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Additional Persecution News from China - January 29, 2007 (28 Reports)

Feb. 13, 2007


  1. [Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Du Shuhui and Wang Caifeng Suffer Excruciating Torture After Arrest - Their Lives are in Peril
  2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Zhang Qinghua Arrested
  3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Jin Lianqing Missing Since Going to Huiwu Street from the Shuntong Market on Shisanwei Road on the Morning of January 28, 2007
  4. [Hulin City, Heilongjiang Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Wang Yanmei and Yang Yanchun
  5. [Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. He Caiyun Seriously Injured During Arrest
  6. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Feng Shaogui, Xin Xin and Xu De
  7. [Linghai City, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Cao Yan, Zhao Dan and Sun Fengjie
  8. [Anshan City Liaoning Province] Practitioners Han Xiujian, Wang Jiming and Wang Sufang Arrested
  9. [Jilin Province] Persecution of Practitioners at the Jilin Province Prison
  10. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Mr. Wang Shilin Arrested at the Mishan Railway Station on January 20, 2007
  11. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Qi Lihua and Seven Others Arrested and Taken to the Shuangyang District's Lingxiasan Detention Center
  12. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Persecution of Nine Practitioners
  13. [Tianjin] Practitioners Li Enmin and Li Enfang Detained at the Sigezhuang Township Police Station
  14. [Wuji County, Hebei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested
  15. [Jiaonan City, Shandong Province] Cheng Xiantang Arrested, Guo Jianqin Forced to Become Homeless to Avoid Arrest
  16. [Shan County, Shandong Province] Practitioner Yuan Mengzhang Arrested
  17. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Sun Debo Has Been on a Hunger Strike for Over a Month
  18. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Xu Zhaocui Sentenced to Eighteen Months of Forced Labor
  19. [Rongcheng County, Shandong Province] Updated Information about the Arrest of Practitioner Yang Zhongxian and His Wife Yu Lianfen
  20. [Xiajin County, Shandong Province] Practitioner Zhao Yujing Arrested
  21. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Practitioners Du Qiongying, Zhang Jingxiu and Li Qinxiu Arrested
  22. [Urumqi City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Incidents of Practitioners Being Persecuted, Including Xiao Wei
  23. [Wuchang City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Cheng Shaolong Held at the Hewan Forced Labor Camp
  24. [Foshan City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Mr. Li Jichang from the Nanhai District Arrested on the Evening of January 16, 2007
  25. [HuhhotHuhehaote City, Inner Mongolia AR] Persecution of Three Practitioners Including Han Suzhi
  26. [Dazu County, Sichuan Province] A Falun Dafa Materials Production Center Destroyed and a Practitioner Arrested
  27. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Arrest of Huang Xianchao and Seven Other Practitioners
  28. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Zhang Shuzhen Arrested

1. [Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Du Shuhui and Wang Caifeng Suffer Excruciating Torture After Arrest - Their Lives are in Peril

Personnel from the Zhenchuan Police Station, Mianxian County, Hanzhong City, arrested Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Du Shuhui and Ms. Wang Caifeng on December 11, 2006. The abusers have since interrogated and tortured the two practitioners numerous times since they were put into the Mianxian County Detention Center on December 12, 2006.

Du Shuhui had previously been beaten so badly in the head three years ago at the Xi'an City Women's Forced Labor Camp that she suffered severe headaches, experienced head and body tremor, nausea and could not eat for more than a month. She was tied to a metal chair three days in a row, even when her life was in peril. She was tortured to near death and exhibited illness syndromes, such as gallbladder inflammation, hepatitis, and profound epilepsy.

