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"I Respect Your Teacher Very Much"

Feb. 12, 2007

(Clearwisdom.net) Because I said, "Falun Dafa is good," I was taken to a labor camp by the evil Chinese Communist Party.

At the labor camp, regular prisoners who are sentenced to forced labor are mistreated physically, but Falun Gong practitioners are mistreated both physically and mentally. In addition to the heavy labor, practitioners are subjected to forced brainwashing attempts, are compelled to write reports on what they think and are forced to talk about their thoughts on Falun Gong. The aim is to make practitioners give up and stop practicing Falun Gong.

At that time, there were six practitioners in my cell. We all cultivated as a whole body with determination. We helped each other and efficiently denied the persecution from the evil. In addition, we also tried to seize all opportunities to clarify the truth to other people who were also sentenced to the forced labor camp.

One time, when I talked to a drug addict about the persecution of Falun Gong, I was surprised at his clear analysis.

He said, "Your master Mr. Li Hongzhi is so powerful that I admire him so much. In such a society, with science and technology developing dramatically, it is understandable that a person that has had such achievements in a single field or several fields would impact so many people. It is achievable if someone put much effort into it. However, it is very difficult to do as your teacher has done, convincing so many people in all kinds of fields. These people are willing to study and practice [Falun Gong]. Many are scientists already in the advanced stage of their career fields. It is extremely difficult to convince these people to accept another's theory."

And then he said, "See, among the Falun Gong practitioners in our forced labor camp, there are PhD graduates, instructors at universities, doctors, engineers, statisticians, college students, and farmers. I hear there is a practitioner who used to be a policeman that is now detained in the Women's Ward. From the population structure, I see that practitioners have come from all walks of life. I have also observed that each of you is very kind. No one is picky when they are assigned labor work. No one is found to be lazy and none of you tries to seize a chance to work less."

I said, "Yes. Our teacher comes to teach the Fa. He asks for people to be kind and benevolent. Falun Gong practitioners are self-disciplined. We do not need to be watched over by others. If we do not do something well and do not act according to the requirements of the Fa, we will criticize ourselves."

He continued, "When I get out, I will definitely read the book [Zhuan Falun] to learn the content of your teacher's lectures. I want to see what kind of power that has convinced you so much."

I replied happily, "Yes, that's a good idea. If you have time to stop by my house, I will see to it that you can read our Master's precious book, Zhuan Falun."

At the end of our conversation, he said again, "Your teacher is so powerful. I admire him so much! Truly admirable!"