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Selections from My Cultivation Diaries

Feb. 11, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) My personal cultivation began before July 20, 1999 (the date the persecution started). At that time I kept a journal and wrote in it almost every day, filling two booklets. After "July 20" when the persecution first began, I wrote infrequently in my journal. Looking back, it is like reading another person’s diary. I have been continuously gaining experiences and learning lessons.

1) Like many practitioners, I am a small flower among all the truth-clarification materials production sites covering the country. I have been blossoming for a few years. There have been many articles on this topic on Clearwisdom, and they have deeply impressed me. First of all, I want to thank Teacher for caring from the very beginning; on Clearwisdom it suggests sending forth righteous thoughts for truth-clarification material production centers, and I couldn’t agree with that more. Every day, I send forth righteous thoughts for my small materials production center and its environment several times. I would like to strongly suggest to fellow practitioners that read materials from Clearwisdom: even though you don’t know where the materials come from or who produces them, you can send forth righteous thoughts one or two times for the source of your materials every day. For example, completely eliminate and eradicate all evil from dimensions of our city or our town, or our county, or our district, that interferes with Dafa truth-clarification materials production centers, disintegrating all of the dark minions and rotten demons, destroying all elements of the Communist evil specter and all of its evil factors in other dimensions, encompassing all of it and leaving out none.

Every particle should do what he/she is supposed to do or undertake, so that the pressure for people working in truth-clarification materials production centers can be reduced, and our dimension can be greatly cleaned up. There were a few times when I saw fellow practitioners not cherishing Teacher’s articles or Clearwisdom materials. They put them wherever, and some were missing pages, some were missing corners, and some were faded after getting wet. I was very sad. I understand that practitioners who produce materials are very hard-working. Sometimes, in order for other practitioners to read Teacher’s articles and other materials on time, they sleep very little and they also have to face such problems as funding. Besides making sure other practitioners get to see the materials, they also must study the Fa and do the exercises and the three things well, so that they can balance their own environment. Therefore I hope, fellow practitioners, that you can cherish the truth-clarification materials and Teacher’s articles when they come into your hands.

2) I have never taken any computer courses to learn Pinyin, nor do I understand any foreign languages. But I have a strong wish in terms of being a flower among many flowers all over the country. Under Teacher’s care, I came to learn how to use computers, including downloading, printing, and editing. The materials I produce are very meticulous and very well-received by fellow practitioners and ordinary people.

At the very beginning, my computer broke, and it was very hard to get outside help to fix it. Later I thought about asking Teacher to help, so I recited the Fa-rectification formulas with righteous thoughts in my heart and I have not had problems with my computer or printer since. Such miraculous things have happened quite a few times.

3) Once a fellow practitioner stepped out of his door and thought to himself: "I am a Fa-rectification period Dafa disciple, I will do things that Fa-rectification period Dafa disciples are supposed to do. Nothing can stop me. No evil, dark minions, or rotten demons deserve to interfere or persecute me. In every dimension, encompassing all of it and leaving out none or in the dimension where I am going, whoever wants to undermine Dafa will be eliminated right away, whoever wants to persecute Dafa practitioners will be eliminated right away." Whether following practitioners delivering materials, going to work, or shopping, he always recites something by heart non-stop: "Falun Dafa is good," "'Truth, Compassion, Forbearance' is good," or he recites the Fa-rectification formulas. He says that is how he has been able to walk his path

When we clarify the truth to ordinary people and try to help them understand why they should quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations, we repeatedly tell them: "Please do remember, 'Falun Dafa is good, and Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is good.' If you keep reciting this it will bring you good fortune." Our Dafa practitioners should remember to validate the Fa at all times. Then what are we waiting for? It will fundamentally eliminate the evil factors in our dimensions.

4) A practitioner validates the Fa with her cellular phone and little stickers. She has stickers with her all the time. Wherever she goes, she posts them in many public places, including in buses, shopping malls, restaurants, on the street and more. In addition, she sets the alarm on her cellphone ahead a few minutes and then she pretends to talk to a friend. By both asking and answering questions while "on the phone", she manages to clarify the truth to people around her and they get to know the truth unintentionally. I have done the same in public places many times, which turned out very well. But you have to assess the environment and do it rationally.

5) I went to a couple’s home to clarify the truth; they are both CCP senior cadres. Because I was a little bit worried my mind was not right. I asked, "Where is your caregiver?" I didn’t want her to overhear me so it didn’t turn out well. As a matter of fact, she is also one who needs saving. The following morning, they received truth-clarification materials; they thought I had delivered them to their door, so they sent the materials to my manager. My manager then called me and asked me to come over. I was shocked. I thought that I must have had some omission. I enlightened that I knew what I should do: I should only walk the path that Teacher has arranged for me. I sent forth righteous thoughts on the way to see him. Because other practitioners have clarified the truth to my manager, I didn’t have any attachment of fear. I clarified the truth to him again, which put an end to this incident. I think for our Dafa practitioners, no matter what we do, we have to do it very righteously.

6) After the persecution began, my husband didn’t want me to practice Falun Gong any more, and he destroyed my exercise tapes. I was very upset. At that time I didn’t know what it meant by righteous thoughts, so I told him, "I will listen to you about almost anything, but if you interfere with my practicing Falun Gong, that won’t do." He turned around and didn’t say anything. My child has always been my trial of sentimentality among family members. There are times I did better and sometimes the conflicts were so severe that they not only interfered with my cultivation but also harmed my child emotionally. For the past few years, I have reflected on this. I should blame myself for not being able to pass the test. I have apologized to my child, and I will dismantle all evil beings and factors that persecute and interfere with my child and me. I hope more practitioners will write sharing articles in this regard.

7) I would like to suggest to fellow practitioners who submit their articles and pictures to Clearwisdom to use not only PDF compressed files but Word format as well. I hope to be able to find files in both formats, because some practitioners don’t know how to use or edit PDF files.

In addition, the songs posted on the Clearwisdom website are very good, and I have downloaded many songs to my MP3 player. I often play them for people. They really like the songs and want to listen to them, but they can’t hear the lyrics clearly. I want to print out the lyrics and the musical scores to give to people, but I have discovered that many songs are missing these components, while some have only standard music notes and some only have the numbered musical notation [a simplified way to compose music, similar to the way the computer composes music]. Most people only know the numbered musical notation. You seldom find people who know how to read music, but I still hope my fellow practitioners who know how to write music can spare some time and write the music in the numbered musical notation and standard sheet music for every song, so that practitioners and non-practitioners can sing them. If we could sing these songs wherever we go, how wonderful that would be. This is also a good approach in terms of dismantling the evil and validating the Fa. Thank you, my fellow practitioners.

8) A practitioner compiled antithetical couplets [selecting favorite lines as a kind of commentary, which is part of the Chinese impressionistic tradition] written by practitioners that she had posted on the Internet for the past few years into a special edition. She selected probably 50 or 60 and gave them to many practitioners. These antithetical couplets are very good, and practitioners and non-practitioners alike can post them on the Internet. We also can give them to antithetical couplets stores, and have the merchants print them and then sell them to people. We can also write them and give them to our friends and relatives. Teacher said, "no matter how your handwriting is—it carries gong!" (Zhuan Falun) I think they would make the best gifts for the Chinese New Year. If people from one region to another all do this, then the evil will be eliminated.

I finally managed to organize a few cultivation experiences and ideas to share with practitioners. Fellow practitioners, please kindly point out anything inappropriate.