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Scenes from Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Together in Close Proximity to Clear Away the Dens of Evil

Feb. 13, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Northeast China

(Clearwisdom.net) One day in late January 2007, more than fifty practitioners in our region sent righteous thoughts together in close proximity of the dens of evil. At around 10:00 a.m., we went to a place near the forced labor camp, assembled into small groups, and then sent forth righteous thoughts together. Before we sent forth righteous thoughts, we asked Master for help.

At the beginning, it was extremely cold, and fellow practitioners were hardly able to tolerate the cold in their aching hands, feet and heads. At the same time, there was a rumor that was causing the practitioners to panic. However, practitioners took the Fa as their guide and followed Master's requirements. They knew that everything is according to Teacher's arrangement and that they could not be interfered with. So we insisted on sending forth righteous thoughts together without any rest. If anyone became tired, he or she would recite the Fa for a while and then continue sending righteous thoughts. We thus continued sending righteous thoughts.

At the time, a little fellow practitioner was with us who cultivates with her celestial eye open. At the beginning she could see Master's Law Body extremely high and grand. He sat on top of the sky and looked down upon us smiling mercifully. Behind Master were lines of heavenly beings who wore magnificent and colorful costumes with all kinds of weapons, and there were heavenly soldiers and generals with suits of armor. They also came to assist with the fight. Some held tridents and used them to destroy the evil. At the same time, there was a giant Falun shining with a silver light, which covered the whole forced labor camp. The giant Falun rotated very quickly and absorbed things from the camp that looked like rice soup and a black, oily liquid. These things were continuously transformed.

We were there sending righteous thoughts for five hours within close proximity. When we first arrived, we felt very cold even though we wore heavy jackets. It was winter in the north of China, but it turned warm like spring and we felt warm while only wearing thin sweaters in the afternoon. The sky was blue and cloudless, and there was no wind.

When evening came, it was time to leave. The little fellow practitioner did not want to leave and had tears in her eyes. She said that the big Falun was always rotating and eliminating the black liquid. So many celestial beings and soldiers were fighting. Master was always smiling at us.

After this time of sending righteous thoughts together, all of the practitioners who joined in were moved and enlightened in a deep way. During the process, some human thoughts of ours were so hit upon that we could not imagine why we ever hesitated. The xinxing of our whole body was improved further. This is the boundless mercy of Master. In this way we are on the path to becoming celestial beings by saving sentient beings and consummating our responsibilities. It is the cultivation process of a whole body.

We should continue to do the three things as required by Master together. We will then grasp every chance and overcome any laziness and complacency. We will also try to cultivate ourselves by looking inside and complete our historic missions. Thus we would not be ashamed of the name of Fa-rectification Period Dafa Disciples and not take Master's benevolent salvation efforts for granted.