Zhenchuan Police Station chief, Wang Xuecheng: 86-13992613856
Wang Weibin, Mianxian County Police Department deputy chief: 86-916-3215660 (home)

2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Zhang Qinghua Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Zhang Qinghua from Harbin City is in her 60's. She went to visit her sister in De'an County, Jiangxi Province. Personnel from the De'an County Police Department arrested Zhang Qinghua for posting truth-clarifying signs on outdoor structures to rescue sentient beings on the evening of January 25, 2007. The police ransacked her sister's home, confiscated 1,200 yuan cash, an electronic book, a Falun Dafa exercise tape and some other personal belongings. The police even arrested Zhang Qinghua's brother-in-law and put him into the county's detention center. Zhang Qinghua's whereabouts are unknown now.

Bai Zhong, De'an County 610 Office head: 86-13803561200 (Cell), 86-792-4335779 (Home)
Chen Mo, Political & Judiciary Team chief, De'an County Police Department: 86-792-4336598 (Home)

3. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Jin Lianqing Missing Since Going to Huiwu Street from the Shuntong Market on Shisanwei Road on the Morning of January 28, 2007

4. [Hulin City, Heilongjiang Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Wang Yanmei and Yang Yanchun

Personnel from the Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau's Court sentenced practitioner Ms. Wang Yanmei from the Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau, Hulin City, to three years of imprisonment. Ms. Yang Yanchun was sentenced to one year of forced labor. The two practitioners are presently being held at the Bureau's Detention Center.

Some relevant telephone numbers:

(Country code: 86, area code: 467. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers.)

Piao Zhonglu, Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau deputy chief and 610 Office head: 5912211 (Office), 5912318 (Home) and 13351978777 (Cell)
Du Hai, Police Department chief who is in charge of the Falun Gong Issues: 5914357 (Home) and 13945815685 (Cell)
Chang Yajun, Political & Judiciary Section chief: 5911838 (Home) and 13846050899 (Cell)
Yan Xiangbao, Political & Judiciary Section deputy chief: 5911879 (Home)
Zhu Xiaofei, Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau's Court chief: 5912853 (Office), 5912111 (Home) and 13351977777 (Cell)
Tang Guoqiang, Dongfanghong Forestry Bureau's Detention Center chief: 5912443 (Office) and 5912960 (Home)

5. [Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. He Caiyun Seriously Injured During Arrest

Practitioner Ms. He Caiyun, in her 40's, lives in Room 302 in the building opposite to the Jiangbian Electric Bureau, Fuyuan County. She was released in mid-December 2006 after enduring persecution and abuse at the Jiamusi City Forced Labor Camp. Then, on January 19, 2007, a gang of officers from the county's police department pried open He Caiyun's door during the night, trying to arrest her again. He Caiyun decided to jump down from the third floor and was severely injured. She is now being treated at the county's No. 2 Hospital.

6. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Feng Shaogui, Xin Xin and Xu De

Personnel from the Weichang Police Station affiliated with the Changyi Police Department arrested practitioners Mr. Feng Shaogui, Mr. Xin Xin and Mr. Xu De from Jilin City on January 23, 2007. They took Mr. Feng back to his home and ransacked the place, but they did not find any evidence. They took away his meditation mat.

Practitioner Xu De and another practitioner went to Jilin City on January 22, 2007. Four officers from the Weichang Police Station and from the National Security Division arrested Mr. Xu and ransacked his home. They confiscated two laptop computers, two laser jet printers, two color ink printers, a cellular phone, three tape players, six Falun Gong books, a box of paper, some blank discs and a certain amount of cash.

Police put the three practitioners into the city's detention center.

Changyi Police Station, Jilin City Police Department: 86-432-2409221
Weichang Police Precinct: 86-432-2409514

7. [Linghai City, Liaoning Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Cao Yan, Zhao Dan and Sun Fengjie

On January 25, 2007, personnel from the Jinxiu Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Cao Yan from Linghai City and practitioners Ms. Zhao Dan and Ms. Sun Fengjie, an employee at the Jinzhou Oil Extraction Factory in the Panjin City Liaohe Oil Field. It happened when the practitioners went to the Jinzhou Oil Extraction Factory to distribute truth-clarifying materials. Zhao Dan has returned home, but Cao Yan and Sun Fengjie are being held at the factory's Jinxiu Police Station.

