoughts and negate all the persecution. The guard on duty was the deputy head of the detention center. He became nervous when he saw the characters "Righteous Thoughts" and refused to give the money to Ms. Meng. Instead, he called the police department to come and arrest this practitioner. The practitioner was alerted and quickly left the detention center. Around 2:00 a.m. that night, Ms. Meng was sent to the Nanning Labor Camp and was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor.

Practitioners who have been released from the labor camp said that Ms. Meng is being brutally tortured. She was not allowed to use the restroom. She had to urinate or excrete in her pants and was not permitted to change clothes. As a result, her buttocks were soaked in excrement for a long period of time. They became red and swollen until the skin broke, causing excruciating pain. The guards used up all of their inhumane tortures, but Ms. Meng still refused to give up practicing Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, and did not cooperate with them. One practitioner said that when she saw Ms. Meng, she couldn't walk. She had to be carried out on a stretcher. When she spoke, one had to put their ear next to her mouth in order to hear anything. The guards saw that she was too weak and loosened up a little on the persecution. Only then was Ms. Meng able to recover a little from the tortures.

Ms. Meng Gui is in her 60's, and has suffered relentless persecution every day for the past several years. She has been illegally detained for over four years, and has still not been released.

Responsible Parties:

Head of Linshan County 610 Office, Su Decai, 86-13877766633 (Cell)

Linshan County Party Secretary, Liu Hai, 86-779-6523886 (Office)

Linshan County Secretary of Political and Judiciary Committee, Zhong Jihua, 86-779-6516209 (Office)

Head of Linshan County Police Department, Chu Xukun, 86-13877711033 (Cell), 86-779-6529968 (Office)

Head of Linshan County Security Brigade, Yao Zhengqi, 86-13907776000 (Cell), 86-779-6529645 (Office)

Head of Lincheng Police Station, Chen Haifeng, 86-13907776170 (Cell), 86-779 -6529669 (Office)