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Awakening from Numbness

Feb. 13, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Shanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I delivered a copy of "Minghui Weekly" to a fellow practitioner. After this fellow practitioner read it, he said, "There are again a few fellow practitioners who are persecuted in this week's issue. There were more in last week's." I said, "Have you sent forth righteous thoughts to dissolve the evil that has persecuted fellow practitioners?" He said, "No." I said, "The evil has persecuted so many of our fellow practitioners to death. Do you think that it is enough for you just to 'read the news'?" He became speechless.

Recently, I saw the same kind of numbness when I was sharing with other fellow practitioners. I felt shaken afterward. The wicked Chinese Communist Party has persecuted Falun Dafa, persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners, poisoned the sentient beings and the world's people, and slandered Master and Falun Dafa for seven years. Some of our fellow practitioners haven't yet been awakened. I want to share my understanding with these fellow practitioners.

Let us ask ourselves. When we heard that the prison guards of Masanjia Forced Labor Camp threw eighteen female Falun Dafa practitioners into a cell with male prisoners, did we send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil? Did we send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil after the staged Tiananmen self-immolation happened? Did we send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil after we read that our fellow female practitioners were raped and sexually assaulted? Did we keep sending righteous thoughts after we knew that the wicked Chinese Communist Party harvested organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners? Did we send righteous thoughts to strengthen fellow practitioners' righteous belief and righteous enlightenment in Master and Falun Dafa after we read fellow practitioners' solemn declarations?

I think we should send forth strong righteous thoughts right away to eliminate the persecution and dissolve the evil when we see that it is persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners and destroying Falun Dafa material production sites. We should use our righteous thoughts to strengthen our fellow practitioners when we see that they are persecuted in prisons for a long time. We should use our righteous thoughts to eradicate the persecution that the old forces imposed on our Falun Dafa practitioners.

I understand that it is a manifestation of our "numb" state if we still can't send righteous thoughts promptly, soberly, and seriously. It is our ambivalent attitudes that foster the evil to continue persecuting Falun Dafa and Falun Dafa practitioners, and to poison the sentient beings and the world's people. Isn't being "numb" itself committing crimes and being irresponsible?

I also found a problem when I was sharing with some fellow practitioners. That is, some fellow practitioners often miss the pre-set time for sending forth righteous thoughts and give up sending forth righteous thoughts after they miss it. They wait for the next time to send righteous thoughts, but they miss the time again. I think we should strive to make it up if we miss the pre-set time to send forth righteous thoughts. Meanwhile, we must clear up those evil beings and factors that interfere with our sending forth righteous thoughts so as to guarantee our sending forth righteous thoughts at the pre-set times. We should consider extending the time for sending forth righteous thoughts if the environment and the situation allow us to.

January 19, 2007