(Country code: 86, area code: 427. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers.)
Wang Libin, Jinzhou Oil Extraction Factory police section chief: 7550271 (Home), 7550222
Zhao Zhongli, instructor: 7550083 (Home), 13840657070 (Cell)
Yu Jun, deputy chief: 7551780 (Home), 13898393088 (Cell)

8. [Anshan City Liaoning Province] Practitioners Han Xiujian, Wang Jiming and Wang Sufang Arrested

Personnel from the Qianshan Police Department and from the Jiubao Police Station in Anshan City arrested practitioners Ms. Han Xiujian, Mr. Wang Jiming and Ms. Wang Sufang the afternoon of January 20, 2007 when the practitioners went to clarify the truth about Falun Gong at the Jiubao District. The police put the practitioners into the Anshan City No. 1 Detention Center.

Qianshan Police Department Public Security Section: 86-412-2312249
Jiubao Police Station: 86-412-2313434
Surveillance Section office: 86-412-2960418
No.1 Detention Center deputy chief: 86-412-2960502

9. [Jilin Province] Persecution of Practitioners at the Jilin Province Prison

Information received on December 22, 2006: practitioner Mr. Shi Wenzhuo from Jiutai City had been put into the Jilin Prison for torture.

Practitioner Mr. Jin Chengquan from Yanji City was put into Jilin Prison's Strict Administrative Section for persecution. All visits from his family were denied. When his family went to see him in December, he had sustained a lacerated wound on his head and he could not move his neck.

10. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Mr. Wang Shilin Arrested at the Mishan Railway Station on January 20, 2007

11. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Qi Lihua and Seven Others Arrested and Taken to the Shuangyang District's Lingxiasan Detention Center

Personnel from the Qijia Town Police Department arrested eight practitioners. They include Ms. Qi Lihua, Ms. Qi Libo, Ms. Zhang Liying, Mr. Tai Yongku, Mr. Wang Zhentang from Lijia Village, Shuangyang District, Changchun City. Police confiscated all of the Falun Dafa books and a computer. The practitioners are being held at the district's Lingxiasan Detention Center.

12. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Persecution of Nine Practitioners

After practitioners Mr. Zhao Yan, Mr. Liu Duansheng, Mr. Liu Quanxing, Mr. Luan Aijun and Mr. Zhang Shunhong from Liaoyuan City were secretly sentenced on January 26, 2007, they were transferred from the Liaoyuan City Detention Center to the Siping City Shiling Prison. Their families were not notified about the transfer. It was heard that practitioners Ms. Xiang Lijie, Ms. L¨¹ Chunyun, Ms. Liu Xiangzhuo and Ms. Wang Xiangren would be transferred to Changchun City on January 29.

13. [Tianjin] Practitioners Li Enmin and Li Enfang Detained at the Sigezhuang Township Police Station

Several plainclothes officers from Shigezhuang Township arrested practitioner Ms. Li Enmin and her sister Ms. Li Enfang from Tonggouzi Village, Baodi District, Tianjin. It happened at 8:00 p.m. on January 26, 2007 when they were distributing truth clarification materials at a certain village in the township. The policemen broke into their home and ransacked the place in the middle of the night, but they didn't find anything. At the time this message was received on January 27, 2007, the sisters were still being held at the police station.

Shigezhuang Township Police Station: 86-22-22578417
Shigezhuang Township Government: 86-22-22578343, 22578549, 22578548

14. [Wuji County, Hebei Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

Three practitioners from Gaotou Township of Wuji County went to shop at a fair near Beisu Town, and they visited a practitioner's home at around 11:00 a.m. on January 16, 2007. When they had just sat down, officers from the county's Beisu Town Police Station arrived at the practitioner's home. Policemen saw the group of practitioners sitting together. A copy of the book Zhuan Falun was on the table. The persecutors called other policemen who arrived at the practitioner's home in a vehicle. They arrested two of the practitioners. The lady practitioner was sent to the Beisu Town Police Station, and the gentleman practitioner was taken to Wuji County. The other practitioners escaped, but were forced to become homeless. Police confiscated three cell phones, a TV, a camera, 10,000 yuan in cash, two electric bicycles, a luxury motor tricycle and a paper cutter. The lady practitioner was released that same night and had the TV and 10,000 yuan cash returned to her, but the gentleman practitioner is still being held, and his belongings have not been returned.

