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Crimes Committed by the 610 Office of Xuanhua City, Hebei Province, in Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners

Feb. 13, 2007


Ms. Lei Wenxia Arrested by the 610 Office of Xuahua City Over Two Months Ago

At around 11:00 a.m. on November 27, 2006, Ms. Lei Wenxia, a practitioner from Xuanhua City, Hebei Province, was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to people at Erdao Land, north of the South Gate of Xuanhua City. She was arrested by the police from Nandajie Police Station and taken to the Detention Center of Xuahua City, where she has been detained for over two months.

Ms. Lei Wenxia was in poor health and suffered from several illnesses before she practiced Falun Gong. Through cultivating, her mind nature was upgraded and her health got better and better.

When Ms. Lei Wenxia was first sent to the detention center, she could eat and do things well. Later, her health declined. She was unable to eat, spitting up if she tried. The detention center gave her intravenous injections against her will.

Relevant contact information:
Sun Yan, director of the Nandajie Police Station: 86-13903133326 (cell)
Ban Yigong, instructor
Deputy Directors Wu Tiebao and Zeng XX

Zhao Yuan, director of the Southgate Police Station: 86-13903231505 (cell)

Xuanhua Police Department:
Li Xiangdong, deputy director responsible for the 610 Office: 86-313-3112368, 86-313-3049091
Zhang Jin, deputy director responsible for criminal offenses: 86-13903234449 (cell)
Zhao Lixin, deputy director responsible for civil cases: 86-13703132193 (cell)
Gu Meisheng, Political and Security Division

Ma Qingjun, head of the Detention Center of Xuanhua City: 86-13932301756 (cell)
Zhang Shifeng, deputy dead

The Procuratorate of Zhangjiakou City (8 Xibagangfu)
Office: 86-313-2050631
Political Division: 86-313-2050608
Appealing Division: 86-313-2050627
Civil Affairs Division: 86-313-2050647
Evil Party Office: 86-313-2050618
Monitoring Division: 86-313-2050619

Intermediate Court of Zhangjiakou City (39 Jianguo Street)
Office and the First Civil Affairs Court: 86-313-2055903
First Court of Criminal Offense: 86-313-2055907
Second Court of Criminal Offense: 86-313-2055909
First Civil Affairs Court: 86-313-2055917
Third Civil Affairs Court: 86-313-2055919
Case Filing Division: 86-313-2055963
Office of Party Committee: 86-313-2055955
Reception Office for Appeals: 86-313-2055973

Judiciary Division of the Xuanhua District (Tiantaisi Street)
Deputy dean of the District Procuratorate : 86-313-3041902
Dean of the District Procuratorate : 86-313-3052896
Deputy dean of the Procuratorate: 86-313-3012283
Office of the Procuratorate : 86-313-3012811
Arrest Warrant Office: 86-313-3041919, 86-313-3041920, 86-313-3041921
Office the dean for the District Court: 86-313-3041818
Deputy dean of the District Court: 86-313-3017661
Criminal Court: 86-313-3014279, 86-313-3024594
Criminal Trying Court: 86-313-3041831, 86-313-3041832, 86-313-3041833
Du Chunlei, dean of the District Court: 86-13703132301 (cell)
Jia Cang, dean of the District Procuratorate: 86-13903132679 (cell)

Ms. Yi Lihua Still Cannot Take Care of Herself Due to Persecution by the Police of the National Security Division of Xuanhua City

On April 8, 2006, police from the National Security Division of Xuanhua City arrested 70 year-old practitioner Ms. Yi Lihua and took her to the Shisanli Detention Center of Zhangjiakou City while she was clarifying the truth of Falun Gong and saving people. Later, the police ransacked her house. Ms. Yi Lihua's family members strongly protested the unjustifiable persecution of the 70 year-old lady and demanded her release. The police threatened her family members, saying that they had to pay 10,000 yuan soon or else she would be sentenced. Ms. Yi's family didn't have the money, so the officers continued to detain and persecute her.

Ms. Yi Lihua was tortured many times. Her health deteriorated. In the dark, damp environment of the detention center, Ms. Yi Lihua became partially paralyzed. She now cannot talk, walk, or take care of herself. Fearing having to bear this responsibility, the 610 Office ordered her family members to take her home. Even though she has been tortured to this extent, the 610 Office still wanted to extort 2000 yuan from her family. Ms. Yi Lihua is still unable to take care of herself, which has caused her family unbearable misery.

The purpose of exposing the crimes committed by the 610 Office of Xuanhua City to the public is to save people and warn evildoers. Good and bad will be rewarded accordingly.

February 2, 2007