Zheng Qiang, Beisu Town Police Station chief in Wuji County: 86-13933081960
Wuji County Police Department: 86-13931101061

15. [Jiaonan City, Shandong Province] Cheng Xiantang Arrested, Guo Jianqin Forced to Become Homeless to Avoid Arrest

Practitioner Mr. Cheng Xiantang from Boluolin Village, Yinzhu Township, Jiaonan City was arrested the evening of January 25, 2007 when he left his home. According to Cheng Xiantang's statement, police ransacked practitioner Ms. Guo Jianqin's home. Ms. Guo Jianqin is now homeless.

16. [Shan County, Shandong Province] Practitioner Yuan Mengzhang Arrested

About seven officers from the Gaolaojia Township Police Station, Shan County, climbed over the courtyard fence and broke into practitioner Mr. Yuan Mengzhang's home at Yuanlaojia Village, Gaolaojia Township at 8:00 p.m., on January 17, 2007. They arrested Mr. Yuan and ransacked his home. They also confiscated some Dafa books and truth clarification materials. Mr. Yuan is now being held at the Shan County Detention Center. According to reliable sources, police officers also went to a local primary school and interrogated the pupils about whose parents are practicing Falun Gong.

Gaolaojia Township Police Station: 86-530-4431231, Chief: Tian Ye

17. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Sun Debo Has Been on a Hunger Strike for Over a Month

Someone reporting practitioner Mr. Sun Debo, in his 50s, from Tuwan Village, Heiwang Town, Zichuan District, Zibo City when he was working temporarily in Gaoqing County led to his police arrest. By the time this message was posted on January 21, 1007, Mr. Sun has been on a hunger strike to protest the illegal arrest for 45 days.

(Country code: 86, area code: 533. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers.)
Wu Xinde, Gaoqing County 610 Office head: 6967180 (Office), 6961555 (Home), 13505333928 (Cell)
Zhang Naihong, Gaoqing County 610 Office deputy head: 6967180 (Office), 6965677 (Home), 13583339509 (Cell)
Zhou Baojie, National Security Team chief of Gaoqing County Police Department: 13808943712 (Cell)
Gaoqing County Police Department: 2189929
Liu Zhiqiang, Police Department chief: 2189921

18. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Xu Zhaocui Sentenced to Eighteen Months of Forced Labor

Ms. Xu Zhaocui, in her fifties, is a resident in Beiguan Village, Zicheng Town, Zichuan District, Zibo City. Personnel from the local police station and the village committee arrested her at her home and ransacked the place at 2:30 p.m. on January 4, 2007. Ms. Xu was sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor, to be served at the Shandong Province No. 2 Women's Forced Labor Camp.

(Country code: 86, area code: 533. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers)
Shandong Province No.2 Women's Forced Labor Camp chief's office: 6690988
Deputy chief's office: 6689400, 6690986, 6690987
Reception: 6688491
Beiguan Police Station: 5281851
Beiguan Village Committee: 5183824

19. [Rongcheng County, Shandong Province] Updated Information about the Arrest of Practitioner Yang Zhongxian and His Wife Yu Lianfen

Mr. Yang Zhongxian has returned home with the power of righteous thoughts. Ms. Yu Lianfen is being held at the Rongcheng County Detention Center.

20. [Xiajin County, Shandong Province] Practitioner Zhao Yujing Arrested

Policemen Song Jun and Li Shangwen arrested practitioner Ms. Zhao Yujing from Houzhao Village, Xiajin Town, Xiajin County at her home the morning of January 24, 2007 at breakfast time. They send her into the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

Song Jun: 86-13573432888 (Cell)

21. [Suining City, Sichuan Province] Practitioners Du Qiongying, Zhang Jingxiu and Li Qinxiu Arrested

Personnel from the Laochi Township Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Du Qiongying from the township in Suining City on January 20, 2007. They also ransacked her home and confiscated some Dafa books and materials.

Personnel from the Laochi Commune Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Zhang Jingxiu and Ms. Li Qinxiu from the 3rd Division in the Laochi Commune at their homes on January 22, 2007. They also confiscated some truth clarification materials.

22. [Urumqi City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Incidents of Practitioners Being Persecuted, Including Xiao Wei

Belated News - Personnel from the Tianshan District Police Department in Urumqi City arrested practitioner Mr. Xiao Wei and ransacked his home on May 20, 2006. They hung him up for a whole day and beat him. They also arrested four other practitioners at the same time. Police then brought them to trial, but forbade any practitioners' family members to attend. Some practitioners have been sentenced. Mr. Xiao Wei is still being held at the Liudaowan Detention Center.

23. [Wuchang City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Cheng Shaolong Held at the Hewan Forced Labor Camp

Practitioner Mr. Cheng Shaolong, about 40 years old, and his family went to a park in Wuchang City on October 27, 2006, but personnel from the city's 610 Office arrested them. His wife and their child were released that same day. His mother was forcibly taken to the Yangyuan Brainwashing Center and then released later. Personnel from the 610 Office and national security team sent Cheng Shaolong into the city's detention center. During detention the lawless policemen tried to send Mr. Cheng into the Hewan Forced Labor Camp four times, but their attempts failed because of Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cheng's poor health. The fifth time Kuang Peiyong and other officers from the city's police department 610 Office put him forcibly into that camp!

24. [Foshan City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Mr. Li Jichang from the Nanhai District Arrested on the Evening of January 16, 2007

25. [Huhhot City, Inner Mongolia AR] Persecution of Three Practitioners Including Han Suzhi

Three practitioners from Huhhot City were arrested the end of September 2006 and were held at the Dongsheng City Detention Center in the Inner Mongolia AR. They are Ms. Han Suzhi and a woman practitioner surnamed Bai (in her fifites) and one other practitioner whose name is unknown.

Ms. Han Suzhi firmly resisted the persecution since her incarceration. She refused to recite the prison rules, wear a prison uniform or comply with the brainwashing exercises. Han Suzhi's family has tried everything in their power to see her since the end of 2006, but all efforts have failed.

26. [Dazu County, Sichuan Province] A Falun Dafa Materials Production Center Destroyed and a Practitioner Arrested

Personnel from the Dazu County Committee, from the 610 Office, the Police Department and from the National Security Bureau tracked and arrested a practitioner from a truth-clarifying materials production center in the county. The practitioner tried to transfer some materials but was arrested. Prior to this, another two practitioners were arrested when distributing truth-clarifying materials.

27. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Arrest of Huang Xianchao and Seven Other Practitioners

Policemen arrested practitioner Mr. Huang Xianchao and seven other practitioners from the Nanshan District, Shenzhen City at his home on January 11, 2007. They confiscated a computer, several Dafa books and some truth-clarifying materials. The practitioners are currently held at the Nanshan District No. 2 Detention Center.

28. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Zhang Shuzhen Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Zhang Shuzhen went to her mother's home at Kongbu in the Xinzhou District, Wuhan City. Someone reported her when she was distributing truth-clarifying video disks at the Zhangjiabang Bay. She was arrested on January 24, 2007. The police put her into the Wuhan City Detention Center. Her husband was working in another city since her arrest, and no one has been taking care of her seven-year-old son. Zhang Shuzhen had previously been persecuted when her son was only one year old.

January 28, 2007